What are the rules of origin of goods? What is the role?

x Enterprises dealing in export and import goods need to learn knowledge related to rules of origin?
x You wonder what the role, regulations, and legal basis of rules of origin are?
x Are you interested in Proship's service of exporting Lychees and Durian to China through Dong Dang Station?

Proship.vn, based on experience and understanding of customs operations, will answer questions related to rules of origin of goods, including concepts, roles, legal basis, regulations, etc. , Units specializing in export/import goods can rely on this to apply to their shipments to avoid cases of being held back due to lack of or problems with documents and records related to origin. row.

At the same time, Proship Logistics also wants to give customers many special incentives when using the Durian and Lychee export service to China at low prices, including all procedures and paying taxes on both ends for businesses. . We are confident that you will be satisfied with the cost and the value and effectiveness you receive from the service.

Shipping contact hotline: 

Ms Tien: 0909 986 247
Ms Dung: 0939 999 247
Ms Duy: 0902 581 247

Proship's North-South Container shipping service

What are the rules of origin of goods? How many types of rules are there?

What are the rules of origin of goods?

In import and export procedures, we often refer to the noun "origin of goods" . Origin of goods (from English "Certificate of Origin" , abbreviated as CO). Origin of goods is often associated with nationality (where was it born/manufactured, what country do you come from?). Through the origin of goods, Businesses, Consumers or State Management Agencies can easily understand where the goods come from.

So, what are the rules of origin? Rules of origin are rules of origin that apply to goods with preferential tariff and non-tariff preferential agreements. Different Free Trade Agreements will have different rules of origin.

What are the rules of origin of goods? What is the role?
Rules of origin are understood as regulations and rules of origin of goods with agreements on tariff preferences and non-tariff preferences.

How many types of rules of origin are there?

Rules of origin of goods are divided into two types according to the provisions of Article 3 of Decree No. 31/2018/ND-CP, including:

  • Preferential rules of origin: Are rules of origin applicable to goods with commitments or agreements on preferential tariffs and non-tariff incentives.
  • Non-preferential rules of origin: Are rules of origin that apply to goods without commitments or agreements on preferential tariffs and non-tariff preferences. In the case of applying non-preferential trade measures on most-favored nation treatment, anti-dumping, anti-subsidy, self-defense, quantitative restrictions or tariff quotas, Government procurement and trade statistics commercial.
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Role, legal basis and regulations related to rules of origin of goods

After answering what rules of origin are and how many types of rules of origin there are, Proship will continue to cite the legal basis of rules of origin, related regulations as well as the role of rules of origin. rules of origin of products and goods. As follows:

The role of rules of origin of goods

Rules of origin of goods apply to imported goods for the following purposes:

  • Enforce trade measures or tools, such as anti-dumping taxes, safeguard measures...;
  • Identify imported goods eligible for trade preferences;
  • Serving the enforcement of legal regulations on labels and labeling of goods;
  • Serving government procurement activities according to regulations;
  • Serving commercial statistics.

Rules of origin are intended to determine the eligibility of imported goods to enjoy preferential tariffs. Without rules of origin, the phenomenon of trade deflection will be very difficult to prevent. Goods imported from countries not participating in the FTA will enter the FTA area through the member country. From there, the lowest tax rate will be applied to goods imported from countries not participating in the FTA.

Rules of Origin are not only a technical tool to implement FTAs ​​but also a Trade Policy tool. However, this may increase the costs that Businesses must bear in the form of paperwork and accounting costs.

Legal basis for rules of origin of goods

Rules of origin of goods are based on the following legal bases:

