Where and how to register electric bicycles - electric machines?

x You just bought an electric bicycle or electric motorbike and are interested in whether you need to register the vehicle?
x Do you want to learn about the latest procedures for registering electric bicycles and electric machines?
Is it complicated? x You need to know how much the penalty is in case of not registering an electric bicycle or electric motorbike?

One of the issues that electric motorbike users are currently concerned about is how to register their vehicle. According to regulations, electric motorbikes must be registered with a license plate to be allowed to circulate on the road. At Proship.vn, we will update details about the registration procedures for electric bicycles and electric motorbikes so that interested individuals can refer in advance to know where to register electric bicycles and electric motorbikes as well as how to register. Register your vehicle properly.

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Which types of electric vehicles require vehicle registration procedures?

Currently, it is necessary to distinguish which vehicles require paperwork and which vehicles do not need to have paperwork. The question is, among the types of electric vehicles, which type of electric vehicle must undergo vehicle registration procedures? Because electric cars are currently considered a popular type of vehicle in Vietnam. Among them, we can mention electric bicycles and electric motorbikes. These are two types of vehicles with different structures, both require vehicle paperwork and are also on the List of motor vehicles prescribed by the Government and the Ministry of Public Security.

Where and how to register electric bicycles - electric machines?
Electric bicycles and electric motorbikes have different structures and are in the List of motor vehicles, so they must have vehicle documents in accordance with regulations.

When participating in traffic, these two types of vehicles must be registered and have license plates. Specifically:

  • Electric bicycle: A type of vehicle with pedals and a lower maximum speed than an electric motorbike, which is 25km/h. Electric bicycles have low motor power, specifically no more than 250w, in addition, the weight of the electric bicycle is not large, usually less than 40kg. Electric bicycles are designed with pedals on both sides and are operated using a foot pedal mechanism and power from the electric bicycle's engine.
  • Electric motorbikes: are models that also run on electricity but have a different design than electric bicycles, do not have pedals and are powered by a motor, have a two-wheeled design with a maximum speed greater than electric bicycles but not more than 50km/h. In addition, the electric motorbike engine capacity does not exceed 4kw. Electric motorbikes will have the engine directly attached to the rear wheel or placed in the middle of the vehicle's body. Manufacturers often use belts to operate this type of vehicle.

The most detailed procedures for registering electric bicycles and electric motorbikes

Today, electric bicycles and electric motorbikes are widely used vehicles in society, especially among students and women. Below are current legal regulations on procedures for registering electric bicycles and electric motorbikes:

According to the provisions of Clause 3, Article 53 of the 2008 Road Traffic Law, motor vehicles must be registered and have license plates issued by competent state agencies. And also according to the provisions of Clause 18, Article 3 of the 2008 Road Traffic Law: "Road motor vehicles include cars; tractor; trailers or semi-trailers pulled by cars or tractors; two-wheeled motorbikes; three-wheeled motorbikes; motorbikes (including electric motorbikes) and similar vehicles" .

Thus, according to this regulation, electric motorbikes are motor vehicles, so electric motorbikes need to be registered and have a license plate, while electric bicycles are not motor vehicles so they do not need to be registered. Registration of motorbikes and electric bicycles is carried out in simple and quick steps with a 1-stop mechanism.


Where to register electric bicycles - electric machines

Where to register electric bicycles - electric machines? When buying an electric motorbike, the owner needs to carry out vehicle registration procedures. The vehicle registration agency is:

  • Police of districts, towns, and provincial cities (for vehicles of domestic individuals and organizations headquartered or residing in the locality).
  • Traffic Police Department of Provincial and Central City Police (for vehicles of foreign organizations and individuals).

Necessary documents to register an electric motorbike license plate

Before going to the State Agencies to register, you need to prepare the following necessary documents:

  • Household registration book (photocopy) in case of an individual, or letter of introduction from an agency or organization in case the vehicle owner belongs to that agency or organization. Need to bring main household registration for comparison;
  • Identity card (original), or citizen identification card for comparison;
  • Vehicle registration certificate;
  • Factory quality inspection certificate and vehicle quality certificate that meets road traffic standards;
  • Vehicle value added invoice;
  • Registration fee.

Steps to register electric bicycles - electric machines

Below are the steps in the registration process for electric bicycles and electric machines that you need to understand:

Step 1: Pay registration tax

  • Bring the VAT invoice when buying an electric motorbike, ID card/CCCD to the Tax Department of the district where you registered your household registration book to apply for the Registration Tax Declaration;
  • After receiving the declaration, fill in all the necessary information accurately and wait for approval from the Tax Department;
  • Once the declaration has been approved, you pay the registration tax at the treasury or bank;
  • You will receive a tax payment receipt after completing your payment.

Step 2: Fill in all information in the license plate registration form

  • After paying the registration tax, you go to the Police Department in the local district where SHK is registered to apply for an electric motorbike license plate registration declaration.
  • Be sure to fill in all personal and vehicle information, including engine number and frame number, in the declaration.

