x Private individuals and businesses that produce and trade goods need to learn carefully about business labels?
x Are you wondering how product labels are regulated?
Current trademark violations? x Lychee is in season, so many businesses need to export this fruit product to China and want to find a transport unit to take care of from A to Z the procedures, tax payment, quarantine, brand origin,...?
Proship.vn will synthesize knowledge from many reliable sources to clarify the definition of what a product label is, what is product labeling, regulations on information displayed on product labels, label classification as well as Brand violations with prescribed penalties that every business/private person needs to know.
Through this, Proship Logistics is also pleased to introduce to you "Cheap Lychee Export Service to China through Dong Dang Station" with support for businesses and gardeners from A - Z on clearance procedures. Customs, paying taxes on both ends for the shipment, etc. I'm sure you will be satisfied with the costs and benefits you receive.
Shipping contact hotline:
Ms Tien: 0909 986 247
Ms Dung: 0939 999 247
Ms Duy: 0902 581 247
Proship's cheap Container shipping service
What is a product label? What is product labeling?
In Article 3 of Decree 43/2017/ND-CP, there is a definition of goods labels and goods labeling that Proship recorded as follows:
What does product label mean?
What is a product label? A goods label is a written, printed, drawn, photocopy of words, drawings, or images that are pasted, printed, attached, molded, engraved, or engraved directly on the goods, the commercial packaging of the goods, or on Other materials attached to goods and commercial packaging of goods.
Types of goods that are required to have their labels displayed electronically include:
- Household appliances, non-electrical household appliances: Ingredients; specifications; Instructions for use and storage;
- Gemstones: Specifications;
- Gold jewelry and fine arts: Content; mass; weight of mounted object (if any); product code;
- Bicycle: Manufacturer name; year of manufacture; basic technical parameter;
- Vehicle spare parts: Brand, trade name, type code (if any);
- Construction materials and interior decoration: Technical specifications; month of manufacture; Instructions for use, instructions for storage, etc.

What is product labeling?
Labeling goods means expressing basic and necessary content about goods on the label for consumers to recognize, as a basis for selection, consumption and use; for manufacturers, traders, to inform and promote their goods and for competent authorities to carry out inspection and control.
Cheap Refrigerated Container shipping service
How are product labels regulated? How to classify brands?
What is a product label and what is product labeling has been answered. Next are the contents related to regulations on commodity/commercial product labels that every enterprise, production and business establishment needs to keep in mind:
Regulations on information displayed on product labels
Electronic labeling of goods must be guaranteed
- The electronic method is clearly shown on the product label, for example: bar code, QR code, on the electronic screen of a product with a screen or other common electronic methods;
- Ensuring facilities, equipment and/or instructions for customers to electronically access the specified content of the product label on-site;
- The content expressed electronically must correspond to the content shown on the label directly, not causing readers, viewers, or listeners to misunderstand the nature of the goods.
Content must be displayed on the product label
1. Product labels must display the following contents:
a) Name of goods;
b) Name and address of the organization or individual responsible for the goods;
c) Origin of goods;
d) Other contents according to the nature of each type of goods are specified in Appendix I of this Decree and relevant legal documents.
2. In case the goods belong to many groups in Appendix I or have not been specified in legal documents, based on the main uses of the goods, the organization or individual responsible for the goods Self-determine the group of goods to record the contents specified in Point d, Clause 1 of this Article.
3. In cases where the size of the goods is not enough to display all the required contents on the label, the contents specified in Points a, b and c, Clause 1 of this Article must be written on the goods label. The contents specified in Point d, Clause 1 of this Article are recorded in documents accompanying the goods and the label must indicate the place where such contents are written.
For goods that are medical equipment, the presentation of the contents specified in Point d, Clause 1 of this Article is carried out in accordance with the provisions in Appendix I of this Decree.
(Article 10 of Decree 43/2017/ND-CP)
Goods name
The name of the goods must be in a prominent and easy-to-read position on the product label. The writing of the product name must be the largest letter size compared to other mandatory content on the product label.
The name of the goods recorded on the label is set by the organization or individual producing the goods. The name of the goods must not mislead the nature, uses and ingredients of the goods.
In case the name of an ingredient is used as the name or part of the product name, the quantity of that ingredient must be recorded, except for the case specified in Clause 4, Article 13 of this Decree.
