What is Proforma Invoice? When is Proforma Invoice released?

x International goods import-export businesses need to learn about some invoices and documents, including Proforma Invoice?
x Do you want to know when Proforma Invoice is released?
What is the intended use? What does the content include? x Do you need to use Import-Export Services with the most optimal, economical, safe and effective transportation solution?

Proship.vn will answer questions about what a proforma invoice is, the purpose of using a proforma invoice as well as the basic differences between Proforma Invoice and Commercial Invoice, etc. From here, businesses do not have much experience in preparing documents. Commercial invoices and words can be referenced and information saved and applied when needed to promote the customs clearance and trade process. And when you need to use Vietnam - International freight transport services, you can refer to the service at Proship Logistics.

Shipping contact hotline: 

Ms Tien: 0909 986 247
Ms Dung: 0939 999 247
Ms Duy: 0902 581 247

What does Proforma Invoice mean? What does the content include?

What is proforma invoice?

Proforma Invoice abbreviated as PI, translated into Vietnamese as Proforma Invoice. In essence, you can understand this as the initial draft of the official Commercial Invoice of the shipment. Looking at the proforma invoice, people will understand the basic information of the goods, such as quantity, model, total amount, unit price of each product, etc. Because it is a draft, even though the Proforma has The form is similar to an invoice but it is not used for payment or asking for money. The exporter (seller) often uses PI to express a commitment to the importer (buyer) about information related to the shipment, including price.

After the buyer receives the proforma invoice, the two parties will continue to discuss and come to an agreement on the terms of the agreement. Therefore, pro forma invoices can be reviewed and amended many times to satisfy the conditions between the parties. The form of a proforma invoice is quite similar to a commercial invoice, so a proforma invoice also often has content belonging to the following groups:

  • Content group 1: Invoice number and invoice issuance date;
  • Content group 2: Information about sellers and buyers such as name, address, phone, import and export country name;
  • Content group 3: Transportation information includes departure and arrival locations, shipping ports, means of transportation and transportation methods;
  • Content group 4: Detailed information about goods (model details, serial number), quantity, weight of goods, total value of goods and payment method;
  • Content group 5: Other parts include additional notes, signatures and stamps, and separate negotiation terms between the two parties.
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What is Proforma Invoice? When is Proforma Invoice released?
Proforma Invoice is understood as a Proforma Invoice often used in import-export and international trade activities. Based on this, you can grasp goods information.

Content of Proforma Invoice

On the proforma invoice, the basic contents are as follows:

  • Detailed information about the exporter and importer;
  • PI number and date;
  • Propose the payment terms that the seller desires. For example, how much to deposit and how much to pay the remaining amount when there are enough purchase documents, etc. Besides, you need to have enough bank account information for the payment process to take place quickly;
  • Basic information related to the shipment such as unit price, total price, quantity, type, design, packaging method,...;
  • Port of Loading: Name of loading port;
  • Port of Destination: Name of expected port of arrival;
  • ETA: This is the expected date of delivery.

When is Proforma Invoice released? What is the intended use?

When is Proforma Invoice released?

During the purchase and sale process, the seller will not be required to issue a proforma invoice. Therefore, there is no specific rule stating when this invoice will be issued. However, in order for the transaction to be clearer about the terms and reach an agreement as soon as possible, the buyer and seller will make a PI in advance for reference.

And from this PI, both sides will have solutions to handle, edit and create more favorable conditions. Thus, Proforma Invoice will be issued in the following cases and times:

  • At the time the goods have not been delivered, the exporter needs to give the importer complete but incomplete documents with information about the shipment;
  • When the importer needs to confirm the value of the shipment to complete import customs clearance procedures for the goods. Shipment value has become a mandatory condition in some countries around the world;
  • Proforma can be issued when all required information has not been completed. Commercial Invoice cannot be issued. Both buyers and sellers have complete information about the shipment. If the buyer (importer) feels satisfied with the terms and the goods have been packed into a container or shipped, the seller can issue a commercial invoice for that shipment.

Intended use of Proforma Invoice

Like other types of invoices, Proforma Invoices are issued for the following certain uses:


  • Prepare documents to record foreign currency license (if any), apply for export license;
  • Prepare documents to declare goods imported into a country for exhibitions and fairs;
  • Prepare documents to accompany goods sold by agent method or sent for sale abroad;
  • Instead of an offer.
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Shipping contact hotline: 

Ms Tien: 0909 986 247
Ms Dung: 0939 999 247
Ms Duy: 0902 581 247

Compare and differentiate between Proforma Invoice and Commercial Invoice (Commercial Invoice)

What is a Proforma invoice has been answered by Proship above. Next, businesses need to distinguish the difference between Proforma Invoice and Commercial Invoice. Both of these invoices are documents used in commercial activities, especially import and export activities, with basic similarities and differences as follows:

