Category archive: News

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What is on-site import and export? What are the procedures and regulations?

x Import-export enterprises need to apply on-site import and export but it is not clear how it works and what the procedures are? x You wonder what benefits it will bring if you replace the traditional method with on-site import and export, are there any taxes? x You need to hire a specialized unit [...]

The most popular cargo container classification today

The most popular cargo container classification today

x You need to transport goods by container, need to find out which type of container is suitable for each item? x Do you want to know the advantages of choosing containers to transport goods on domestic and international routes? x You need to transport stone powder, iron ore, rolled steel, jumpo bags, etc. to [...]

What is a Fumigation Certificate? What is the issuance procedure like?

What is a Fumigation Certificate? What is the issuance procedure like?

x Do businesses need to learn about fumigation certificates for export? x You want to know the procedure for issuing a fumigation certificate, what does the document include? Applicable to what types of goods? x Shop owners and gardeners need to export durian and lychees to the Chinese market with the solution [...]

What are Freehand and Nominated goods? What are the similarities and differences?

What are Freehand and Nominated goods? What are the similarities and differences?

x Are you new to the import-export field, wondering what the term freehand is, what is nominated goods? x Do you want to know if there are any similarities or differences between freehand products and nominated products? x Import-export enterprises are not familiar with customs clearance operations at the Port, need to find a specialized customs declaration unit [...]

Learn about the largest export processing zones in Vietnam today

Learn about the largest export processing zones in Vietnam today

x Enterprises and Production - Business Groups need to know about Export Processing Zones in Vietnam to serve the search for FDI sources? x Do you need to find out the development potential of the largest export processing zones and industrial parks in Vietnam today? x Your company needs to send goods to [...]

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