List of prohibited goods

Prohibited goods are items that are banned from production, business, and transportation in Vietnam according to the provisions of Vietnamese law. Below is currently banned items

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List of prohibited import and export goods

List of prohibited export goods

Decree No. 187/2013/ND-CP dated November 20, 2013 of the Government is a legal document that directly outlines the list of exported and imported commercial and non-commercial goods; export and import of goods in border areas; Government and non-Government aid goods. Accordingly, prohibited imported goods in Vietnam include:

1 Weapons, ammunition, explosives (except industrial explosives), military technical equipment.

(The Ministry of National Defense publishes a specific list and records the correct HS codes in the Export and Import Tax Schedule).

2. a) Relics, antiquities, and national treasures are owned by the State, political organizations, and socio-political organizations.

b) Cultural products that are banned or have been decided to suspend dissemination and circulation in Vietnam.

(The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism guides the implementation and publishes a specific list of Points a and b above and records the correct HS code in the Export and Import Tax Schedule).


List of prohibited goods

3. a) Types of publications banned from dissemination and circulation in Vietnam.

b) Postage stamps are banned from trading, exchange, display and propaganda according to the provisions of the Postal Law. The Ministry of Information and Communications guides the implementation and publishes a specific list of Points a and b above and records the correct HS code in the Export and Import Tax Schedule.

4. Round wood, sawn wood of all kinds from domestic natural forests. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development guides implementation, announces the specific list and records the correct HS codes in the Export and Import Tax Schedule.

5. a) Rare wild animals and plants and rare livestock and plant breeds belonging to group IA-IB according to the provisions of Decree No. 32/2006/ND-CP dated March 30, 2006 of the Government on the management of endangered, precious, rare forest plants and animals and rare wild animals and plants in the "red book" that Vietnam has committed to with international organizations.

b) Rare aquatic species.

c) Livestock breeds and plant varieties on the List of rare livestock breeds and rare plant breeds banned from export issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development according to the provisions of the 2004 Ordinance on Livestock Breeds and France Plant Varieties Order 2004.

(The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall announce the specific list from Points a to Point c above and record the correct HS code in the Export and Import Tax Schedule).

6. Cryptographic products used to protect State secret information. (Ministry of National Defense guides implementation).

7. a) Schedule 1 toxic chemicals are specified in the Convention prohibiting the development, production, storage, use and destruction of chemical weapons and Appendix No. 1 issued with Decree No. 100/2005/ Decree-CP dated August 3, 2005 of the Government on the implementation of the Convention prohibiting the development, production, storage, use and destruction of chemical weapons.

b) Chemicals on the List of banned chemicals specified in Appendix III issued with Decree No. 108/2008/ND-CP dated October 7, 2008 of the Government detailing and guiding the implementation of a number of Articles of the Law on Chemicals.

List of prohibited imported goods

1 Weapons, ammunition, explosives (except industrial explosives), military technical equipment. The Ministry of National Defense publishes a specific list and records the correct HS codes in the Export and Import Tax Schedule.

2. Fireworks of all kinds (except marine safety flares according to instructions from the Ministry of Transport), sky lights, and other types of devices that interfere with vehicle speedometers.

(The Ministry of Public Security guides the implementation, announces the specific list and records the correct HS code in the Export and Import Tax Schedule).

3. Used consumer goods, including the following product groups:

a) Textiles, shoes, clothes.
b) Electronic goods.
c) Refrigeration goods.
d) Household electrical goods.
d) Medical equipment.
e) Interior decoration goods.
g) Household goods made of ceramic, porcelain, glass, metal, plastic, rubber, plastic and other materials.
The Ministry of Industry and Trade specifies the goods from Point a to Point g above and records the correct HS code in the Export and Import Tax Schedule. h) Goods are used information technology products. The Ministry of Information and Communications publishes a specific list and records the correct HS codes in the Export and Import Tax Schedule.


a) Types of publications banned from dissemination and circulation in Vietnam.

b) Postage stamps are banned from trading, exchange, display and propaganda according to the provisions of the Postal Law.

c) Radio equipment and radio wave application equipment do not comply with radio frequency plans and relevant technical regulations according to the provisions of the Radio Frequency Law. The Ministry of Information and Communications guides the implementation and publishes the specific list from Points a to Point c above and records the correct HS code in the Export and Import Tax Schedule.

5. Cultural products that are banned from dissemination and circulation or have had a decision to suspend dissemination and circulation in Vietnam.

6. a) Right-hand drive vehicles (including disassembled forms and forms that have had their handlebars converted before being imported into Vietnam), except for specialized right-hand drive vehicles operating in narrow range and not participating in traffic including: cranes; canal digging machine; street sweeping and watering vehicles; Garbage and household waste trucks; road construction vehicles; Passenger vehicles in the airport; forklifts in warehouses and ports; concrete pump trucks; Vehicles only move in golf courses and parks.

b) Types of cars and car assembly components that have had their frame and engine numbers erased, edited, or re-engraved.

List of prohibited goods

c) Types of motorbikes, special-use motorbikes, and mopeds with erased, edited, or re-stamped frame and engine numbers. The Ministry of Transport shall announce the specific list from Points a to Point c above and record the correct HS code in the Export and Import Tax Schedule.
7. Used supplies and means, including:

a) Engines, frames, tubes, tires, spare parts, engines of cars, tractors and motorbikes.

b) Chassis of cars and tractors with engines (including new chassis with used engines and or used chassis with new engines).

c) Cars of all types have had their structures changed to convert functions compared to the original design or had their frame and engine numbers erased, edited, or re-engraved.

d) Ambulance car. The Ministry of Transport shall announce the specific list from Point a to Point d above and record the correct HS code in the Export and Import Tax Schedule.

d) Bicycle.

e) Motorcycles and mopeds. The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall announce the specific list from Point dd to Point e above and record the correct HS code in the Export and Import Tax Schedule.

8. Chemicals in Annex III of the Rotterdam Convention. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Ministry of Industry and Trade, based on the scope of assigned responsibilities, announce a specific list and record the correct HS code in the Export and Import Tax Schedule.

9.Pesticides banned from use in Vietnam. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development publishes a specific list and records the correct HS code in the Export and Import Tax Schedule.

10. Scrap, waste, and refrigeration equipment using CFC The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment publishes a specific list and records the correct HS code in the Export and Import Tax Schedule.

11. Products and materials containing asbestos belong to the amfibole group. The Ministry of Construction publishes a specific list and clearly states the correct HS code in the Export and Import Tax Schedule.

12. a) Schedule 1 toxic chemicals are specified in the Convention prohibiting the development, production, storage, use and destruction of chemical weapons and Appendix No. 1 issued with Decree No. 100/2005/ Decree-CP dated August 3, 2005 of the Government on the implementation of the Convention prohibiting the development, production, storage, use and destruction of chemical weapons.
b) Chemicals on the List of banned chemicals specified in Appendix III issued with Decree No. 108/2008/ND-CP dated October 7, 2008 of the Government detailing and guiding the implementation of a number of Articles of the Law on Chemicals.

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