  • WTO Agreement on Rules of Origin;
  • Decree No. 19/2006/ND-CP dated February 20, 2006 detailing the Commercial Law on origin of goods;
  • Circular No. 08/2006/TT-BTM dated April 17, 2006 and Circular No. 10/2006/TTBTM dated June 1, 2006 of the Ministry of Trade guiding how to determine impure origin;
  • Circular No. 06/2011/TT-BCT dated March 21, 2011 of the Ministry of Industry and Trade stipulating procedures for issuing C/O of preferential goods;
  • Decision 1313/QD-BCT dated April 17, 2017 on amending and supplementing Decision No. 2412/QD-BCT dated June 15, 2016 of the Minister of Industry and Trade promulgating the Procedures for granting Certificates of Origin preferential goods via the Internet;
  • Circular 31/2018/ND-CP dated March 8, 2018 detailing the Law on Foreign Trade Management on goods origin;
  • Circular 05/2018/TT-BCT dated April 3, 2018 Regulations on origin of goods;
  • Circular 15/2018/TT-BCT dated June 29, 2018 Regulations on channeling in the process of granting preferential certificates of origin;
  • Circular 39/2018/TT-BCT dated October 30, 2018 Regulations on inspection and verification of origin of exported goods.
What are the rules of origin of goods? What is the role?
Based on the legal basis, circulars, and the Agreement on Rules of Origin, there will be separate regulations that every import-export enterprise must clearly understand and understand.

General provisions of rules of origin of goods

Regulations on issuance of certificates of origin of goods

Article 12 Chapter 4 Decree No. 19/2006/ND-CP dated February 20, 2006 of the Government, Regulations on origin of goods:

  • Certificate of Origin issued by organizations issuing Certificate of Origin according to the prescribed form;
  • The person applying for a Certificate of Origin of exported goods must submit to the organization issuing the Certificate of Origin a set of application documents for a Certificate of Origin of the goods and is responsible before the law for its authenticity. the content of that record;
  • The organization issuing the Certificate of Origin shall check the dossier to determine the origin of exported goods and issue the Certificate of Origin within no more than 03 working days, which can be extended but not more than 05 days. working day;
  • A Certificate of Origin will not be issued if the exported goods do not meet the origin criteria specified in this Decree or the application dossier is invalid;
  • In case the Customs authority, competent authority of the country or territory importing Vietnamese goods or competent Vietnamese authority requests to check the authenticity of the origin of the goods during the During the transportation process, the organization issuing the Certificate of Origin is responsible for verifying the origin of these goods and notifying the requesting agency.
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Non-preferential goods rules

Article 6 of Circular 05/2018/TT-BCT issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade clearly states the rules for non-preferential origin of goods as follows:

  • Exported and imported goods are considered to be of pure origin or produced entirely in a country, group of countries, or territory if they meet the provisions of Article 7 of Decree No. 31/2018/ND -CP dated March 8, 2018 of the Government detailing the Law on Foreign Trade Management on the origin of goods (referred to as Decree No. 31/2018/ND-CP);
  • Exported and imported goods are considered to be of impure origin or not entirely produced in a country, group of countries, or territory if they meet the non-preferential origin criteria in the List of Regulations. Specific product rules are specified in Appendix I issued with this Circular to guide Article 8 of Decree No. 31/2018/ND-CP.

Rules of origin of preferential goods

Article 5 of Circular 05/2018/TT-BCT issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade clearly states the preferential rules of origin as follows:

  • For exported goods and imported goods eligible for preferential tariff and non-tariff regimes, preferential rules of origin are implemented according to international treaties that Vietnam has signed or acceded to and according to regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade guiding that international treaty;
  • For exported goods eligible for universal tariff preferences and other unilateral preferences, preferential rules of origin are implemented according to the importing country's regulations for these preferences and according to the regulations of the importing country. regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade guiding those rules of origin.

How to record the origin of goods on the label

Article 15 of Decree 43/2017/ND-CP stipulates how to record the origin of goods on goods labels as follows:

  • Organizations and individuals producing and importing determine and record the origin of their goods themselves, but must ensure honesty, accuracy, and compliance with the provisions of law on origin of goods or treaties. regulations that Vietnam has participated in or signed;
  • How to write the origin of goods: Write the phrase "made in" or "manufactured in", "manufacturing country", "origin" or "manufactured by" along with the name of the country or territory where the goods are produced. there;
  • The name of the country or territory producing the goods must not be abbreviated.

Shipping contact hotline: 

Ms Tien: 0909 986 247
Ms Dung: 0939 999 247
Ms Duy: 0902 581 247

SHOULD READ: Get cheap Refrigerated Container shipping

Proship Logistics is pleased to introduce the Durian and Lychee export service to China through Dong Dang Lang Son Station, including all procedures and paying taxes on both ends for businesses.

