Transportation service from Can Tho to Hanoi

* Do you need to send goods from Can Tho to Hanoi quickly, safely, and most economically?
* Do you need to choose a delivery service package to Can Tho that best suits your customers?
* You need to know which is the most reliable shipping and delivery unit to Hanoi from Can Tho?

Based on understanding the needs and advantages in terms of transportation , Proship has deployed a shipping service from Can Tho to Hanoi with many of the best policies for customers.



Shipping contact hotline: 

Mr Mien: 0909 199 247

Mr Hung: 0906 855 247

Mr Quoc: 0909 344 247

Proship's FASTEST shipping service from Can Tho to Hanoi

Freight forwarding services in Vietnam have now been established in 63 provinces and cities of the country, of which the strongest development is still in large cities and provinces such as Hanoi, Hai Phong, Da Nang, Saigon. , Can Tho. During the process of surveying and searching for the market, we found that Can Tho and Hanoi are two localities with many advantages to develop shipping services. Currently, Tho city is playing the role of economic engine of the Southwest region. Can Tho city has a natural area of ​​1,409.0 km², population of 1,200,300 people and is currently the largest center of industry, education, culture, society and tourism in Can Tho.

Transportation service from Can Tho to Hanoi
Proship provides customers with a package of fast shipping and delivery services from Can Tho to Hanoi.

Can Tho has quite developed trade relations with big cities such as Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang, Hai Phong and especially with the capital Hanoi. In previous years, express delivery from Hanoi to Can Tho faced many difficulties due to the distance. Hanoi is 2000km from Can Tho by road 1A, so the travel time is quite long. Today, traffic routes such as road 1A, north-south railway, Can Tho - Noi Bai airline route have been upgraded and developed, creating great conditions for the development of goods delivery services from Can Tho to Hanoi.

Why should customers choose us Proship?

Aiming to become one of the leading express delivery units in Vietnam, Proship constantly changes policies and improves and upgrades its shipping service from Can Tho to Hanoi. We always guarantee the following benefits to customers:


  • Fast and Accurate: We understand time is money, we understand that, so your order will arrive at the right location as quickly as possible.
  • Professional: Dynamic and enthusiastic staff will bring you the most complete services with the most professional attitude and responsibility.
  • Utilities: All services are completely free, we collect money, transfer money, track orders... and provide maximum support for whatever you need
  • Flexibility: Our service offers many different service packages, which are the most complete and comprehensive delivery solutions for the development needs of each type of business.
  • Prestige: Our delivery process cannot be any more perfect because of the accuracy of the packaging and preservation process and the carefulness and professionalism of our staff.

What types of items can you ship?

Currently, we accept transportation and express delivery of all types of goods from Hanoi to Ninh Kieu District, Binh Thuy District, Cai Rang District, O Mon District, Thot Not District, Phong Dien District, Co Do District , Thoi Lai District, Vinh Thanh District of Can Tho city without providing regulations on size and weight. Customers can send items permitted by Vietnamese Law such as:

  • Electronics
  • Interior
  • Types of office equipment
  • Household items
  • Industrial goods
  • Mechanical equipment
  • Types of construction materials
  • Food products
  • Agricultural products
  • Super products
  • Cosmetic goods
  • Handicrafts.

Shipping contact hotline: 

Mr Mien: 0909 199 247

Mr Hung: 0906 855 247

Mr Quoc: 0909 344 247

Which Proship packages can you choose when shipping goods from Can Tho to Hanoi?

To better serve the needs of customers, Bac Nam Proship freight company provides many express delivery service packages from Can Tho to Hanoi so that customers can choose to suit their finances. me.

  • Express package: You can choose express delivery package if the order is urgent. Accordingly, we will deliver within 1h-3h of receiving the order. Delivery time is from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm
  • Fast delivery package: Receive orders between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m., orders placed after the requested time will be delivered the next day.
  • Same day package: Goods are delivered the next day after receipt (12:00 - 36:00).
  • Economy package: Goods are delivered within 2-3 days of receipt.
  • Night package: Delivery within 1h-3h of receiving the order. Delivery time is from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

The above commitments are all concretized in action because reputation is the personality of the business. Therefore, using the shipping service from Can Tho to Hanoi  of shipping company is the most perfect choice for customers. You can contact Proship via Hotline 0909 344 247 to receive dedicated support regarding this package of shipping services to Hanoi with many attractive incentives.

Shipping contact hotline: 

Mr Hung: 0906 855 247
Mr Quoc: 0909 344 247

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