(Article 11 of Decree 43/2017/ND-CP)
Name and address of the organization or individual responsible for the goods
1. Proper names of organizations, individuals and places on product labels must not be abbreviated.
2. For goods produced domestically, the name of the organization or individual and the address of the facility producing those goods must be recorded.
a) A goods production facility that is a member of an organization such as a company, corporation, corporation, association and other organizations has the right to write the name or name and address and other information of the organization. that function on the label when permitted by these organizations.
b) Goods with the same brand are produced at many different production facilities, the organization or individual responsible for the goods may have the name and address of that organization or individual written on the goods label. If the quality of the goods is consistent with the goods quality standards announced or registered for circulation by the organization or individual responsible for the goods and the origin of the goods must be traceable.
3. For goods imported for circulation in Vietnam, the name and address of the producing organization or individual and the name and address of the importing organization or individual must be recorded.
For goods that are medical equipment imported for circulation in Vietnam, write the name and address of the manufacturing organization or individual associated with the origin of the goods and write the name and address of the owner. Must have a registration number for circulation of medical equipment.
4. For goods of organizations or individuals acting as direct sales agents for foreign traders importing goods into Vietnam, write the name and address of the producing organization or individual and the name and address of the organization. organization or individual acting as an agent to sell those goods.
5. For goods that are licensed by an organization or individual on the label, in addition to complying with the provisions of Clauses 2, 3 and 4 of this Article, the name and address of the franchising organization or individual must also be written. .
6. In case an organization or individual assembles, packs or bottles, the name and address of the organization or individual assembling, packaging or bottling must be written on the label and the name or name and address, and other contents of the organization or individual producing the goods before assembling, packaging, and bottling when permitted by these organizations or individuals.
(Article 12 of Decree 43/2017/ND-CP)
Quantification of goods
1. Goods with quantitative measurements must be recorded in accordance with Vietnamese law on measurement.
2. For goods quantified by number, the quantity must be recorded according to natural number.
3. In case there are many units of goods in a commercial packaging, the quantity of each unit of goods and the total quantity of the units of goods must be recorded.
4. In case an additive is used to create color, flavor, or flavor and the color, flavor, or flavor is listed with the name of the product, the quantity is not required.
5. In case the names of extracts or essences from natural materials are included with the name of the goods, the quantitative ingredients of the extracts, essences or the equivalent amount of raw materials used to create the amount of extracts must be written. , that essence.
6. How to record the quantity of goods specified in Appendix II of this Decree.
(Article 13 of Decree 43/2017/ND-CP)
Manufacture date expiry date
1. Production date and expiry date of goods are recorded in the order of day, month and year of the calendar year. In case of recording in a different order, there must be an explanation of that order in Vietnamese.
Each number indicating the day, month, and year is written in two digits; the number indicating the year is allowed to be written in four digits. The day, month, and year numbers of a timeline must be written on the same line.
In case it is prescribed to record the month of production, write it in the order of month and year of the calendar year.
In case the regulation states the year of manufacture, write four digits indicating the year of the calendar year.
“production date”, “use date” or “expiry date” on the label is written in full or abbreviated in capital letters as: “NSX”, “HSD” or “HD”.
2. In cases where the production date and expiry date are required to be marked on the goods' label as prescribed in Appendix I of this Decree and the goods label has the production date specified in Clause 1 of this Article, the expiry date shall be The label is allowed to be recorded as a period of time from the date of manufacture, and vice versa, if the product label has an expiration date, the date of manufacture is allowed to be recorded as a period of time before the expiration date.
3. For goods that are divided, divided, refilled, and repackaged, the date of division, transfer, filling, and repackaging must be shown and the expiration date must be calculated from the date of manufacture shown on the original label. .
4. How to record the date of manufacture and expiration date is specifically specified in Section 1, Appendix III of this Decree.
Goods with a time stamp different from the provisions in Clause 1 of this Article are specified in Section 2, Appendix III of this Decree.
(Article 14 of Decree 43/2017/ND-CP)
Origin of goods
1. Manufacturing and importing organizations and individuals determine and record the origin of their goods but must ensure honesty, accuracy, and compliance with the provisions of law on origin of goods or other regulations. Agreements that Vietnam has joined or signed.
2. The way to write the origin of goods is regulated as follows: Write the phrase "made in" or "manufactured in", "manufacturing country", "origin" or "manufactured by" with the name of the country or region the territory in which the good is produced.
The name of the country or territory producing the goods must not be abbreviated.
(Article 15 of Decree 43/2017/ND-CP)
Ingredients, ingredient quantities
1. Recording ingredients means recording the names of raw materials, including additives used to produce goods and existing in finished products, even if the form of raw materials has been changed.
In case the name of an ingredient is written on the goods label to attract attention to the goods, the quantity of that ingredient must be recorded, except for the case specified in Clause 4, Article 13 of this Decree.