Proship Joint Stock Company is pleased to introduce to customers the service of exporting durian and lychee by self-propelled refrigerated container by rail to China through Dong Dang Lang Son Station, including all procedures and tax payment support at both ends. for businesses. Accordingly, Proship Logistics will carry out the transportation and export process in the following manner:

  • First, send specialized refrigerated containers to the Enterprise's warehouse for packing;
  • Next is to transport the goods to Kep Bac Giang Station and make customs declaration;
  • Next is to transport the refrigerated container to Dong Dang Lang Son Border Gate and complete the customs supervision process;
  • Transporting durian and lychee by refrigerated container to Pingxiang Station (Proship has rented a warehouse at Pingxiang Station) and going deep into Inland China.
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Regarding rules of origin and origin of goods, Proship clearly understands and understands the law, so they commit to prepare all necessary export documents for customers' shipments of Lychee and Durian. Gardeners, businesses, and shippers who need to send and export large quantities of these two types of fruits to the Chinese market just need to come to Proship warehouse to send the goods, we will complete the rest for you from AZ every time. procedures with customs.

In particular, Proship is applying transportation solutions to reduce 25 - 30% of Logistics costs in the cold supply chain of businesses, both saving and bringing high efficiency in trading and exporting Vietnamese fruits to other countries. Choosing the rail transport method will have its own Customs Clearance Gate, which is both quick and avoids congestion that delays trade progress. Therefore, instead of choosing the road, Proship Logistics encourages businesses to prioritize choosing the solution of exporting agricultural products and fruits by rail.

What are the rules of origin of goods? What is the role?
Specialized refrigerated containers are used by Proship Logistics to transport and export large quantities of Lychee and Durian to China through Dong Dang Lang Son Station.

Refrigerated container transport schedule on the Vietnam - China route

Vietnam - China route: Departs daily

  • The Yen Vien - Dong Dang - Pingxiang - Nanning Nan route then transfers to Chinese provinces and cities (and vice versa);
  • Transporting international freight on the route Kep - Dong Dang - Bang Tuong - Nam Ninh and vice versa: 2 trips/day;
  • Time: 3 days (excluding check-in time at border stations;
  • Closed warehouse-warehouse freight transportation service.

All types of Fabrics and Durians are exported and transported by self-propelled refrigerated containers by rail

Receiving export of many types of Durian to China through Dong Dang Station

Proship accepts exporting Durian to China of various types:

  • Durian Ri 6;
  • Durian bitter melon;
  • Cow barn durian;
  • Red-fleshed durian;
  • Cai Mon durian;
  • Thai durian (Dona durian),…

Receiving export of many types of Lychees to China through Dong Dang Station

Proship accepts exporting various types of lychees to China:

  • Bat Trang lychee (Hai Phong);
  • Luc Ngan lychee (Bac Giang);
  • Thanh Ha lychee (Hai Duong),…

Customs records and area code registration for exported durian and lychees

The Proship dossier set is expected to be prepared for export shipments of durian and lychees

  • Commercial Contract (Sales Contract);
  • Commercial Invoice;
  • Packing list;
  • Bill of Lading;
  • Customs Declaration;
  • Insurance Certificate;
  • Certificate of origin of goods (C/O Form E) - Meets the rules of origin of goods;
  • Phytosanitary Certificate;
  • Other documents required by customs and for licensing such as: Catalog, product images,...

Registration dossier for growing area code for durian and lychee export

  • Application for a growing area code;
  • Business registration certificate;
  • Documents proving land use rights;
  • VietGAP certificate for the growing area applying for code (if any);
  • Technical declaration (TCCS 772: 2020/BVTV).

Above is the knowledge about rules of origin. Your businesses dealing in export and import goods have accurately answered what the rules of origin are , what role the rules of origin of goods play, and how they are regulated. From here, businesses also have the basis to prepare enough important documents and documents for their unit's import/export shipments to help the process of working with customs go smoothly and conveniently... To be provided Full package service of exporting Durian and Lychee to China Chinh Ngach includes all procedures at cheap prices, please contact 0909 344 247 .

Shipping contact hotline: 

Ms Tien: 0909 986 247
Ms Dung: 0939 999 247
Ms Duy: 0902 581 247

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