Step 3: Prepare documents and license plate registration fees

After filling out the declaration information, prepare the necessary documents to complete the electric motorbike registration procedure, including:

  • Notarized copy of household registration or introduction letter from agency or organization;
  • ID card/CCCD or valid student card;
  • VAT value-added invoice of electric motorbikes;
  • Registration fee declaration issued by the tax authority where you live;
  • Factory quality inspection certificate;
  • Certificate of electric motorbike compliance with circulation standards.

Step 4: Pay the license plate registration fee according to current regulations

After completing important documents, prepare money to pay the license plate registration fee. According to Vietnamese regulations, the fee for registration and license plate issuance is 550,000 VND.

Where and how to register electric bicycles - electric machines?
When individuals register an electric bicycle or electric motorbike, it needs to be done step by step according to the correct procedure.

Electric motorbike registration costs

The fees you need to pay to register an electric motorbike are:

  • Registration fee = Property value on invoice x Fee collection rate (*);
  • Cost of new vehicle registration and sea registration: from 500,000 VND to 4,000,000 VND (**).


(*): Fee collection %: for vehicles with asset value (according to VAT invoice) less than 10,000,000 VND, the registration fee is 400,000 VND.

For vehicles worth over 10,000,000 VND, the fee rate is 5% in Hanoi and big cities or 2% in other areas.

(**): Cost to go to sea:

  • Vehicles worth less than 15 million: fee 500,000 VND;
  • For vehicles worth from 15 million - under 40 million: fee 2,000,000 VND;
  • Vehicles worth over 40 million: fee 4,000,000 VND.

Time to receive the Vehicle Registration Certificate card is within 2 - 7 days (depending on the delivery time of the post office).

Time for issuance of electric motorbike registration certificate

From the date the Agency receives the complete electric motorbike registration dossier, the time to process the certificate is 2 days. The owner will be issued an electric motorbike license plate immediately after submitting a valid registration application. Other cases include:

  • If you apply for certification and re-registration of an electric motorbike due to loss, it will take no more than 30 days for you to receive all valid documents;
  • If you apply to re-issue or change your license plate, it must take no more than 7 days from the date of receipt of valid documents;
  • If temporarily registered, the owner will have the vehicle registration and electric motorbike license plate processed the same day.

Vehicle registration is a mandatory certificate required when traveling on the road. If you do not carry it when driving a vehicle, you may be fined according to the provisions of the Traffic Law, even if it is an electric motorbike. Therefore, completing the registration procedure for electric motorbikes is what vehicle owners need to do before using the vehicle.

Penalties for electric bicycles and electric motorbikes without registration and license plate

Pursuant to the provisions of Circular 24/2023/TT-BCA of the Ministry of Public Security regulating the issuance and revocation of motor vehicle registration and license plates, the competent state agency has clearly noted that: Police Department Traffic Police, Road and Railway Traffic Police Department of provinces and centrally run cities must have the obligation and responsibility to register and issue license plates for the following types of vehicles: Motorcycles, mopeds , electric motorbikes, vehicles with similar structures to motorbikes, motorbikes, electric motorbikes of foreign agencies, organizations and individuals, of projects and joint venture economic organizations with foreign countries in the locality. localities, organizations and individuals headquartered or residing in the district, town or city of the province where the Traffic Police Department is headquartered.

Thus, unregistered electric vehicles will be considered a violation of the law, that is, electric motorbikes need to be registered and issued license plates, so in case your electric motorbike is not registered and license plates will be punished according to the law. Specifically, according to the provisions of Decree No. 123/2021/ND-CP of the Government amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decrees regulating penalties for administrative violations in the maritime field; road and rail traffic; civil aviation, the penalty for operating an electric motorbike without registration and license plate is recorded as follows:

Where and how to register electric bicycles - electric machines?
Depending on each violation, there will be corresponding penalties for electric bicycles and electric machines without license plates.

Fine from 300,000 VND to 400,000 VND for one of the following acts: Driving a vehicle without a vehicle registration certificate as prescribed and driving a vehicle without a license plate (applicable to vehicles that are required to have a license plate attached). ) or attach a license plate that does not match the registration number plate listed in the vehicle registration certificate, or a license plate not issued by a competent authority. According to current law, for driving an electric motorbike without registration and license plate, the fine will be from 600,000 VND to 800,000 VND.

Proship Logistics has provided detailed information on the latest electric bicycle and electric machine registration procedures for individuals who are planning to own an electric vehicle to refer to to know what new conditions they need to meet. allowed to circulate on the road. Through this, readers also have the answer about where to register electric bicycles and electric machines to complete all necessary documents, records and procedures. Please continue to follow the next shared news stories and contact 0909 344 247 for direct advice on the best types of low-cost multi-modal transport services.

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