2. Recording ingredient quantities means recording the ingredients with the quantity of each ingredient. Depending on the nature and status of the goods, the quantitative ingredient is recorded as the mass of that ingredient in a unit of product or recorded in one of the following ratios: Weight to volume; mass with volume; volume with volume; mass percent; volume percent.
In case the composition of goods is quantified by measuring quantities, the quantity must be recorded according to the provisions of Vietnamese law on measurement.
3. For some types of goods, the recording of ingredients and quantity of ingredients is prescribed as follows:
a) For food, ingredients must be written in order from highest to lowest in volume.
If the ingredient is an additive, the additive group name, additive name or INS international code (if any) must be recorded; In case the additive is a flavoring agent, sweetener, or coloring agent, the name of the flavoring agent, sweetener, or coloring agent must be written, the name of the substance (if any) and the substance must be added as a "natural" substance. , “natural”, “synthetic” or “artificial”;
b) For human drugs, vaccines, medical biological products, biological products, veterinary drugs, and plant protection drugs, the ingredients and content of active ingredients must be recorded;
c) For cosmetics, ingredients must be recorded, including additives;
d) For metal household appliances and utensils made from a main material that determines the value of use, the name of the main material must be recorded along with the name of the goods and the composition and ingredients are not required. quantitative.
4. Ingredients and quantitative ingredients of goods are recorded differently from the provisions in Clause 3 of this Article specified in Appendix IV of this Decree.
(Article 16 of Decree 43/2017/ND-CP)
Technical specifications, warning information
1. Technical specifications and tolerances of this parameter (if any), warning information must comply with relevant legal regulations. In the absence of specific regulations, organizations and individuals responsible for labeling goods themselves determine technical specifications, tolerances and warning information. Warning information is recorded on the label in words, images or symbols according to international practices and relevant regulations.
The tolerance range value shown on the label must comply with relevant legal regulations and applicable published standards. In case a specific value is expressed, it must not be written in a way that creates an advantage for the goods themselves.
2. Electrical, electronic goods, machinery and equipment must have basic technical specifications recorded.
3. Medicines for human use, vaccines, medical biological products, and biological products must record:
a) Indications, usage, and contraindications of the drug (if any);
b) Drug circulation registration number, import license number, production batch number, dosage form, packaging specifications;
c) Signs to note for each type of drug according to current regulations.
4. Veterinary drugs and plant protection drugs must record:
a) Indications, usage, and contraindications of the drug (if any);
b) Registration number, production batch number, dosage form, packaging specifications;
c) Signs to note for each type of drug according to current regulations.
5. For foods with nutritional value recorded, the organization or individual responsible for the goods displaying the nutritional value on the label must ensure that the nutritional value range is shown in compliance with applicable laws. relevant and applicable published standards. In case a specific value is expressed, write the average value of the nutritional value range.
6. Ingredients or substances in complex ingredients of special goods that use preservatives with prescribed dosages and are listed as irritating and toxic to humans, animals and The environment must have the names of preservatives attached to these ingredients.
7. Goods or components of goods that have been irradiated or have applied genetic modification techniques are recorded in accordance with the provisions of law and international treaties to which Vietnam is a member.
8. Technical specifications; If warning information about goods is written differently from the provisions in this Article, it must be recorded in accordance with the provisions in Appendix V of this Decree and relevant legal documents.
(Article 17 of Decree 43/2017/ND-CP)
Other contents shown on the product label
1. Organizations and individuals responsible for the goods must display codes, barcodes, standard conformity marks, regulation conformity marks and other contents (if any). Additional contents must not be contrary to the law and must be truthful, accurate, reflect the true nature of the goods, and must not obscure or falsify mandatory contents on the label.
2. Product labels must not display images or content related to sovereignty disputes and other sensitive content that may affect security, politics, economics, society, and foreign relations. communication and fine customs of Vietnam.
(Article 18 of Decree 43/2017/ND-CP)
The information shown is for goods with simple packaging and bulk goods without commercial packaging
For goods with simple packaging, bulk goods that are food additives or chemicals, and do not have commercial packaging for direct sale to consumers, the selling organization or individual must publicly disclose the information. The following information is for consumers to be aware of:
1. Name of goods;
2. Expiry date;
3. Safety warnings (if any);
4. Name and address of the organization or individual responsible for the goods;
5. Instructions for use.
(Article 19 of Decree 43/2017/ND-CP)

Classification of current product labels
According to regulations, there are 2 types of labels, including:
- Original label of goods: Is the label shown for the first time attached by the organization or individual producing the goods to the goods or commercial packaging of the goods;
- Secondary label: A label showing mandatory contents translated from the original label of the goods in a foreign language into Vietnamese and supplemented with mandatory contents in Vietnamese according to the provisions of Vietnamese law that the original label of missing goods.
