If I lose my driver's license, do I have to retake the test to get a new one?

x You lost your driver's license and wonder if it is necessary to retake the test to reissue it?
x Do you need to know if you have to retake the exam or not to retake the exam to organize your time and work?
x You are not familiar with the procedures for applying for or changing your driver's license according to regulations when you lose your driver's license?

If I lose my driver's license, do I have to retake the test? This is a question that many people ask when they accidentally lose their wallet or documents. In fact, it must be based on each specific case to know whether you have to retake the exam or not? The answer will be Proship.vn through the article shared below and at the same time, we will also guide you on the procedure to change your driver's license and the fastest way to re-issue your driver's license online. Individuals who have lost their driver's license should consult to find out what they need to do.

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Do I have to retake the test to re-issue a driver's license or driving license when I lose it?

According to the provisions of Article 36 of Circular 12/2017/TT-BGTVT, people whose driving licenses are lost will be considered for re-issue of driving licenses. In particular, the person whose driving license is lost but has been expired for 03 months or more, is listed in the test management file, and is not in the case of being confiscated and handled, then 02 months after On the day of submitting a complete application for re-issuance of a lost driver's license, you must retake the test with the following contents:

Case 1: The person whose driving license is lost, still valid or less than 3 months expired, will be considered for re-issue of driving license.

Case 2: The person whose driving license is lost, has been expired for 3 months or more, is listed in the records of the testing management agency, and is not in the case of being confiscated by competent authorities. After keeping and processing, after 02 months from the date of submitting complete and valid documents according to regulations, you must re-take the exam on the following contents:

  • Past the expiration date from 03 months to less than 01 year, must retake the theory test;
  • If the expiry date is 1 year or more, both theory and practice must be re-tested.
If I lose my driver's license, do I have to retake the test to get a new one?
Depending on how many years the driver's license is valid, the rules for retesting and reissuing will be different.

=> Thus, people with lost driver's licenses do not NEED to retake the test but only need to go through the procedures to reissue their driver's license. However, if the license is lost beyond the expiration date of 3 months or more, after submitting the application for re-issue, you still have to retake the theory test or both theory and practice.

>>See more: How to check driver's license information


Proship guides you through the procedure to re-issue a lost driver's license

Where to re-issue driving license

* Pursuant to Article 36 of Circular 12/2017, people who have lost their driver's license must carry out procedures for re-issuance of their driver's license at the Vietnam Road Administration or the Department of Transport.

* Address of Vietnam Road Administration: Lot D20, Cau Giay urban area, Cau Giay District, Hanoi City. Phone number: (+84) 4 385 714 44; Fax number: 84 4 385 714 40.

* In Ho Chi Minh City, you can submit your application at the following locations:

  • No. 51/2 Thanh Thai, Ward 14, District 1;
  • No. 937 Ta Quang Buu, Ward 5, District 8;
  • No. 8 Nguyen Anh Thu, Trung My Tay Ward, District 12;
  • No. 252 Ly Chinh Thang, Ward 9, District 3: Testing management department for issuing Driver's Licenses;
  • No. 111 Tan Son Nhi, Tan Son Nhat Ward, Tan Phu District: Tien Bo Driving School.

Documents need to be prepared

Dossier for re-issuance of a lost driving license specified in Article 36 of Circular 12/2017/TT-BGTVT includes:

  • Application for re-issuance of Driver's License according to form;
  • Original documents consistent with the lost Driver's License (if any);
  • The driver's health certificate is issued by a competent medical facility, except for the case of reissuing an unlimited driving license of classes A1, A2, A3;
  • Copy of ID card, ID card or Citizen ID card or valid passport.

Order and procedures for reissuing driving license

The procedure for reissuing a driving license is relatively simple, drivers only need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Prepare documents

Prepare 01 set of documents as instructed above.

Step 2: Submit application

  • Submit your application to the application receiving and returning department of the Directorate for Roads of Vietnam or the Department of Transport.
  • Take photos directly and present the original documents in the file (except the originals sent) for comparison.

Step 3: Pay the driver's license reissuance fee

Fees for reissuing a lost driver's license are specified in Circular 188/2016/TT-BTC as follows:

  • Reissue fee: 135,000 VND/time.

Examination fee:

  • Motorcycle driving test (vehicle classes A1, A2, A3, A4): Theory test is 40,000 VND/time; The practical test is 50,000 VND/time.
  • Car driving test (car class B1, B2, C, D, E, F): Theory test is 90,000 VND/time; The practice test in the picture is 300,000 VND/time; The practical test on the road is 60,000 VND/time.

Step 4: Get your driver's license reissued

The person doing the procedures goes to the receiving department and returns the documents according to the deadline stated on the appointment letter.

Time to apply for reissue of driving license



Lost driver's license is still valid or expired less than 03 months

02 months from the date of submitting complete documents, taking photos and paying fees according to regulations, if it is not discovered that the driver's license is being confiscated and handled by competent authorities; named in the records of the testing management agency.

According to point d, clause 2, Article 36 of Circular 12/2017/TT-BGTVT

Driver's license lost beyond its expiry date of 3 months or more

The time for reissuing a driving license is the same as for a new one, which is no more than 10 working days from the end of the test.

According to Clause 6, Article 36 of Circular 12/2017/TT-BGTVT

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The fastest ways to renew and change driver's licenses online

How to renew your driving license online when lost

If you want to apply for a lost driver's license online, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Access the National Public Service Portal at https://dichvucong.gov.vn/p/home/dvc-trang-chu.html . Then in the interface, click to search for the keyword Driver's License Reissue > Search. Then select Reissue Driver's License.
  • Step 2: You proceed to select the implementing agency as Province/City or Ministry > Agree.
  • Step 3: Then you choose Submit online. At this point, you just need to Log in then fill in all the information and you're done.
If I lose my driver's license, do I have to retake the test to get a new one?
You can replace your lost driver's license online through the National Public Service Portal dichvucong.gov.vn.

* Note: If the information in the Department of Transport section you select does not mean that province/city does not yet support online driver's license renewal. Therefore, at this time you need to go directly to the local Department of Transport to submit your application.

How to change driver's license online

To apply for a driving license online, do the following:

  • Step 1: You access the National Public Service Portal at https://dichvucong.gov.vn/p/home/dvc-trang-chu.html . At the interface, select Vehicles and drivers in the Citizens section.
  • Step 2 : Click on Change driver's license issued by the Transport sector in the Driver's license section.
If I lose my driver's license, do I have to retake the test to get a new one?
To change your driver's license online, you can also visit the National Public Service Portal dichvucong.gov.vn and follow the instructions.
  • Step 3: You proceed to select the implementing agency as Province/City or Ministry > Agree.
  • Step 4: Then you choose Submit online. At this point, you just need to Log in then fill in all information and registration is complete.

Above is the answer to the question about whether you have to retake the test if you lose your driver's license . Interested readers should consult to get a satisfactory answer about re-issuing a driver's license in this case. Accordingly, re-issuing a driver's license when you lose your driver's license is now very simple, you can proceed with the step-by-step procedures or apply to change or re-issue online as Proship has just instructed. Please continue to update more related knowledge in the next news articles and contact immediately 0909 344 247 when you need to use our cheap North-South freight transport service by road, rail, and sea.

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