Warehouse rental price list

* Do you want to rent a warehouse to store large quantities of goods at low cost? * Do you want to simplify the current procedures, paperwork, and warehouse rental process by a reputable and professional rental unit? * Do you want to quickly update the detailed warehouse rental price list for each need and necessary service (including regular and cool storage)?

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freight company officially put into operation warehouse rental service and was present for the first time in Vietnam. Proship's warehouses have many areas and accompanying services, corresponding to different rental prices, if you are looking for a moderate or large warehouse to meet storage purposes. , please contact us immediately.

Below is information about the rental price list. Proship currently owns a high-quality warehouse system with a total area of ​​more than 10,000 m² distributed in many provinces and cities across the country. Our company's warehouse and yard system has a convenient location for storing and distributing goods in and out. In addition, Proship's warehouse is also equipped with modern 24/7 security machinery and equipment, full electricity and water, a natural lighting ventilation system, ensuring that your goods are always preserved in good conditions. good case. Not only do we serve warehouse rentals with large areas, but we also have warehouses for small and medium enterprises with low areas to serve the needs of businesses.

The proship company provides a full package of services according to customer needs: receiving goods, importing and exporting, daily, weekly, monthly reports, professional loading and unloading. If you rent a warehouse at Proship and want to transport and express goods to customers, Proship also provides door-to-door delivery service, very convenient for you. Proship.vn applies information technology to its warehouse and document storage system according to modern processes that meet international standards. With document management system using barcode system and warehouse management software. This helps customers feel more secure in the process of controlling and managing their records easily and scientifically. Therefore, it can be said that using the warehouse rental service at Proship is a great solution for customers.

Warehouse rental price list
Shelves contain goods of various types and sizes in Proship's large-scale warehouses.

Advantages of renting a warehouse at Proship:

Currently owning a high quality warehouse system with a total area of ​​more than 10,000 m², a convenient location for storing and distributing goods into the Ho Chi Minh City area. Warehouse rental price list


The warehouse at Proship is equipped with modern security machinery and equipment 24/24h, full electricity and water, natural lighting ventilation system, ensuring that your goods are always preserved in good conditions.

Warehouse rental price list


The entire warehouse is built according to modern design, has been tested and set international standards. Can store many different types of goods.


Unit: VN

TT Type of service Describe Unit Unit price/month Management fee VND/month Note
1 1 shelf level 1 tier of standard shelf, area 1m2 Dimensions : 2m long x 0.5m wide Floor 200,000 100,000 Applicable to light goods
2 Original shelf Original Proship standard shelf, area 4m 2 Dimensions: 2m long x 0.5m wide x 4 floors Shelf 400,000 200,000
3 m 2 floors Empty floor area Can be loaded up to 2m high Not including shelves and pallets m2 200,000 30,000 (Minimum 300,000) Applicable to heavy goods, oversized goods, large quantity, high quality.
4 Rent pallets Plastic and wooden pallets meet standard dimensions: 1m x 1.2m female 50,000 VND    
Warehouse rental price list
Proship.vn's modern, spacious and comfortable warehouse.


  • Install air conditioning, ensuring a stable temperature of 20-27 degrees Celsius
  • Applicable to cosmetics, dietary supplements, and foods that need to be kept cool.

Unit: VND

TT Type of service Describe Unit Unit price/month Management fee VND/month Note
1 1 shelf level 1 tier of standard shelf, area 1m2 Dimensions : 2m long x 0.5m wide Floor 250,000 100,000 Applicable to light goods
2 Original shelf Original Proship standard shelf, area 4m 2 Dimensions: 2m long x 0.5m wide x 4 floors Shelf 500,000 200,000
3 m 2 floors Empty floor area Can be loaded up to 2m high Not including shelves and pallets m2 300,000 30,000 (Minimum 300,000) Applicable to heavy goods, oversized goods, large quantity, high quality.

Note: The above price does not include 10% VAT.

  • We will preserve goods, report import and export inventory, and update the quantity of goods upon your request.
  • The above price does not include cargo insurance. BIDV insurance fee is 0.5% of declared value/1 year
  • The above price does not include loading and unloading fees when importing and exporting goods. Loading and unloading fee 200,000 VND/ton/time

***The above price does not include delivery . Delivery fee is according to delivery price list from the warehouse to the delivery address.

Benefits of renting a warehouse at PROSHIP

Proship currently owns a high-quality warehouse system with a total area of ​​more than 10,000 m² distributed in many provinces and cities across the country. Our company's warehouse and yard system has a convenient location for storing and distributing goods in and out. In addition, Proship's warehouse is also equipped with modern 24/7 security machinery and equipment, full electricity and water, a natural lighting ventilation system, ensuring that your goods are always preserved in good conditions. good case. Not only do we serve warehouse rentals with large areas, but we also have warehouses for small and medium enterprises with low areas to serve the needs of businesses. Proship provides a comprehensive service according to customer needs: receiving and storing goods, importing and exporting, daily, weekly, monthly reporting, professional loading and unloading. You rent a warehouse at Proship and want to transport and express goods to customers, Proship also provides door-to-door delivery service, very convenient for you. Proship.vn applies information technology to its warehouse and document storage system according to modern processes that meet international standards. With document management system using barcode system and warehouse management software. This helps customers feel more secure in the process of controlling and managing their records easily and scientifically. Therefore, it can be said that using the warehouse rental service at Proship is a great solution for customers.

PROSHIP's commitments when customers rent warehouses

Proship commits to customers the following regarding warehouse rental services:

  • Always committed to protecting customer information
  • Prices are always the most competitive, always have the most optimal price depending on customer needs
  • Enthusiastic consulting staff, dedicated to answering customers' questions
  • The warehouse is spacious and safe, with a shelf system and an elevator to lift and lower goods at the warehouse
  • With a professional security force serving 24/24 hours and a fire protection equipment system that meets strict technical standards
  • Good experts train and transfer warehouse management and operations in a professional style
  • Having trouble on the road or having goods damaged or malfunctioning is something no one wants to happen. But if there is, Proship commits to take full responsibility and compensate the customer for damages according to the value of the goods.

Above is the latest price list for warehouse rental, applicable for both regular and cold storage, when businesses operating in the field of e-commerce need to find a place to store goods. Large, with modern and convenient storage equipment and reasonable rental prices compared to the market, please contact Proship.vn's professional consulting team immediately via hotline 0909 344 247 for advice. Please provide the most dedicated and thoughtful support. We are confident that customers will be completely satisfied with the quality of Proship's modern warehouses.

Proship's warehouse rental contact hotline:

Mr Toan: 0909 377 247
  Mr Quoc: 0909 344 247

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