Shipping contact hotline:
Ms Tien: 0909 986 247
Ms Dung: 0939 999 247
Ms Duy: 0902 581 247
Acts of violating product labels and current fines
Violations of trademarks
Pursuant to Decree 119/2017/ND-CP, there are some violations of trademarks in trading products and goods in the following cases:
- Goods that have labels but are covered, torn, blurred and cannot be read or all required content on the labels cannot be read;
- Goods with labels that do not comply with regulations on size of letters and numbers, language used, quantity and units of measurement according to the law on goods labels.
- Violation of regulations on mandatory content on product labels or mandatory content on labels based on the nature of the goods
- Goods with labels (including stamps or secondary labels) or accompanying documents that do not fully or incorrectly state the required content on the goods label or the content required to be shown on the label according to the nature of the goods according to regulations. legal regulations on product labels;
- Imported goods have the original label in a foreign language but do not have a secondary label in Vietnamese.
Penalties for violations of product labeling
Depending on each act and value of goods, the fine can range from 500,000 VND to 100,000,000 VND. There are also a number of remedial measures such as: forced recall of products, forced destruction of infringing labels, forced destruction of goods with infringing labels.
>>See more: What is fumigation?
Enterprises wishing to export Chinh Ngach lychee to China should choose the best transport unit?
PROSHIP JOINT STOCK COMPANY specializes in exporting lychees to China through Dong Dang Lang Son Station with low-cost full support for customs clearance procedures and double tax payment for export lychee shipments of businesses/garden owners. Specialized self-propelled railway refrigerated containers with cold storage systems meeting required standards help lychees delivered to traders, traders, and importers in China always in a fresh and intact state. In particular, Proship is currently implementing a plan to rent a warehouse at Pingxiang Station in China to conveniently store goods before being transferred to the recipient.
Proship's method of operating - trading and transporting refrigerated containers of lychee exported to China through Dong Dang Station is as follows:
- Send specialized refrigerated containers to the Enterprise's warehouse for packing;
- Transport goods to Bac Giang Kep Station and make customs declaration;
- Transport refrigerated containers to Dong Dang Lang Son Border Gate and complete the customs supervision process;
- Transporting lychees by refrigerated container to Pingxiang Station and going deep into Inland China.

Refrigerated container transport schedule on Vietnam - China route
Transport route for exported lychee from Vietnam - China: Departs daily
- The Yen Vien - Dong Dang - Pingxiang - Nanning Nan route then transfers to Chinese provinces and cities (and vice versa);
- Transporting international freight on the route Kep - Dong Dang - Bang Tuong - Nam Ninh and vice versa: 2 trips/day;
- Time: 3 days (excluding check-in time at border stations;
- Closed warehouse-warehouse freight transportation service.
Receiving export of many types of Lychees to China through Dong Dang Station
Proship Logistics accepts exporting lychees to China of all types:
- Luc Ngan lychee (Bac Giang);
- Thanh Ha lychee (Hai Duong);
- Bat Trang lychee (Hai Phong),…
Customs records and area code registration for exported lychee
Proship documents are expected to be prepared for Chinh Ngach fabric export shipment to China
- Commercial Contract (Sales Contract);
- Commercial Invoice;
- Packing list;
- Bill of Lading;
- Customs Declaration;
- Insurance Certificate;
- Certificate of origin of goods (C/O Form E);
- Phytosanitary Certificate;
- Other documents according to customs requirements, serving the license application: Catalog, product images,...
Application for registration of growing area code for litchi exported to China
- Application for a growing area code;
- Business registration certificate;
- Documents proving land use rights;
- VietGAP certificate for the growing area applying for code (if any);
- Technical declaration (TCCS 772: 2020/BVTV).
Detailed information about what a product label is and knowledge related to product labels have been updated. Accordingly, Shippers/Enterprises who are planning to do business, import or export any goods should keep them and apply them to their work, avoiding unnecessary trademark violations that affect trade with customers. partners/customers...Proship Logistics is currently providing Lychee export services to China through Dong Dang Station, including all procedures, committing to timely customs clearance and door-to-door delivery at Central Inland. Contact 0909 344 247 for the best quote.
Shipping contact hotline:
Ms Tien: 0909 986 247
Ms Dung: 0939 999 247
Ms Duy: 0902 581 247