Author archive: Bao Yen

What is the bill of lading? What kind? How does it work?

What is the bill of lading? What kind? How does it work?

x You are a business, the owner participated in the import and export activities of the road, sea, rail or no need to learn about the bill of lading? x You want to know how many bill of lading, how to classify it? x You want to know the faint of the function, the work [...]

What is anonymous bill of lading? What is the prescribed and procedure?

What is anonymous bill of lading? What is the prescribed and procedure?

x Shippers and import -export enterprises need to know what is anonymous bill of lading, what is used in, what function? x You wonder about the procedure of making anonymous bill of lading if the necessary conditions will include? x You want to find out [...]

Top 5 most convenient customs declaration software

Top 5 most convenient customs declaration software

x your business is planning to export, import a consumer shipment, business, project goods, ... and must implement customs declaration but do not know which software supports the most convenient fast and convenient KBHQ? x You are interested and want to find out the customs declaration software is the software [...]

Top 10 best free transport management software today

Top 10 best free transport management software today

x Business enterprises in the field of transport are looking for an application, compatible software to help manage the process of transporting goods effectively? X You wonder what the benefits that free transport management software today brings today? [...]

2 ways to look up detailed and accurate customs declarations

2 ways to look up detailed and accurate customs declarations

x Shippers and businesses wishing to look up customs sheets to effectively serve the process of exporting and importing goods? x You do not know why it is necessary to look up customs declarations? x You want to know during the process of investigating the Hai [...]

What is the 2020 Incoterm? Important conditions in Incoterm 20 2020

What is the 2020 Incoterm? Important conditions in Incoterm 20 2020

X in the international trade contract mentions the conditions, rules and stakeholders need to learn what Incoterms 2020 is? x You are interested in the conditions and terms of Incoterms 2020? x You have not yet been aware between Incoterms 2020 and Incoterms 2010 what points [...]

What is the process of importing goods?

What is the process of importing goods?

x Businesses and business households need to import goods to the country to do business, trade, ... but do not know the process of carrying out customs procedures to import goods? x You are interested and want to learn more about what the concept of importing goods is? x You wonder when entering [...]

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