What is registration - what is registration for and what is its effect?

x Drivers of small cars and multi-load cars are about to register for the first time and wonder what the effect of registration is?
x Are you still confused about the concept of registration to carry out the necessary procedures to avoid fines due to overdue registration?
x Do you want to understand how the car registration process takes place? Is it a waste of time? How much does it cost?

Vehicle registration is necessary and mandatory for all types of cars participating in traffic. Through this sharing article, Proship.vn wishes to convey relevant knowledge to clarify some questions such as What is Registration? What is the purpose of registration, what effect does it have... Through this, drivers who are planning to carry out registration at a center or facility can refer to and be proactive in completing registration. Check your car if you don't want to pay unnecessary fines.

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What is vehicle registration? What is the effect and purpose of vehicle registration?

Correct understanding of vehicle registration

Currently, the law requires vehicle owners to complete vehicle registration procedures to operate on the road. So, what is registration? According to Clause 1, Article 3 of Circular 16/2021/TT-BGTVT, inspection is the initial and periodic inspection and assessment of the technical safety and environmental protection status of motor vehicles according to standards and regulations. standards and regulations.

Motor vehicles include cars; tractor; trailers or semi-trailers pulled by cars or tractors; two-wheeled motorbikes; three-wheeled motorbikes; motorbikes (including electric motorbikes) and similar vehicles according to Clause 18, Article 3 of the 2008 Road Traffic Law. Therefore, car registration is an initial and final inspection and evaluation activity. Check technical safety and environmental protection according to standards, regulations and regulations for cars.

What is registration - what is registration for and what is its effect?
Registration is necessary and mandatory for vehicle owners. It is the initial inspection and assessment of the level of technical safety and environmental protection periodically according to standards, regulations and regulations for cars.

Effects of vehicle registration

Register for what? Factors that the registration process typically checks include:

  • Vehicle safety : Includes checking the brakes, steering, lighting, suspension, and other components to ensure they are functioning properly;
  • Fuel and lubricant quality : Check the type of fuel and lubricant used in the vehicle, ensuring they meet standards;
  • Ability to treat emissions : Check the vehicle's emission levels and environmental standards to ensure compliance with regulations on emission standards;
  • Other components : Inspect and evaluate other components such as tires, transmission, electrical system, and chassis system.

In short, the most important purpose of registration is to check the level and safety threshold of the vehicle. This is to help reduce risks while traveling on the road for everyone. It is also your responsibility and obligation to yourself as well as to those around you. Car registration is mandatory and necessary. Don't be afraid to waste a little money or time by skipping this vehicle registration, which could cause harm to road users or be fined when the police "blow their whistle".

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Registration costs and fines for unregistered cars

Once you understand the concept of what registration is, what registration is for and what the effects of registration are, drivers also need to know how much the current car registration fee is? And if you do not comply with the timely registration of your car, what are the corresponding penalties? Please join Proship Logistics to learn and update the information below:

Car registration fees


Type of car

Price according to Circular 55/2022/TT-BTC


 Trucks with a permissible transport volume of over 20 tons, tractor-trailer cars with a permissible traffic volume of over 20 tons, and specialized vehicles

570,000 VND


Trucks with a permissible transport weight of over 7 tons to 20 tons, tractor-trailer cars with a permissible towing weight of up to 20 tons and other types of tractors

360,000 VND


Trucks have a allowable transport volume of over 2 tons to 7 tons

330,000 VND


Trucks have a allowable transport volume of up to 2 tons

290,000 VND


Passenger cars with over 40 seats (including driver), buses

360,000 VND


Passenger cars with 25 to 40 seats (including driver)

330,000 VND


Passenger cars from 10 to 24 seats (including driver)

290,000 VND


Passenger cars with less than 10 seats, ambulance cars

250,000 VND

Cost of granting a Car Registration Certificate: According to the Tax Schedule of fees and charges issued together with Circular 199/2016/TT-BTC (amended in Clause 3, Article 1 of Circular 36/2022/TT-BTC ), the cost of issuing a car registration certificate is 40,000 VND; Particularly for cars with less than 10 seats (excluding ambulances) is 90,000 VND.

What is registration - what is registration for and what is its effect?
Depending on the type of vehicle, production time, load level, vehicle volume, etc., there will be different registration cycles and registration fees.

Fines for unregistered cars

According to Article 19 - Penalties for drivers of cars and car-like vehicles who violate regulations on vehicle conditions when participating in traffic. Fine from 2,000,000 million VND to 3,000,000 million VND for one of the following violations:

  • No vehicle registration, trailer or semi-trailer registration as prescribed;
  • Do not attach a license plate (if there is a regulation, a license plate must be attached);
  • Does not have a Certificate or stamp of technical safety and environmental protection inspection (if required to be inspected) or has but has expired (including trailers and semi-trailers).

Cases where cars are refused registration according to regulations:

  • Cars will be refused registration when the vehicle owner has not paid the fine due to traffic violations;
  • Cars with improperly installed front bumpers, rear bumpers, roof racks, or lights will be refused registration;
  • Cars that add seats, change paint colors, or change vehicle structure will not be registered;
  • In case a Van has an additional rear seat, it will not be registered. This behavior (whether used or not) is illegal;
  • Vehicles subject to the installation of trip monitoring devices (black boxes) such as passenger transport business cars; cars for freight transport business; Cars used in the business of transporting goods by container;... but not doing so will also be refused registration. These vehicles must install black boxes in accordance with regulations before bringing them to the registration center.

Procedures and steps for car registration

The latest car registration process and procedures in 2023 are carried out as follows:


  • Staff fully check all necessary documents and compare them accurately with data from the Vietnam Register and the Ministry of Transport.
  • The registration center must monitor file information on the Vietnam Register's electronic information portal to update. Similarly, information about dashcams also needs to be declared on the website.
  • For vehicles exempt from inspection, the registration center does not conduct inspection but only records the vehicle owner's declaration.

Pay registration registration fee

  • Vehicle owners pay fees according to regulations.
  • Staff collect money and track records.

Check the car

  • After moving the vehicle into the inspection area, staff sequentially check the parts, parameters, technical safety standards and environmental protection.
  • Save results into the system,
  • List any damages to notify the vehicle owner.
What is registration - what is registration for and what is its effect?
The registration process for cars at registration stations must be carried out step by step. If the vehicle does not meet standards, it will have to be repaired before being re-registered.

Complete profile

  • Complete the final steps to confirm the inspection process: Issue the inspection certificate and inspection stamp.
  • The registrar and the head of the registration unit approve the vehicle documentation form.

Return results

  • Registration center staff collect fees for issuing certificates and inspection stamps.
  • Collect the vehicle owner's signature to complete the registration and receive the certificate and inspection stamp
  • Return road use receipt.
  • In the case of presenting an appointment letter to issue a vehicle registration appointment letter to replace the original, the Registration Center is responsible for keeping the copy for document management after the vehicle owner submits the original.

In addition, cases exempt from inspection will receive inspection stamps and instructions for affixing them in accordance with the provisions of Clause 4, Article 9 of Circular 16/2021/TT-BGTVT.

* Note: Inspection times and standards may vary by country or region. Vehicle registration is an important process to ensure traffic safety and compliance with environmental regulations.

Proship Logistics quickly answered issues related to car registration, including what registration is , what is the purpose and effect of registration. Based on this, drivers who have just registered their vehicle for the first time can refer to and update the latest car registration costs as well as the process of conducting inspection and assessing the technical safety level of the vehicle. to be proactive in all situations. Please continue to follow related news articles and if you need to use North-South or International multimodal transport services, contact 0909 344 247 for advice and direct quotes.

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