Category archive: News

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What is House Bill? All information related to the House Bill

What is House Bill? All information related to the House Bill

x Enterprises dealing in export and import goods by sea, have questions about the House Bill of Lading? x Do you want to know the advantages and disadvantages of House Bill, why House Bill is used in maritime transport? x You have a shipment that is not enough to be packed in an entire ocean container, and needs to be combined [...]

What is phytosanitary? All information about Phytosanitary

What is phytosanitary? All information about Phytosanitary

x You are a business specializing in export and import goods and need to find out what Phytosanitary Certification is? x Do you want to know the procedure for applying for Phytosanitary? What to note when doing the Phytosanitary procedure? x Your business needs to send goods to trading countries, needs to find a reputable carrier [...]

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