x Many businesses, goods owners, carriers, ... need to learn the terms of IMDG abbreviations?
x You are interested and want to know what kind of goods and goods IMDG?
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Let Proship.vn find out what IMDG is? IMDG includes what kind of goods, how to regulate packaging and storage, ...? At the same time, Proship Logistics also pointed out the importance of the IMDG Code with sailors in transporting goods at sea.
What is the IMDG, which stands for?
What is IMDG? IMDG (short for the International Maritime Dangerous Goods) is an international set of dangerous freight by sea. This code was officially adopted in 1965, based on the Solas 1960 Convention issued by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

IMDG plays an important role in establishing global standards to control, classify, pack and ensure safety when transporting dangerous goods on sea routes.
How important is the IMDG law with the sailors?
According to IMDG code, some important points that a sailor must understand:
- Classification of dangerous goods and determine the shipping name of dangerous goods;
- Understand different types of brands, brands or signs used to handle many different dangerous goods;
- Understand shipping materials used for dangerous goods;
- Know how to pack specific IMDG goods;
- Know how to practice safely to load / unload goods with IMDG products
- Know the best procedures to store and prevent fire related to dangerous goods carrying on board;
- Understand the importance of the declaration of dangerous goods accurately for ports and road transport purposes;
- Prepare dangerous loading and unloading plans to consider ship stability, safety and urgent preparation in an unfortunate incident;
- The inspection conducts the survey, if necessary, to comply with the current regulations and regulations.
What is the IMDG dangerous commodity group?
What are the types of goods, IMDG products? Including 9 types:
Type 1: Explosive subvancles or articles)
The explosive in IMDG is divided into:
- Group 1.1: Including substances and items at risk of explosion of potential blocks, which are extremely dangerous materials.
- Group 1.2: substances and items that create dangerous but have no risk of mass explosion (mass exposion hazard).
- Group 1.3: substances and items that are likely to fire or explode slightly, without causing large blocks of blocks.
- Group 1.4: substances and items do not show serious danger levels.
- Group 1.5: Including very little sensitive substances but it is still easy to create dangerous explosion.
- Group 1.6: contains less sensitive items and does not create a block of blocks.
Type 2: Gases (Gases)
The gas has the characteristics:
- At 50 ° C temperature with evaporation pressure greater than 300kpa;
- Completely in the gas form at 20 ° C, the standard pressure is 101.3KPA.
These types of gas are classified into:
- Flammable gases (Flammable Gases);
- The gas is not flammable, non-toxic (Non-Fammable, Non-Toxic Gases);
- Toxic gases (toxic gases).
Type 3: Flammable liquid (Flammable Liquids)
A flammable liquid, divided into:
- The liquids have been eliminated explosive properties:
Are explosive compounds but have dissolved or mixed with water or other liquids, forming a homogeneous liquid mixture to eliminate the original explosive properties.
- Flammable liquids:
A group of liquids transported at temperatures equal to or higher than their caught point. These can also be compounds transported in a liquid form at high temperatures and produce flammable gases at equivalent temperatures or lower than the largest transport temperature.
Type 4: dangerous solid
The dangerous solid is divided into:
- Group 4.1: Flammable solids (Flammable solids);
- Group 4.2: Flammable and self -flammable solids (Substances Liable to Spontaneous Combustion);
- Group 4.3: Solids when exposed to water can produce flammable gas (subvances which, in contact with water, Emit Flammable Gases).

Type 5: Organic oxide and peroxide (oxidizing subvances and organic peroxides)
As organic oxides and peroxide are classified into:
- Group 5.1: Flammable oxides;
- Group 5.2: Flammable organic peroxide.
Type 6: Toxic substances or infection (Toxic substances or infectious)
The 6th type in IMDG is divided into:
- Infected substances:
These are substances that they themselves contain pathogens, potentially infection with cattle or humans.
- Toxins:
Are substances that are likely to cause serious death, serious injury or seriously affect health if contacted or inhaled them.
Type 7: Radioactive Materials (Radioactive Materials)
As the radioactive substances are defined as any material that contains or naturally contains radioactive substances that exceed the level prescribed according to the standards in IMDG Code, from Section to
Type 8: Corrosive substances (Corrosive Substances)
Are corrosive substances that can cause damage and destroy other materials, goods or means of transportation through chemical reactions if there is leak or contact.
Type 9: Miscellaneous substances and article)
The substances and items of dangerous properties do not belong to 8 types of dangerous goods that have been classified earlier but still carry dangerous properties as prescribed in Part A, Chapter VII of Solas-74.
Regulations on storage and packaging for dangerous goods IMDG
What is the preservation and packaging of goods with dangerous IMDG goods? To ensure safety for people and vehicles when transporting dangerous goods, the storage and packaging are prescribed:
According to IMDG code
According to IMDG code regulations:
- Goods need carefully packed, use quality packaging, no compounds in the packaging destroyed and withstand the common dangers caused by transportation.
- If using cushioning materials for liquids should limit the risks from liquids. When closing the liquid in the tank, leave a part of the volume to avoid the risk of explosion.

According to Article 27 of Decree 60/2016/ND-CP
According to Article 27 of Decree 60/2016/ND-CP:
- Packaging prevents corrosion, no chemical reactions with containers containing inside and not rusty. At the same time, waterproofing, ensuring no leakage during transportation or incidents;
- If individuals or organizations package goods themselves, they need to conduct experiments and check the packaging before use, ensuring no leakage or falling toxic substances during transportation;
- After use, the types of packaging should be preserved separately according to the State regulations;
- The packaging is suitable for the type of goods contained and immune to chemicals or the impact of dangerous goods.
What is IMDG , including what kind of goods, classified into which groups, how to regulate the dangerous packaging specifications, etc. are useful sharing knowledge in the transport industry, air route, ... Contact 0909 344 247 to answer any questions about dangerous shipping and support the best multimagnetic transportation services.