The price of transportation service to send motorbikes from North to South is only from 500k

Benefits received from Motorbike transportation service

Cheap prices from North to South from

Outstanding advantages of Motorcycle transportation that customers trust and choose:
  • Transporting motorbikes North ⇔ South by truck with safe and convenient hydraulic lift
  • Motorcycle shipping rates are cheap and the most competitive in the market
  • Save time, ship quickly and accurately
  • Ensure the safety of the transport vehicle, with careful lining to avoid scratches
  • Procedures for sending motorbikes are quick and simple
  • Dedicated and professional staff from operations to sales
  • Support delivery at 1 point, 2 points, multi-point according to customer requirements
To get advice, answer all questions about the North ⇔ South motorbike transportation service and receive the fastest price quote, please contact Holtine directly.'s North-South Motorcycle transportation service

Actual images of North-South Proship motorbike transportation service


In addition to the main motorbike transportation routes below, Proship also supports and ships motorbikes to all provinces and cities nationwide
with the criteria of speed, safety, reliability and reasonable price.





Transporting motorbikes to Vung Tau



Transporting motorbikes to Can Tho




Outstanding advantages of the North-South Proship motorbike transportation service



All types of Motorcycles are carefully wrapped by Proship before being transported and depending on the form of transportation and the customer is advised to wrap the vehicle or not to save maximum costs.

Outstanding advantages of the North-South Proship motorbike transportation service



Proship provides North-South motorbike transportation services in large quantities, thereby helping customers optimize and save maximum service costs compared to sending
passenger cars.

Outstanding advantages of the North-South Proship motorbike transportation service



With diverse means of transportation from road to rail such as: cage cars, double-decker trucks and trains, helping customers have more service choices to meet their needs.



Proship's weekly schedule is fixed for the North-South route, which makes it easy for customers to arrange a time to park their vehicle without affecting their work.

Contact immediately for more specific advice on North-South Motorbike shipping solutions.
Customers will be instructed to use the specific type of shipping, freight and shipping time.

HOTLINE 0909344247

Safe and effective motorbike transportation solution at

Coming to the North ⇔ South motorbike transportation service at, customers will be advised on the most optimal, economical and effective transportation solutions. You can choose to transport motorbikes by road by truck or by rail by specialized rolling stock (depending on whether the route is long or short).

With the motorbike transport service by road, Proship will use a line of trucks with modern hydraulic forks that are 100% newly invested to transport motorbikes (committed to not scratching the motorbike), firmly reinforced, ensuring Ensure safety throughout the transportation process.

Motorcycle transportation schedule for South -> North route 3-5-7, North -> South route 2-4-6. You can flexibly arrange your motorbike parking plan at Proship.

To get advice, answer all questions about the North ⇔ South motorbike transportation service and receive the fastest price quote, please contact Holtine directly at 0902581247 or 0909 986 247 - 0939 999 247 .



See what customers say about's North-South motorbike transportation service

Mr. Bui Hoa Nhon


Our company often transports large quantities of motorbikes from North to South and Proship's service has helped us save a large amount of costs compared to previous times.

Mr. Ho Van Duoc


We often cooperate with foreign units, so Proship's motorbike transportation service helps us ensure the schedule as scheduled with our partners.

Mr. Hoang Xuan Dinh


Using Proship's motorbike transportation service, we are very assured about the quality, as well as the cost, schedule and especially the safety level of our products.

Mr. Ngo Dinh Nam


When using's services, it helps us save time, effort and costs during the process of transporting our large quantities of motorbikes.








Years of development


Shipping route

In addition to the North-South motorbike transportation service, customers can also learn more about the key services that
is providing and receiving high appreciation today.

♦ North-South Container shipping service

♦ Car transportation service

♦ Parcel delivery service

DETAILED INFORMATION ABOUT PROSHIP.VN'S NORTH-SOUTH MOTORCYCLE TRANSPORTATION SERVICE is one of the units specializing in providing top quality North-South transportation service packages today, ready to meet your maximum wishes so that your motorbike goods always arrive at the right place. , at the right location for delivery in the fastest possible time.

Banner Motorbike transportation service

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  • The above price does not include VAT
  • The above price does not include delivery costs
  • The above price does not include the cost of vehicle wrap: 100,000 VND/motorbike and 150,000 - 200,000 VND/scooter and Moto.

Motorcycle transportation contact hotline: 

Ms Tien: 0909 986 247
Ms Dung: 0939 999 247
Ms Duy: 0902 581 247

The motorbike transportation process includes 5 simple steps:

Transporting North-South motorbikes from Proship is carried out according to a professional process. Customers can easily see that through the following steps.

  • Step 1: Contact ProShip via Holtine 0909344247 or 0909 986 247 - 0939 999 247 , Zalo, Messenger, web
  • Step 2: Provide information and create orders on the Proship system
  • Step 3: Complete vehicle parking procedures. Prepare documents, keys, check, take pictures or video of vehicle condition before handing over the vehicle
  • Step 4: Drain the fuel, pack a shock-proof, scratch-resistant cover to protect the vehicle before moving
  • Step 5: Transport the motorbike and deliver it to the recipient's address.

