x Your business is trading in import and export goods, international goods need to learn about Arrival notice?
x You are interested and want to know how important Arrival notice has the characteristics, functions and significance in import and export?
X You need to update the latest Arrival notice and related content in this type of papers and documents?
Any questions related to the concept, meaning, content as well as the function of Arrival notice will be by Proship.vn in a detailed and complete way in the framework of the sharing below. At the same time, we also point out the basic difference between Arrival notice (N/A) and Delivery Order (D/O) so that the shippers can distinguish them properly.
What is Arrival notice and who released it?
Proship will answer more about the term and the ARIVAL NOTICE publisher:
The concept of Arrival notice
What is Arrival notice? Arrival notice or informed goods are transport documents that shipping lines/airlines or transportation companies send to the recipient to notify the date of the shipment to the destination. The document is only available in imported goods, not available for exports.
In addition, Arrival Notice also includes contact information for senders, quantity of goods, receiving addresses and charges to pay when receiving goods, ... Based on this information, the recipient will give the declaration plan Hang waterfall is suitable and effective.

Who is the release A/N?
The arrival notice was issued by:
- Shipping lines - shipping lines;
- Shipping lines' agent - Agent of shipping company;
- NVOCC - The shipping unit does not own ships;
- Freight Forwarder - Transport delivery unit;
- Logistics Company.
What is the function of the Arrival notice?
The function of Arrival notice a/n in import is:
Provide information in destination
A/N Provides information on the name of the ship, the number of trips, the location and the arrival time. Since then, the exact side recognizes the location of the warehouse or the port beach that the goods are unloaded. This information is very important in importing because new goods clearly clear and convenient.
Notice of goods arrived at the target port for the recipient
A/N clearly notify the recognicance of cargo ships, containers or odd cargo shipments to the destination port. This helps the importer actively prepare the procedures for receiving goods and the next plans of the production and consumption of goods.
Support for release of goods
A/N provides information about the number of containers, weights, detailed descriptions, etc. The recipient checks this information that has matched the B/L bill of lading. If matching, the release process will be conducted quickly.
Support delivery planning plan
By knowing the exact location and time when the goods arrive at the target port, the importer will organize more effective and safer delivery activities. Since then, increasing the reliability of transport units, avoiding unnecessary risks.
The contents specified in the notice of the goods need to know
The notification form to Arrival Notice must provide detailed descriptions of the Terms of Incoterms, Relevant Customs and Customs Taxes as well as the necessary documents for customs procedures and international goods. Notice of goods must be in accordance with the vouchers of customs declaration agents.
Content on Arrival notice includes:
- Shipper: Name, contact address of the shipper/seller;
- Consignee: Name, contact address of the consignee/buyer;
- Notify Party: Detailed information on the notice (may be customs agents/transport delivery companies designated by the consignee) including the name, address, contact details;
- B/L, SWB or AWB Number: the original bill of lading, the number of maritime bill or the number of goods is not designated by the carrier;
- Vessel/Flight Information: train/flight information includes the name of the train/aircraft name and flight/flight number;
- Cargo Information: Goods information includes a general description of the type, the number of goods declared by the shipper;
- Container or ULD Number: The number of contents with sea transport or ULD Number with air transport;

- Estimated Arrival Time (ETA): Expected date of goods to the port or target airport;
- Actual Arrival Time (ATA): The actual time of the ship anchored at the port of loading and unloading or aircraft to the target airport;
- Port of Loading/Origin Airport: Departure of cargo port or departure airport;
- Port of Discharge/Destination Airport: Airport port or airport where the goods are unloaded;
- Place of Delivery: Delivery location (target port, target airport or facility of the consignee);
- Receiving location: The location of the goods after completing the procedure of KBHQ (Port of Contact/Port Port);
- Freight Terms: Incoterms terms are agreed in the contract between the sender and the recipient;
- Freight Charges: The amount of the recipient must pay to the carrier;
- Remark: Note of the shipping company (if any).
Meaning when using Arrival notice
What is the meaning of Arrival notice? Proship shares the meaning with the recipient and the issuer is as follows:
For the recipient
Meaning for the recipient of the notice:
- Cost estimates to pay to receive goods;
- Based on the notice of goods, there will be a plan to exploit goods;
- Based on information on newspapers for electronic KBHQ;
- Confirm the actual number of goods on the Bill not to know the goods about sufficient/missing.
With the publisher
Meaning for the publisher:
- Is the basis for notifying the status of goods to the shippers to know the progress;
- Determining the actual number of goods will be paid at the import port;
- Based on the notice to charge the recipient's charges and surcharges;
- Based on settlement with the consignee (if the dispute arises).
Distinguish Arrival Notice (N/A) and Delivery Order (D/O)
What is the difference between Delivery Order and Arrival notice? That is:
Delivery Order (D/O)
Delivery Order with outstanding features:
- D/O - Delivery Order is a delivery order. As a voucher issued by a shipping company/a shipping company to the importer/representative of the importer authorized to the customer named on D/O to receive the goods out of the port;
- D/O is used to declare the customs office of the port and carry out procedures for changing goods commands at the port before the goods leave the port, warehouse, yard, ...;
- D/O is not a transferable document and is not used as evidence of goods or receipts of goods.

Arrival notice (n/a)
Compared to Delivery Order, Arrival Notice is understood:
- Arrival Notice (A/N) is a detailed notice from shipping lines/ship agency/Logistics/Forwarder Company for the recipient of the ship's delivery schedule;
- Notice of goods (a/n) display detailed information about the shipment of goods to (a/n) issued by the shipping company, the carrier, the logistics company or the transport company of the country Import (destination).
What is Arrival notice and the relevant knowledge shared above. It can be said that the notice of goods is both a certificate of customs procedures and a basis for verifying the goods imported, so it is very important in import and export. Proship Logistics is one of the best cheap multimodal transport service providers and have a lot of knowledge about vouchers, customs documents, ... Contact 0909 344 247 for direct advice.