What is a road maintenance fee and what is it used for?

Road maintenance fees have been a topic of particular interest to the public over the past time. So what is the road maintenance fee and what is the fee collection used for? All these questions will be answered in the article below.

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What is the road maintenance fee? Concept of road maintenance fees

Road is the area of ​​road, road bridge, road tunnel, road ferry terminal built by the state or collective for transport vehicles and traffic participants. Each route has different quality and longevity. During road use, maintenance and repair are indispensable factors. And if you want to have enough finance for maintenance and repairs, you need to collect fees for vehicles participating in traffic. Therefore, it can be understood that road maintenance costs are road use fees collected on road motor vehicles, which vehicle owners must pay.

What is a road maintenance fee and what is it used for?What is a road maintenance fee and what is it used for?

This fee is collected on an annual basis. Your vehicle, more or less, still has to pay normally. The maintenance fee does not include tolls that drivers must pay when passing through road toll stations (currently there are 53 toll stations nationwide). BOT). In other words, car owners must both pay annual road fees and be charged tolls through BOT stations.

The road maintenance fund is taken from the road use fee specified in Circular No. 197/2012/TT-BTC as follows: "The remaining amount (after deducting the amount specified in Points a and b of this Clause) ) the toll collection unit must pay into the account of the Central Road Maintenance Fund opened at the State Treasury within a maximum period of no more than 3 working days from the date of toll collection.

After paying the road use fee, the vehicle owner will have a stamp on the front windshield. The stamp clearly states the expiration date, and is usually pasted parallel to the registration stamp. Road maintenance fee stamp.

What is a road maintenance fee and what is it used for?

Who must pay road maintenance fees?

According to the provisions of Clause 2, Article 2, Circular No. 197/TT-BTC dated November 15, 2012 of the Ministry of Finance guiding the collection, payment, management and use of road use fees per vehicle, for Subjects subject to road user fees are:


+ Road motor vehicles, including: cars, tractors; Trailers and semi-trailers pulled by cars and tractors (hereinafter referred to as cars)

+ Two-wheeled motorbikes, three-wheeled motorbikes, and mopeds (collectively referred to as motorbikes) are subject to road use fees.

+ Motorcycles are two- or three-wheeled motor vehicles and similar vehicles used to transport passengers, moved by engines with a cylinder capacity of 50 cm3 or more, weighing no more than 400kg for two-wheeled motorcycles or Carrying capacity from 350kg to 500kg for 3-wheeled motorbikes.

+ This definition does not include motorbikes.

How are fees used?

Article 8 of the Circular clearly stipulates the management and use of fees. Accordingly:

+ The Fund Office is allowed to set aside a percentage (01%) of the actual collected toll amount to cover the cost of managing road use toll collection activities according to regulations.

+ The remaining amount (99%), the Fund Office must pay into the account of the Central Road Maintenance Fund opened at the State Treasury within a maximum period of no more than 03 working days from the date of toll collection.

+ For registration agencies, the fee collection agency is allowed to reserve when the fee collection agency has the fee collected in the year reaching 50 billion VND/year or more, the deduction is 1% of the total fee collected to cover fee collection.

+ Toll collection agencies have fees collected in the year reaching from 30 billion VND to less than 50 billion VND/year, the deduction is 1.25% of the total toll collection to cover the toll collection work.

+ Toll collection agencies have fees collected in the year reaching from 15 billion VND to less than 30 billion VND/year, the deduction is 1.5% of the total toll collection to cover the toll collection work.

+ Toll collection agencies whose fees collected in the year reach less than 15 billion VND/year must deduct 1.8% of the total toll collection to cover fee collection.

+ The remaining amount will be transferred by the toll collection agency to the Vietnam Register, so that the Vietnam Register can deposit it into the account of the Central Road Maintenance Fund opened at the State Treasury within a maximum period of no more than 03 days. working from the fee collection date, money transfers can be made through commercial banks.

+ In case the fee collection agency accounts according to the corporate financial mechanism, the retained fee amount is the agency's revenue; In case the fee collection agency is an administrative or public service unit, the remaining fee amount will be combined with the agency's funding source and managed and used according to the provisions of the State Budget Law.

+ During the year, the toll collection agency is allowed to temporarily deduct 1% of the total toll collection. At the end of the fiscal year, based on the final settlement data, road use tolls are additionally deducted according to the above ratio and the additional amount is deducted from the next year's toll collection before submitting to the Maintenance Fund. Central road.

+ The amount is deducted for toll collection units to spend on: covering costs of organizing collection according to regulations; Registration agencies (toll collection agencies) transfer three percent (3%) of the remaining toll amount to the Vietnam Register to serve the management of collection and payment of road use fees; refund fees for cases not subject to fees specified in Clause 2, Article 2 of this Circular.

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