What is customs value? How is it determined?

x Does your business have imported shipments and packages that are required to declare customs value according to regulations?
x Do you want to know how to determine the customs value of exported and imported goods?
x What basis do you need to know to accurately determine and check customs value? Based on what database?

At Proship.vn we will synthesize relevant knowledge about what is customs value? Is there a method to determine customs value? Who are the subjects filing customs value declarations? In case of false declaration of customs value, is there a penalty and how much is the penalty?...will be clarified below.

Customs value: Definition, subjects of declaration

Correct understanding of customs value

What is customs value? Customs value is regulated according to Article 86 of the 2014 Customs Law:

  • The value is used as a basis for calculating taxes on export and import goods and to support future customs statistics of goods;
  • The HQ value for exported goods will be calculated at the export border gate (excluding: insurance fees and international shipping fees);
  • The HQ value of imported goods is the actual price the enterprise must pay up to the first import border gate, based on Vietnamese law and international treaties to which our country is a member.
What is customs value? How is it determined?
Customs Valuation is the actual price payable up to the first import border gate, determined by applying sequential valuation methods.

Subjects declaring customs value declaration

According to Article 18 of Circular 39/2015/TT-BTC, imported goods must declare their customs value on the HQ value declaration, except for:

  • Goods that are not subject to tax, tax exemption, or consideration for tax exemption according to the provisions of the Law on Export Tax and Import Tax;
  • Imported goods in the form of importing raw materials to produce exported goods;
  • Imported goods without sales contract or commercial invoice;
  • Goods are eligible to apply the transaction value method specified in Clause 3, Article 6 of Circular 39/2015/TT-BTC, and have fully declared HQ value information on the import goods declaration of the Information System. VNACCS electronic customs office and this system automatically calculates customs value.
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The most standard way to determine the customs value of imported and exported goods

How to determine the customs value of exported goods

The selling price of the goods is determined on the contract, commercial invoice and related documents up to the first export border gate.

If the value to calculate export tax cannot be determined, customs data will be checked at the same time and the lowest value from two identical or similar export goods values ​​will be applied as the value for export tax calculation. password.

How to determine the customs value of imported goods

The method of determining import taxable value is to apply six sequential methods, stopping at the method of determining customs value, taking into account the actual price paid to the first import border gate.

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Is there a penalty for declaring false customs value?

Pursuant to Article 8 of Decree 128/2020/ND-CP, there are regulations on sanctioning administrative violations in the field of customs. Therefore, if the enterprise or individual declares the wrong customs value, they will be subject to administrative penalties as follows:

1. Fine from 1,000,000 - 2,000,000 VND for one of the following acts:

  • Incorrect declaration of quantity (exhibits worth over 10,000,000 VND), name of goods, type, origin of goods as humanitarian aid or non-refundable aid approved by competent authorities;
  • Incorrect declaration of quantity (exhibits worth over 10,000,000 VND), name of goods, type, quality, customs value, origin, code of imported goods subject to tax but not affects the amount of tax payable; except for the cases specified in Point a, Clause 1, Clause 2 of this Article;
  • Failure to declare on the customs declaration the special relationship between the buyer and the seller according to the provisions of customs law without affecting the customs value.
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2. Fine from 2,000,000 - 4,000,000 VND for false declaration of quantity (exhibits worth over 10,000,000 VND), product name, type, quality, customs value , origin of goods and falling into one of the following cases:

  • Goods in transit, transshipment, transshipment goods;
  • Goods used and destroyed in the non-tariff zone.
What is customs value? How is it determined?
The penalty for false declaration of customs value depends on the level, act of false declaration compared to reality, level of impact,...

3. Fine from 3,000,000 - 5,000,000 VND for false declaration of quantity (exhibits worth over 10,000,000 VND), product name, type, quality, customs value , origin of exported and imported goods subject to tax exemption and non-taxable subjects according to the provisions of law, except for the cases specified in Point a, Clause 1 and Point d, Clause 4 of this Article.

4. Fine from 5,000,000 - 10,000,000 VND for one of the following acts:

  • Wrong declaration of the number of master bills of lading and secondary bills of lading on the cargo manifest of transport vehicles on exit, entry, or in transit;
  • Incorrectly declaring the number of passengers on the passenger list of the transport vehicle's records on exit, entry, or transit;
  • Incorrectly declaring the number of pieces of luggage on the luggage manifest of the transport vehicle on exit, entry, or transit;
  • Inaccurate declaration of quantity (exhibits worth over 10,000,000 VND), name, type, and origin of goods brought into bonded warehouses or tax-suspension warehouses; Goods from bonded warehouses and tax-protected warehouses sent abroad.
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Most frequently asked questions about customs value

What is the basis for inspection and determination of customs value?

The basis for inspection and determination of customs prices is prescribed and promulgated in Clause 1, Article 21 of Decree 08/2015/ND-CP. Customs inspection and determination of value is based on:

  • Documents and documents related to goods;
  • Customs documents for shipment;
  • Actual shipment.
What is customs value? How is it determined?
Many import-export enterprises today are especially interested in the customs value database and the basis for checking and determining customs value.

What is the customs value database?

The customs value database is information related to determining the customs value of imported and exported goods in our country. This database is collected, classified and synthesized by the Customs Agency according to general criteria and regulations of the Ministry of Finance.

The General Department of Customs is a unit that focuses on unifying customs value data and regularly updates it from time to time. The HQ value database shows the risks of goods value in the country's import-export industry.

What is customs value , subjects required to declare customs value, how to accurately determine customs value and the basis for checking and determining customs value,... have been clarified. Interested businesses should save the shared article to effectively serve import and export activities. And if you need to use cheap transportation services at Proship Logistics, contact immediately 0909 344 247 .

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