Find out in detail what the new home procedure includes?

x Is your family preparing to move furniture from the old place to the new place quickly and safely?
x Do you want to know what procedures you need to prepare to bring prosperity and wealth into your home?
x Are you looking for an inter-provincial house cleaning and moving company with solutions to properly arrange furniture and appliances at your new place?

With many years of experience in inter-provincial transportation of furniture and housing items, Proship helps you answer questions about procedures for moving into a new home and procedures for offering offerings to a new home. At the same time, we also offer quick, professional house cleaning solutions, helping you feel more secure when entrusting your valuable assets and belongings to us.

Learn in detail the procedures for moving to a new home

To avoid mistakes and wasting time during the day entering a new home, everyone needs to clearly understand what is needed to fully plan for the housewarming ceremony. Use a small piece of paper to note down the tasks and procedures you plan to do for the new home during the housewarming ceremony, then plan to buy or prepare them in advance. Specifically:

1. Find a good day to hold the ceremony

Procedures for entering a new house to get a date - A good day to enter a new house should have all the following factors: favorable for the homeowner, a beautiful zodiac day, if it is a day that matches the homeowner's age, it is even better. You can refer to the list of beautiful days to enter the house that Saigon Express has compiled.

2. Prepare a tray of offerings (offerings) for entering the house

The offering tray for entering the house usually has three parts: five fruits, flowers and food. You can divide into 3 small trays, or display them together on one large tray. Depending on family conditions, we can make grand or compact offerings. But remember, the important thing is still sincerity, if there is a big offering tray, you will receive more blessings, so everyone should buy offerings for the new house within their financial ability!

  • Five fruits: Choose 5 fresh seasonal fruits, less or more than 5 is fine, as long as the fruit tray is fresh and beautiful;
  • Flower scent: Includes a vase of fresh flowers to offer to the new home (roses, chrysanthemums or lilies), a pair of candles, incense, betel and areca, votive paper, 3 small jars containing rice salt and water;
  • A tray of rice to offer to the new house: Depending on the concept of worship, we can choose a tray of vegetarian rice to offer to the new house or a tray of salty rice. If it's a savory feast, it includes a set of three slugs (1 piece of boiled meat, 1 boiled shrimp and 1 boiled duck egg), boiled chicken or roasted pork, sticky rice or porridge, and other savory dishes as desired. If it is a vegetarian meal, you can follow the suggestions of stir-fried vegetables, vegetable soup, tofu, sticky rice with beans, sweet soup, candies, etc.
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In addition, the offering tray also includes 3 cups of tea, 3 glasses of wine, and 3 cigarettes.

3. Prepare vows

The vow to enter the house when entering a new house consists of two parts: the vow to the gods and the ancestors. Note that you need to read the prayers to the gods before reading the prayers to your ancestors. The prayer presents the homeowner's wishes, asking for permission to enter the new house and move the altar to the new house. Need to read clearly with a sincere attitude. The two prayers are quite long.

4. Prepare other objects (items).

  • The charcoal stove is used in the middle of the main door;
  • Mat (or mattress) in use;
  • According to the entry procedure, when entering the house, members will not be allowed to go empty-handed, everyone must bring lucky objects such as: New brooms, stoves (such as gas stoves, oil stoves, do not use electric stoves). Because people believe that electric stoves have essence but no appearance, that is, they have heat but no flame, so it is not good), rice, salt, gold, money, other lucky objects,...

