Distinguishing Intermodal and Multimodal Transport in the most detailed

C your business is transporting international goods to learn about the two methods of Intermodal Transport and Multimodal Transport?
X wonder between Multimodal Transport and Intermodal Transport is there any difference? What are the advantages of these two transport methods?
x Import and export enterprises want to know when to choose Intermodal Transport? When to choose Multimodal Transport?

Proship.vn we will approve the following sharing to help you distinguish between Intermodal Transport, Multimodal Transport has what advantages? Should choose the intermodal transport or multimodal transport? In parallel, Proship Logistics also helps businesses know when to choose Intermodal Transport, when to choose Multimodal Transport, ... to optimize costs, time and increase the most efficient.

What is Multimodal Transport? What is Intermodal Transport?

Let's read the following content to understand the definition of Intermodal Transport, Multimodal Transport:

Multimodal Transport - Multimodal transport

Multimodal Transport is a freight transportation from the delivery point to the return point by many different transportation methods (roads, sea, air, etc.).

Each method has one or more shipping service providers, but only one (01) shipping service contract is only a carrier during the delivery process.

Distinguishing Intermodal and Multimodal Transport in the most detailed
Multimodal Transport means Vietnamese as a multimodal transport, Intermodal Transport means Vietnamese transport combining many different modes of goods transfer quite common today.

Intermodal Transport - Transport combined

Intermodal Transport is a freight from the goods to the delivery point by many different transportation methods (roads, sea, air, etc.).

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Each method has a different shipping service provider, with separate shipping service providers. Many shipping service providers participate in the delivery process.

Basically, the difference between the two terms lies in the transport contract and the transportation responsibility between the carrier and the owner (seller/buyer).

The common forms of multimodal transport

With the need to import and export goods from Vietnam to countries (vice versa) increasingly developing is also the time when multimodal transport services operate strongly with many different forms of transportation:

Road transport combined with air transport

In this multilateral transport will help shipping goods to be more flexible when using cars at the beginning and end.

At this time, the goods after being gathered at the focal point will then transport to the location of the airway, helping to move faster. Thanks to the convenience of these two combinations, the form of road and air transport can be used for most goods.

Sea transport combining air transport

The combination of sea and air transport is the method that many people choose because of the fastest and most optimal shipping speed.

In this method of transport, people will optimize the delivery time of goods quickly, ensuring the season. Besides, in this form of transport is suitable for large volume of goods, mainly high -value items; Clothes, shoes, toys, electronics, ...

Distinguishing Intermodal and Multimodal Transport in the most detailed
Road transport combined with air routes, sea transport combining air and railway transport combined with roads are popular multimodal transport forms today.

Railway transport combined with road transport

This form is suitable for domestic delivery, ensuring flexibility when delivery and safety. Specifically, the goods will be packed and gathered at the warehouse and transferred to the train to another location. Then will use cars to transport to the delivery location quickly.

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But this form of transport only meets orders with trains passing. If the railway is not passed, the distance traveled by car will be longer, difficult to optimize the cost.

Businesses should choose Multimodal Transport or Intermodal Transport?

Both Intermodal and Multimodal Transport have their own advantages and disadvantages, the only difference here is that the owner must sign one or more shipping contracts.

If you choose Multimodal, the shippers only sign a contract with a single shipping in the entire shipment journey, regardless of the number of transportation methods. The carrier under the contract of issuing a combination bill or a multimodal bill of lading.

The advantage of multimodal transport

The advantage of Multimodal Transport must mention is:

  • Just a shipping company is responsible for freight;
  • A unit responsible for meeting all delivery requirements;
  • Each shipment only needs a hub.

With Intermodal, you have to sign many contracts - a contract with goods delivery or shipping company, one or more contracts with road transport companies and one or more contracts with rail transport, ... Each shipping company issues a separate bill of lading in inter -method transportation.

The advantage of Intermodal Transport

The advantage of Intermodal Transport must mention is:

  • It is possible to stop the shipment at any time for any reason;
  • You can choose a shipping for each stage of the shipment based on price or service (more competitive price);
  • More flexible in choosing a supplier when there are unwanted problems arising.
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* Conclusion: These two modes of transportation help you optimize delivery time, reduce inventory costs and keep transport costs under control. But many people tend to be in favor of Multimodal Transport because of the simpler cost savings, time and procedures.

When should the business choose multimodal transport multimodia and transport combining Intermodal Transport?

Should choose Multimodal Transport and Intermodal Transport when:

When should you choose multimodal transport?

Multimodal transport will often be the optimal choice for businesses that need fast, convenient and less complicated transportation solutions. This is especially important for high -value shipments, safe transportation requirements and on time.

Distinguishing Intermodal and Multimodal Transport in the most detailed
Also depending on the enterprise, the type of goods need to be transported, the level of control of the business, ... but there is a consideration between the Intermodal Transport or Multimodal Transport.

When to choose a combination transport?

Combined transport may be a better choice for businesses with experience in the supply chain management and want to strictly control each stage of the transportation process.

This method can also be suitable for businesses that want to optimize costs by choosing different service providers for each mode of transport.

* Conclusion: Multimodal transport and combined transportation have its own advantages and limitations. The choice between these two forms depends on the specific needs of each business, the type of goods that need to be transported, the level of control that businesses want ... To achieve the highest efficiency, businesses need to consider carefully and have advice from experts in the field of logistics.

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