x Is your business involved in the field of import-export, international transportation,...need to learn about Letter Of Indemnity? x You don't clearly understand the definition of Letter Of Indemnity? When to use? x Are you wondering about the content, risks, and functions of the LOI? After […]
Card storage: What is it?
Summary of articles related to what the word is.
x Does your business have import-export shipments that need to understand many specialized terms, including SOF? x Are you interested in the content, role, and regulations of SOF in the Sea Freight Contract? x You want to better understand the importance of SOF in the […]
x Your business is new to the import-export field and wondering what LCL goods are? x You don't know the difference between LCL goods and FCL goods, what are the similarities and differences? x Do you want to know what benefits LCL shipping brings? Should you choose to send [...]
x Businesses and shippers specializing in import-export and sea transport need to find out what freight collect is? x You can't distinguish between freight prepaid and freight collect, what are the similarities and differences? x You want to know the benefits of freight collect for stakeholders in [...]
x Shippers and businesses with import and export shipments by sea need to understand the fees and surcharges, including Ocean Freight fees? x You don't know how to calculate Ocean Freight fees and wonder who will pay Ocean Freight fees? x You want to know which product […]
x Businesses, private individuals, and shippers new to the field of import and export of goods need to learn about back-to-back CO? x You don't understand what conditions need to be met to be granted a back-to-back CO? How to prepare documents? CO application process [...]
x Have businesses, shippers, road, rail, sea transport units, etc. heard of Freight Cost - a quite familiar term, but newcomers to the industry do not understand what Freight Cost is? x You are interested and want to know the types of Freight Cost in import and export [...]
x Import-export businesses have heard of Reimbursement Fee but do not clearly understand what Reimbursement Fee is? x Are you interested in the benefits of Reimbursement Fee? You don't know how to calculate this fee? x Do you want to know how and what is the Reimbursement Fee payment process? Within […]
x Shippers and businesses have shipments transported by sea but are worried about ship drop or ship delay, so what is ship drop? x Import-export businesses do not know what to do when encountering a ship failure in maritime transport? x You […]
x Do businesses and shippers have batches of goods with specific designs, standards and quality that need to be outsourced to be made according to the prescribed product prototypes? x You want to learn details about the content, regulations and need to update the new family contract form [...]