Proship motorbike transportation process

Proship is one of the most prestigious and quality North-South motorbike transport units in the market. Our unit is committed to ensuring the safety of your vehicle, while bringing customers the most practical benefits. So what are you waiting for, customers, don't immediately contact the unit to own a reputable, quality service at the cheapest, most competitive price on the market?

Motorcycle transportation contact hotline: 

Ms Tien: 0909 986 247
Ms Dung: 0939 999 247
Ms Duy: 0902 581 247

PROSHIP.VN – The number 1 unit providing North-South motorbike transportation service

Proship is a transportation company, the number 1 unit in the Vietnamese market providing reputable and quality domestic freight services. Established a long time ago, with many years of experience in this field, Proship is highly appreciated by many customers. With commitments on goods safety and the cheapest competitive costs in the market, the unit's motorbike transportation service is chosen by 8/10 customers when in need.

What's special about Proship's North-South motorbike transportation service?

Choosing Proship to perform North-South motorbike transportation services, customers will receive the most practical benefits. Customers can review it below:

  • Receive dedicated advice: Customers who need to use the unit's motorbike transportation service always receive the most dedicated advice. Because our knowledgeable and experienced staff is always ready to advise you 24/7. If you have any questions, please contact the unit immediately to receive the best answers.
  • Ensuring vehicle safety: Customers' motorbikes when using Proship's transportation service always ensure goods safety. Because before carrying out transportation, our unit inspects and wraps the vehicle safely. Cardboard sheets will be cut out to cover all parts of the motorbike. Therefore, it minimizes vehicle scratches. In addition, the unit transports motorbikes using specialized vehicles. For example: Trucks, trains or using container transport ... It is not accompanied by any other goods. Therefore, the customer's car is always safe and avoids scratches.
  • Save time: The North-South journey of motorbikes is done very quickly. You can receive your vehicle in just a few days. Not only do they save time, customers also save a lot of effort. Because customers only need to bring the motorbike to the unit's warehouse, Proship staff will do the rest for you.
  • Cost savings: The cost customers spend to use the motorbike transportation service from Proship is the cheapest on the market. Therefore, you will save maximum costs.

Proship's North-South motorbike shipping time

North-South motorbike transportation time depends on the type of transport, specifically:

  • If you use the North-South method of transporting motorbikes by road, it takes about 3-4 days.
  • Transporting motorbikes by train, shipping time is a bit slower, 4-5 days.

Motorbike transportation service and knowledge to note

Besides the need to transport normal goods such as parcels, parcels, letters, etc., there is also a shipping service for sending special items. Motorcycles are classified as one of them. Because it requires the transport unit to be careful and safe, avoiding causing scratches or damage during the process. So in reality, not every unit is capable of doing this job.

Transporting motorbikes from North to South by road and rail

For the current motorbike shipping service, customers can choose different forms of transportation. The most prominent are the forms of transport by road and by rail. Each different form of transportation has unique characteristics. Depending on the user's needs, choose the appropriate form of transportation.

However, it should be noted that the cost of transporting motorbikes by rail is often many times higher than by road. Besides those two forms of transportation, the North-South motorbike transfer service offers two different implementation methods, currently applied by North-South transport companies. As follows:

  • Transporting motorbikes by rail: With the service of transporting and sending motorbikes from Saigon to Hanoi of Proship express delivery company, you only need to bring the motorbike and the documents you need to send to our address, Then provide information of the sender, recipient, motorbike pick-up location, as well as shipping company with compatible transit time. Proship will provide information about shipping companies and corresponding types of transportation at appropriate and affordable prices.
  • Transporting motorbikes by road: When customers need to choose motorbike transport services, please contact Proship for a specific quote. When your motorbike is brought to the warehouse, our staff will carefully wrap it to limit scratches during transportation. Vehicle documents and keys will be placed separately in an envelope. If you do not want to leave the original keys and documents, you can make copies. Customers will have the staff write a delivery record of the goods along with shipping fees that can be paid in advance or later. Then, the vehicle is lifted onto the trunk, placed in a suitable position, and pulled to avoid scratches or collisions. When arriving at the delivery location, the recipient will check the vehicle again, ensuring the vehicle is in the same condition as before transportation.

Motorcycle transportation contact hotline: 

Ms Tien: 0909 986 247
Ms Dung: 0939 999 247
Ms Duy: 0902 581 247

What procedures do customers need to prepare when sending motorbikes?

Customers who need to transport motorbikes from North to South, to ensure safety, need to pay attention to fully preparing the following procedures:

  • Documents of the vehicle owner such as a photocopy of ID card
  • Original vehicle documents and photocopies.
  • Only when ensuring that the motorbike has a clear origin will the shipping unit accept it. So customers need to pay attention.

Motorcycle transportation contact hotline: 

Ms Tien: 0909 986 247
Ms Dung: 0939 999 247
Ms Duy: 0902 581 247

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North-South car transportation
Renting reputable, cheap cargo

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