Below are the most detailed and complete instructions on how to conduct a new house entry ceremony. If you find that any part is not suitable for your family, you can omit a few elements:


1. The first thing to do in the house entry ceremony is to light the brazier and place it right at the entrance. To save time, we can go to the new house to light the furnace before the car arrives at the new house;

2. When the car arrives at the new house, place the offerings neatly on the tray, planning the furniture to be ready to carry out the offering procedure to enter the new home;

3. The homeowner (should be the male breadwinner) walks through the brazier into the house first (left foot first, right foot second), holding an incense bowl and ancestral tablets;

4. The other members also take turns walking through the brazier, holding the remaining worship objects, mats (or mattresses), stoves and lucky objects mentioned, noting that no one can go empty-handed;

5. The first thing you should do when entering the house is to turn on all the lights and open all the doors and windows, symbolizing ventilation and waking up the house;

Find out in detail what the new home procedure includes?
The prayer for entering a new home is used by many homeowners.

6. At this time, a few members will rearrange the ancestral altar and the local god of wealth altar neatly. Some other members place the offering tray in the middle of the house, facing the direction appropriate to the homeowner's age;

7. A representative lights incense and reads a prayer, the remaining members also stand in front of the offering tray with their hands clasped solemnly;

8. After reading the prayer, while waiting for the incense to burn out, the homeowner turns on the stove and boils the tea, so let the water boil for 5-7 minutes before brewing. Tea is used to offer on the offering tray and for family members to enjoy. Boiling water has the meaning of starting a fire, creating vitality for the new house;

9. Proceed to turn into gold coins, when it burns out, pour wine over the ashes;

10. You keep 3 jars of salt, rice, and water to place on the Tao Quan altar in the future, symbolizing fullness;

11. At this time, the vow to enter the house is considered complete, we can bring the boxes into the house one by one and arrange them as desired;

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The meaning of the ceremony of entering a new home

Entering the house is a Sino-Vietnamese word, according to which "enter" means to enter, "trach" means house. So, to put it simply, moving into a new house means moving into a new house. The house entry ceremony is like "registering household registration" with the gods and local people who are in charge of the house.

Find out in detail what the new home procedure includes?
The procedure for moving into a new home is necessary to pray to the land and gods to bless all favorable things.

So, what is the meaning of the ceremony and the procedure for entering a new home? "The land has its own land, the river has its river". The ancient concept of our ancestors is that each land and address has a god in charge. Therefore, moving out or coming in must have a reporting ceremony to ask for permission to be approved, so modern family life and future work will be "smooth sailing".

At the same time, because ancestors, gods of wealth and local people are being worshiped in the old house, when moving house, worshiping and asking for permission to move them to the new house is a necessary thing to do, so that the family religion can continue to be blessed.

cheap and reputable full-package moving service advice on arranging furniture according to feng shui

If you are not familiar with the procedures for moving to a new home and do not have time to arrange furniture and clean up for moving, you can use the professional moving service Proship. We are confident with many years of experience in the field of transportation, house moving, warehouse moving, etc. All work during the moving process is performed by our staff under the guidance of the homeowner.

Our team of skilled personnel will support your family throughout the entire process from classifying and packing your belongings to loading and unloading them into containers and transporting them to your new home. With the goal of price and quality, you can completely rest assured about the professional service we provide.

Find out in detail what the new home procedure includes?
Proship professionally delivers home appliances and advises on feng shui furniture placement solutions.

With the desire to make a difference and constantly increase its sustainable values ​​and long-term development, Proship continuously expands its prestigious house moving service not only in Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, and Da Nang areas but There are many other provinces and cities across the country.

Coming to Proship, you will be able to choose from a variety of services such as house moving, office moving, truck rental, warehouse moving, factory moving, luggage, etc. Until today, through many ups and downs, we has accompanied the relocation of thousands of families. Receive valuable compliments and suggestions. That is the motivation for us to strive to become more and more perfect. We operate under the motto: "Providing FAST - SAFE - SAVING to customers".

