What is the bill of lading? What kind? How does it work?

x You are a business, the owner participated in the import and export activities of the road, sea, rail or no need to learn about the bill of lading?
x You want to know how many bill of lading, how to classify it?
X You want to know how the bill of lading has the function, effect and legality?

Want to know what the bill of lading is, what functions, there are some common types of bill of lading today, ... Let's below to read below to have the most satisfactory answer about Bill of Lading . At the same time, the business will also know whether the bill of lading will be transferred or not.

What is the bill of lading? What does the content include?

Join Proship to learn about the concept of bill of lading and the information and content inside the bill of lading include what the following:

The bill of bill

What is the bill of lading? Bill of Lading - B/L) is an important document in the process of freight. This is a document confirming the transportation of goods from the sender to the recipient through the shipping unit.

The bill of lading acts as a legal evidence of ownership of goods during transportation. For businesses and individuals, the bill of lading helps to monitor and manage goods effectively and transparently, ensuring that the goods will be delivered at the right place and the right recipient.

What is the bill of lading? What kind? How does it work?
The bill of lading (English is Bill of Lading) is a very important document in transporting sea, road, rail and air.

The contents of the bill of lading

In a bill of lading will show the information:

  • Name and address of the transportist, other instructions required;
  • Port queue;
  • Port of discharge;
  • Name and address of the shipper;
  • Name and address of the consignee (very important);
  • Agents and notice members designated;
  • Name of goods, signing code, number of packages, weight of both packaging or volume;
  • Charges and surcharges paid to transporters, payment conditions;
  • Time and place of bill of lading;
  • The original of the bill of lading;
  • The signature of the transportist (or the captain or the representative of the captain, or agent.
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Effects, functions and legality of Bill of Lading

Once understood what the concept of the bill of lading is, it is really necessary to learn about the effect and legality of Bill of Lading. Specifically:

The effect of the bill of lading

The effects of the bill of lading are indicated:

  • Is a document to pledge, buy and sell goods;
  • Is the customs clearance basis, procedures for import and export of goods;
  • Is the basis for determining the number of goods sent by the seller to the buyer, based on which people statistical, book records, monitor the performance of the contract;
  • A document attached to the commercial invoice in the voucher set that the seller sends to the buyer (or bank) to pay the goods.

Functions of the bill of lading

The functions of the bill of lading are indicated:

  • Is evidence to confirm the transport contract that has been signed and specifically the content of that contract;
  • A document confirming the ownership of the goods stated on the bill of lading. From here, the bill of lading is a valuable paper, used to pledge, buy and sell;
  • Is the receipt of the transporter confirming the delivery to transport.

Legal basis of the bill of lading

The bill of lading is not only a useful tool in transport management but also prescribed and protected by important legal bases.

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In particular, the International Convention on shipping (Hague-Visby Rules), Warsaw Convention, and domestic law provisions have specific provisions related to history. Use and manage the bill of lading.

In Vietnam, the bill of lading is adjusted by the Maritime Code, Road Traffic Law and legal documents related to transport.

List of common types of bills of lading

What is the bill of lading, so what kind of bill of lading? Currently, there are many different types of bill of lading, each type for certain transportation needs and purposes. Some common bill of lading that Proship synthesize are:

Classification based on shipping journey characteristics

Based on the characteristics of the transportation journey:

  • Through bill of lading (through b/l): goods through many vehicles and transit ports;
  • The bill of lading is straight (Direct B/L): Goods are transported directly from the port arranged to the port, without transit;
  • Multimodal transport b/l): used for combined transportation (sea, set, aviation).

Classification based on the status of the ship

Based on the status of goods on the ship, there are bill of lading:

  • The bill of lading has arranged the ship (on board B/L): After the goods have been arranged on the train and ready to transport, often used to carry out customs procedures at the destination port;
  • The bill of lading has not been arranged (shipping on board b/l): issued when the goods have not been boarded but the sender needs a voucher to ensure transportation. It may cause delay or goods are arranged on the train.

Classification based on notes on the bill of lading

Based on the notes on the bill of lading, there are the bill of lading:

  • Formal incomplete bills (Fouled b/l): There are notes on damage, loss or deficiency of goods;
  • Perfect bill of lading (Clean B/L): No notes about damage, loss or deficiency of goods.
What is the bill of lading? What kind? How does it work?
Based on the transportation journey, the status of the goods, notes on the bill of lading, the ability to transfer but there will be many different types of bill of lading.

Classification based on transferable

Based on the ability to transfer the bill of lading:

  • The bill of lading (order b/l): can be transferred by signing after. Often used in international trade transactions;
  • Anonymous bill of lading (Bearer B/L): Anyone who has the original bill of lading can receive the goods. Less used because of high risk of loss;
  • The bill of lading (Straight B/L): Only delivery to the person named on the bill of lading. Make sure the goods are only received by the right people.
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Other types of bill of lading

Special bill of lading such as the Bill of Lading (House Bill of Lading) for the Master Bill Of Lading is issued by the Shipmit and Multimodal Bill of Lading). For combined transport types.

Is the bill of lading transfer?

Pursuant to Article 162 of the Vietnam Maritime Code 2015 stipulating the transfer of the bill of lading:

Transfer of the bill of lading

1. The bill of lading is transferred by signing the bill of lading. The last signer has the right to issue the order to return goods in the bill of lading according to the command is the legal recipient.

2. The anonymous bill of lading is transferred by the carrier to give that anonymous bill of lading to the transferred person. The person who produces anonymous bill of lading is the legal consignee.

3. The bill of lading is not transferred. The person named in the bill of lading is the legal consignee.

What is the bill of lading? What kind? How does it work?
As a rule, the bill of lading according to the orders and the anonymous bill of lading is transferred and the bill of lading is not transferred.

In summary, the transfer of the bill is prescribed as follows:

  • The bill of lading is the bill of lading according to the orders, the anonymous bill of lading;
  • The bill of bill of lading is not a single bill of lading.

What is the bill of lading and the common types of bill of lading as well as the functions, effects, content in the bill of lading, the legal basis of the bill of lading, whether it is allowed to transfer the bill of lading or not, ... are the basic knowledge About Bill of Lading that Proship Logistics wants to convey to readers, import -export businesses. Any questions related to rail, sets, sea, aviation bill, contact 0909 344 247 for answers.

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