Find out what consignment means – what is consigned goods and goods?

Consignment is a very popular form of relating to goods, but many people are still confused about this concept. Therefore, within the framework of this article, will update necessary information to clarify the definition of consignment and what consignment goods are for those who want to use the consignment method. Refer to and apply it effectively with any item that needs to be consigned.

>>SEE MORE: Full customs declaration - Container shipping

Shipping contact hotline: 

Ms Tien: 0909 986 247
Ms Dung: 0939 999 247
Ms Duy: 0902 581 247

What is consignment?

Consignment is a familiar form to many people. You can consign items and goods by all modes of transport such as rail, road, and air. In this article, let's find out what consignment means?

Consignment is also a quite popular service in the transportation industry in many countries. Accordingly, consigning goods is when you bring one or more of your items (or goods) to SEND them to a transport unit and SIGN for confirmation. Shippers can move at the same time as the order or not.

  • In the case of checked goods and belongings carried by customers on the same trip (train, bus, flight) it is called CHECKED BAGGAGE.
  • In the case where the sender's goods are transported by the transport unit but the sender is not on that train, it is called CONSIGNMENT.
Find out what consignment means - what are consigned items and goods?
Consignment is understood as bringing one or more items (or goods) to a certain transport unit and signing for confirmation.

This form of consignment of goods is increasingly popular. It has advantages that not all forms have, but there are also some disadvantages such as:

Advantages of consigning goods:

  • The consignor of goods (also known as the shipper) can quickly ship or sell an item with the help of the consignor. Delivery time for consigned goods is in accordance with the given commitment.
  • The consignor (service company) does not need to invest capital or only has to spend a little capital when choosing this form.

Disadvantages of consigning goods:

  • Managing goods is quite complicated because you have to track the stages of receiving, returning and paying.
  • If the goods are damaged or have problems, handling is quite difficult.

Shipping contact hotline: 

Ms Tien: 0909 986 247
Ms Dung: 0939 999 247
Ms Duy: 0902 581 247

What are consigned items and goods?

What are consigned goods? Consigned goods and goods are objects with use value (or economic value) that are given by the customer to the Transport Unit to deliver to a certain location. Customers are responsible for handing over items and goods and paying shipping fees to the transportation company. Below are the items that the carrier often REFUSES to accept as consignment:


  • Consigned goods do not include fragile goods such as mirrors, business cards, etc.;
  • Consigned goods do not include gold coins, dollars or items of equal value...;
  • Goods are electronic devices, chargers or technology items with batteries such as computers, cameras...;
  • Items such as food, milk and perishable foods;
  • Valuable documents such as bank cards, stocks, business documents, information, etc.;
  • Medicines and pharmaceutical products are also not allowed to be checked in, but should be carried by carry-on service;
Find out what consignment means - what are consigned items and goods?
There are some groups of items and goods that SHOULD NOT be consigned via road, rail, or air because there may be many unexpected problems during transportation.
  • Cosmetic goods such as nail polish, perfume, fragile goods;
  • Passports are also not allowed to be consigned because if lost, the Company receiving the consigned goods will not assign a value to compensate the customer;
  • Car keys, house keys... there are also many cases where customers need consignment carriers;
  • ...And there are many goods on the list of restricted or strictly consigned goods, depending on the consignment service company you choose in each geographical location that tells you to come so that both parties can agree on the consigned goods. Fit.

>>See more: What is checked baggage?

Regulations you need to know for consigned goods

Besides understanding what the concept of consignment means, it is also really necessary to learn about the regulations for consigned goods. Because this is a general regulation issued by the Universal Postal Union. Specifically:

  • Powders and liquids must be packaged carefully, ensuring there is no deformation and no impact on other items;
  • If you choose an air vehicle to consign goods, it needs to meet the security requirements and standards required by the aviation industry;
  • Products need to be carefully inspected to ensure compliance with regulations set forth by agencies before import and export;
  • Consigned goods must have all tax documents and valid papers as prescribed by law;
  • Prepare enough Invoice documents, goods inspection papers, goods export license, import license to the country where you intend to send goods, etc. before consigning to other countries around the world.

With the information Proship Logistics has shared, we hope readers know what consignment means , what consigned goods are, and the regulations you need to know for consigned goods. Accordingly, if any individual needs to use this method of consigning goods, they should refer to it to properly understand this term and make the appropriate choice. Contact us now at 0909 344 247 to get answers to your questions and direct advice on cheap, comprehensive inter-provincial shipping services.

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