Refer to Proship's price list for transporting houses by road and rail containers

Regular 40-foot container truck Regular 45 feet container truck Time 40 feet container  (26 tons) Time
1 HCM Binh Duong Dong Nai Binh Thuan 9.500.000  
2 Ninh Thuan 11.500.000 11.500.000  
3 Khanh Hoa 16.500.000 16.500.000  
4 Quy Nhon (Binh Dinh) 17.500.000 17.500.000   15.630.000
5 Danang 19.500.000 20.500.000   20.130.000 3 days
6 Ha Tinh 22.500.000 23.500.000   26.750.000 3 days
7 Nghe An 25.000.000 27.000.000   23.750.000 3 days
8 Thanh Hoa 27.000.000 29.000.000   29.130.000 3-4 days
9 Ha Nam 29.000.000 30.000.000   25.250.000 3-4 days
10 hung Yen 29.000.000 30.000.000   23.750.000 3-4 days
11 Hanoi 29.000.000 30.000.000   23.750.000 3-4 days
12 Bac Ninh 30.000.000 31.000.000   23.750.000 3-4 days
13 Bac Giang 31.000.000 32.000.000   24.000.000 3-4 days
14 Phu-Tho 31.000.000 32.000.000   26.500.000 3-4 days
15 Thai Nguyen 31.000.000 32.000.000   25.500.000 3-4 days
16 Lang Son 33.000.000 35.000.000   30.000.000 4 days
17 Lao Cai 33.000.000 35.000.000   37.500.000 4 days
1 Hanoi Bac Ninh Hung Yen Ha Tinh 11.500.000 11.500.000  
2 Nghe An 9.500.000 9.500.000  
3 Thanh Hoa 6.500.000 6.500.000  
4 Danang 19.500.000 21.500.000   14.500.000
5 Hue 17.500.000 19.500.000   17.500.000 3 days
6 Gia Lai 24.000.000 24.000.000   24.000.000 3 days
7 Quy Nhon (Binh Dinh) 22.500.000 22.500.000   16.500.000 3 days
8 HCM 29.000.000 30.000.000   19.500.000 3-4 days
9 Binh Duong 29.000.000 30.000.000   19.500.000 3-4 days
10 Dong Nai 29.000.000 30.000.000   18.000.000 3-4 days
11 Long An 31.000.000 32.000.000   20.500.000 3-4 days
12 Binh Thuan 26.000.000 27.000.000   23.000.000 3-4 days
13 Tay Ninh 26.000.000 27.000.000   23.000.000 3-4 days
14 Dong Thap 24.000.000 25.000.000   25.500.000 3-4 days
15 Binh Phuoc 32.000.000 33.000.000   21.500.000 3-4 days
16 BA Ria Vung Tau 29.000.000 30.000.000   23.000.000 4 days
17 Can Tho 35.000.000 36.000.000   26.500.000 4 days
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Advantages of the full house moving service at Proship

  • Transparent and clear service: The contract price is all-inclusive and does not incur any other costs;
  • Reasonable, highly competitive costs: Cost levels are more competitive than many other units in the area;
  • Moving experience: Many years of experience providing full moving services for many households;
  • Skilled and professional staff: All professional staff are carefully selected and thoroughly trained in all stages of the house moving process;
  • Compensate 100% of property value: If any errors occur due to Bac Nam Proship moving company, we will refund the correct value of the damaged items.

Proship package moving process

  • Survey of location/household items: Immediately after receiving information from the customer, Proship will send staff to survey the moving address, packing supplies, transportation distance and suggest moving methods. the most suitable house;
  • Packing/loading: After completing the procedures and signing the contract for the full house moving service, Proship staff carry out the packing and loading steps to ensure the highest safety as well as Save time and health for guests;
  • Door-to-door delivery: All of the customer's household items will be transported and delivered by staff to the correct receiving address and committed time.

Thus, the families clearly know the procedures for entering the new house, the procedures for entering the new house to set the date, and the procedures for worshiping the new house to follow. And when you need to hire relocation services, move house, or move house from one province to another, please contact Proship at Hotline 0909 344 247  for the best support.

Shipping contact hotline: 

Ms Tien: 0909 986 247
Ms Dung: 0939 999 247
Ms Duy: 0902 581 247

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