Necessary documents when transporting goods

Necessary documents when carrying out the transport process

Travel documents are for vehicles carrying out the business of transporting goods . Travel documents are issued for each shipment, for each vehicle, and serve as documents during transportation.

Vehicle registration

To participate in the transportation business, a vehicle must have all of the following documents:

  • Car registrations.
  • Insurance certificates of all types.
  • Technical safety and environmental protection inspection certificate (referred to as inspection certificate), affixed with inspection stamp.
  • Insurance certificates of all types.
  • Vehicle log book (if it is a passenger car on a fixed route).
  • Contract vehicle badge (if it is a contract passenger car).
  • Certificate of circulation for oversized and overloaded vehicles (if any).

Documents of local owner

  • Vehicle owners must have:
  • Certificate of transportation business registration according to specific industry.

Documents of the vehicle driver

  • Driver's license appropriate to the vehicle being driven..
  • Taxi driver training certificate or dangerous goods transport training certificate when performing corresponding tasks.
  • Periodic health certificate for taxi drivers.

Other types of documents

a) Contract of carriage:

Transactions between the transport charterer and the transport receiver belong to the category of economic transactions. A transport contract is a commitment to implement written agreements between two parties. A transport contract is a legal document to resolve when a dispute occurs. Therefore, the representative for each party named in the transport contract must be the person with the highest authority. Cung can be the highest authority of one party authorizing another person (by power of attorney) to sign a transportation contract on his behalf.

The content of a goods transport contract and a passenger transport contract have the following things in common:

  • Quantity of goods
  • Time and location of delivery
  • Delivery time and location
  • Fees, payment methods, payment time.
  • Other agreements on obligations, responsibilities, and powers of each party.

Because the object of transport is different, there are things that need to be more detailed for passenger or freight transport, specifically:

  • For passenger transport: It is necessary to write down the type of vehicle, vehicle amenities, number of luggage, and type of luggage brought to arrange the vehicle accordingly.
  • According to current regulations, when transporting passengers under a contract (in the form of a package subscription), the carrier must have a passenger transport contract to bring along (contract form in the attached appendix).
  • For freight transport, it is necessary to clearly state:

+ Specification and properties of goods.

+ Ways of loading and unloading, lashing and stuffing.


+ Method of delivery and receipt of goods.

+ How to protect yourself along the road when there is an incident.

+ Other conditions regarding: Customs, market management, quarantine

c) Travel document:

Travel documents are for vehicles carrying out the business of transporting goods. Travel documents are issued for each shipment, for each vehicle, as a document during transportation.

Transport units use travel documents to assign tasks to drivers, account for economic and technical expenses, and monitor incidents that occur on the road.

A travel document is a document for the driver to transact with the goods owner, deliver and receive goods on his vehicle in accordance with the shipping document.

Method and responsibility for recording travel documents:

  • In the part written by the person making the travel document, the transport unit needs to clearly state the name according to the establishment decision, clearly state the head office address, phone number, travel document and validity period of the travel document.
  • Clearly state the driver's full name, driver's license number, vehicle and trailer registration number, and tonnage of the vehicle and trailer. Then, clearly state the date and month, issue the travel permit, and must have the signature of the unit head.

Section for recording control agency. Control and inspection staff, and police use this section to make necessary records related to the circulation of vehicles and drivers on the road. All entries in the travel document must have the date, month, signature and rank of the signer.

  • The section for the driver reads: The explanation section is necessary for the driver to record the reasons for incidents on the road related to the transport process, such as not being able to find the owner of the goods or returning a broken vehicle.
  • The driver records the odometer readings when leaving the unit and when returning to the unit, the delivery invoice number, the warehouse release note, and the shipping receipt attached to the shipping invoice.
  • The place of consignment must clearly state the delivery, receipt and return locations, the name of the goods being transported, and the gross shipping volume recorded in weight units and actual tons of the goods carried on the vehicle.

d) Fee receipt:

Freight receipts are original documents reflecting transport business results, so use freight receipts to:

  • Calculate the value of transportation work and services, into money
  • Prepare receipts and payments for freight and services.
  • Plan the results of the goods transportation process.
  • Check completed goods and service delivery

The goods owner uses the freight receipt as a document to pay the transport unit and confirm that the transport and service work has been completed.

In case of carrying individual goods, the goods owner hires each shipment, the receipt is made at the same time as the transport contract, serving as a document for the goods owner to pay the freight before shipping.

The freight receipt is prepared by the transport unit. The person who prepares the freight receipt is responsible for recording the full, correct and accurate content of the entries, and is responsible for his or her own records.

e) Consignment note:

The transport unit uses the consignment note as a basis to prove that the transport work has been completed and to pay and collect transport charges. Delivery papers and legal documents about goods carried on the vehicle, delivery papers instead of invoices and delivery notes.

In case the shipment is used as a basis to prove that the transportation work has been completed, payment and collection of shipping fees will be required . A consignment note is a legal document about the goods carried on the vehicle, a consignment note instead of an invoice or delivery note.

In case the shipment or shipment is accompanied by an escort or goods owner and the freight has been paid to the driver, it is not necessary to prepare a waybill for that shipment or shipment. The escort or accompanying goods owner is responsible for his/her shipment or shipment.

The consignment note is divided into 4 identical copies, the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd copies are given to the driver carrying the goods, and the 4th copy is kept at the shipping place.

The driver delivers the first copy to the goods owner, the remaining 2 copies are submitted by the driver to the transport unit along with the travel documents for that shipment.

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