No Content Proforma Invoice Commercial Invoice
1 Release date In the process of negotiating the contract comes before the goods are sent The goods have been finished being packed into the container or after the goods have been sent
2 Content in invoice Many contents are similar to commercial invoices Full information of commercial invoice
3 Change invoice information Can be changed multiple times Constant
4 Uses Used to exchange and negotiate contracts It is an official document, confirming a purchase and sale transaction.
5 Accounting Not used for accounting purposes Used for accounting on both the seller and buyer sides. It is the basis for customs declaration and import-export tax calculation.
6 Legal nature Just the initial commitment of the seller to the buyer, which may or may not be involved in commercial, import and export activities. Has high legal nature, is a must-have document in commercial activities, import and export, and is a type of document used when there is a legal dispute.
What is Proforma Invoice? When is Proforma Invoice released?
Between a Proforma Invoice and a Commercial Invoice, there will be similarities/differences in content, use, issuance time, invoice information, etc.

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Which transport unit accepts the import and export of dry/refrigerated goods with a professional, fast, safe process and the cheapest price?

Proship Joint Stock Company is one of the units specializing in providing transportation solutions, importing and exporting goods in full containers and whole shipments by rail, road, and sea quickly and safely. In particular, INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING service specializes in container route "Vietnam - China - Mongolia - Kazakhstan - Russia - Europe" railway with competitively cheap freight rates, professional operating and business processes, Accurate delivery time of dry/cold goods, goods (consumption/production - business) are always guaranteed the best safety.

Items currently accepted for export include Full Container Goods (FCL), LCL Goods (LCL), E-commerce Goods (E-commerce), Food and fruit goods by RF container,... Goods will be arranged in closed carriages, dry, refrigerated containers (40 HC, 45 HC-RF) are convenient for storage, loading, unloading and transportation. In order to improve the efficiency of transporting intermodal goods by rail containers, the unit is currently applying transportation solutions to reduce Logistics costs by 25-30% in the Enterprise's cold supply chain. Besides transportation, we also support businesses with other Logistics Services such as: Entrusted import and export services, Warehousing services,... at affordable costs.

What is Proforma Invoice? When is Proforma Invoice released?
Proship invests in dry containers, 40-foot refrigerated containers, and 45-foot self-propelled rail containers to ensure successful shipments to Europe.

Proship Logistics's International Intermodal rail freight train routes

Proship is deploying major international routes with flexible times and schedules

  • Route from Vietnam - China: Departs daily. Time: 3 days (excluding check-in time at border stations);
  • Route from Vietnam - Central Asia: Departs every Sunday. Time: 18 days (excluding check-in time at border stations);
  • Route from Vietnam - Russia: Departs every Wednesday and Sunday. Time: 23 days (excluding check-in time at border stations);
  • Route from Vietnam - EU: Departs every Wednesday and Sunday. Time: 28-30 days (not including check-in time at border stations).
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Schedule of shipments from Kep Station - Bac Giang (International Transportation Center)

  • Transporting international freight on the route Kep - Dong Dang - Bang Tuong - Nam Ninh and vice versa: 2 shipments/day;
  • Transporting domestic goods on the route Kep - Yen Vien - Da Nang - Song Than and vice versa: 1 shipment/day.

International freight forwarding methods

Proship flexibly applies the following shipping and delivery methods:

  • Transporting Railway Containers from Station to Station;
  • Transporting goods by Container from Station to Warehouse;
  • Transportation of dry/refrigerated containers from Warehouse to Warehouse;
  • Other accompanying services if requested by the customer.

Benefits customers receive from Asia-Europe Railway Container Transport Service

If businesses choose and use Proship Logistics' rail container transportation service, they will receive:

  • Railway freight rates are cheap, stable and less volatile;
  • Large, diverse and flexible cargo transport capacity;
  • Goods information as well as customer information are absolutely confidential;
  • Modern and specialized railway infrastructure;
  • Convenient customs procedures, declare once from starting point to ending point;
  • Fast and safe international intermodal transport time, fixed train schedule;
  • Track online cargo schedules along the entire shipping route;
  • Ability to connect to destinations located deep inland far from the seaport system;
  • Compensation policy for satisfactory goods value (if the error is due to shipping).

Proship provides customs, warehousing, and cargo handling services

Customs Services

  • Customs clearance agent for import and export goods;
  • Customs clearance agent for goods in transit with a change in mode of transport.

Warehousing, loading and unloading services

  • Warehouse rental;
  • Preserving and storing goods;
  • Delivery and loading and unloading of goods 24/24 by specialized vehicles.

With the content Proship Logistics shared above, Individuals/Businesses already know what a proforma invoice is , when it is issued, how important its role is, and the purpose of using a proforma invoice. What are the rules... Besides, if your business needs to trade goods with the markets of Central Asian and European countries but has not found a reputable - professional - safe carrier, please refer to our service. Our service is to choose the optimal, economical and effective transportation solution. For details, please contact 0909 344 247 to receive advice and the best service quote.

Shipping contact hotline: 

Ms Tien: 0909 986 247
Ms Dung: 0939 999 247
Ms Duy: 0902 581 247

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