What is partial shipment? What is the composition and regulations?

x You are participating in export, import and need to learn many specialized terms, including Partial Shipment?
x You do not understand what partial shipment means? Do you need any conditions? How to conduct partial shipment?
X You want to know that besides Partial Shipment also has any other terms related to delivery?

Partial Shipment is a commonly used term in the field of import and export. Here, Proship.vn we will summarize knowledge from many sources to answer the question of what Partial Shipment is, how partial shipment regulates the terms, how is the partial shipment plays an important role, ... Procedures to be implemented in the partial shipment process.

What is partial shipment? What conditions need and what role do in import and export?

Let's find out what the Partial Shipment means and what conditions need to be done:

Partial shipment concept

What is partial shipment? The term Partial Shipment means "partial delivery" is the delivery of an order into many shipments. When the buyer orders, all goods are not shipped at the same time but are sent to the buyer in part.

What is partial shipment? What is the composition and regulations?
Partial Shipment is understood as partial delivery, which means delivering an order divided into many different shipments.

Partial delivery conditions

The two parties in the contract need to clearly negotiate the following conditions:

  • Details of delivery information: frequency, number of times, number of each delivery, product quality, ...;
  • Where is the delivery location?
  • Delivery time each time?
  • Payment method, payment currency;
  • What are the notice between the parties when delivery?
  • Handling violations of delivery time, quality of goods and paid penalties agreed upon;
  • If the seller delivered the goods on time or the buyer received the goods on time, the agreement was responsible as prescribed.
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The role of partial shipment in import and export

The outstanding role of partial shipment in import and export must mention:

  • Increase flexibility: Partial Shipment allows buyers and sellers to flexibly transport goods, allowing sending goods to small batches.
  • Easy management of goods: Partial Shipment will help the seller control and manage goods easily. Instead of moving all, the seller only needs to focus each part of the goods.
  • Save effective time: With partial shipment goods will be transported when there are goods instead of waiting for the shipment to complete.
  • Minimize risks and costs: Partial Shipment can reduce risks and costs in transportation.

Regulations and terms in partial delivery partia shipping

What are the terms in partial shipment? Proship has summarized and shared the regulations and terms related to partial delivery as follows:

Regulations on delivery time (combined with payment binding)

Some notes for buyers and sellers are:

Firstly , the seller should not accept delivery on an exact day. Buyers should not force sellers to deliver goods on an exact day. Information shown on vouchers:

  • On 16th May 20 **
  • Print May 20 **
  • At the beginning/midly/end of may 20 **
  • In the first/second week of May 20 **

Etd: Estimated Time of Departure = Expected delivery date = Date of delivery is specified = date of the train.

  • Etd: Estimated Time of Departure = Expected delivery date = Date of delivery is specified = date of the train.
  • Eta: Estimated Time of Arrival = Expected arrival dates = Date of the rules = date of the train arrival.
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The place to receive goods to carry = pick-up place;

Regulations on delivery locations

If delivered from the port to the destination port, just record on the contract:

  • Departure port name = POL = Port of loading = Port of Charging;
  • Destination port name = POD = Port of Discharging = Port of Unloading.

If delivered from the airport to the target airport, just write:

  • Departing airport name = Loading Airport;
  • Arrival airport name = Discharging Airport.

If the delivery of EXW or DDP should be written:

  • The place to receive goods to carry = pick-up place;
  • Departure port name = POL = Port of loading = Port of Charging;
  • Destination port name = POD = Port of Discharging = Port of Unloading;
  • The final destination = Final Dest thought.
What is partial shipment? What is the composition and regulations?
Delivery each with the provisions, terms of delivery methods, locations, delivery time, ... and the notification between the two sides in the delivery.

Regulations on delivery methods

When will the seller send a booking to the buyer/or vice versa?

  • Delivery schedule with specific quantities of each time;
  • Sanctions/violations if the seller does not comply with the delivery schedule or the buyer does not comply with the delivery schedule as agreed.

Regulations on notifications between the two parties in delivery

Is the exchange of information between the two parties, in order to update the shipping situation of the shipment. Usually, the two sides need to clarify the contents:

  • When will the seller send a booking to the buyer/or vice versa?
  • When will buyers have to send S/i to the seller?
  • After the train runs, the seller must notify the buyer?
  • Goods come, the buyer receives the goods to the seller the status of the goods?

Procedures to be implemented in Partial Shipment

The procedures implemented in Partial Shipment include:

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Step 1 - Register for customs papers

What to do:

  • Register and prepare adequate customs documents for each part of the shipment;
  • These documents are filled with sufficient information and comply with current customs regulations.

Step 2 - Check the risk management system

What to do:

  • Ensure that this system reflects the right and full risk level of each delivery part.
  • Ensure that this system reflects the right and full risk level of each delivery part.

Step 3 - Perform customs procedures

What to do:

  • Persons directly implementing customs should carry out all the specified documents set out for import and export;
  • Customs procedures must be implemented correctly and promptly to avoid delivery in delivery.

Some other ways to deliver goods other than Partial Shipment

In addition to partial delivery, there are other delivery methods such as:

  • The ship is straight (Direct or Straight): ships transporting goods directly from the original port to the destination port without stopping or going through intermediaries;
  • Delivery in the form of containers (FCL): Goods are sent in a full contain, usually of a single owner;
What is partial shipment? What is the composition and regulations?
Besides Partial Shipment, there will be other delivery methods: conveying, LCL, FCL and straight.
  • Delivery in the form of transmission: Goods are transferred from one ship to another ship at some transit ports;
  • Delivery in the form of LCL (Less Than Container Load): The goods are sent odds not filled with containers and containers can store goods of many different shippers.

As above, related parties in import and export of goods have understood what Partial Shipment is , what part of the delivery, the conditions in each part of the delivery are needed ... From here, the seller and the buyer have Can refer to know what procedures need to perform for the partial shipment delivery method. In addition, customers need to use multimodal package transportation services, contact Proship immediately through 0909 344 247 for support to provide the best price service.

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