Fake goods are a familiar concept to shoppers, especially women. In fact, fake goods are not simply fake goods but can be items produced based on a formula similar to another brand. In this article we will learn what Fake is - what are type 1 and 2 fake goods?
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What is fake? What are fake goods?
So what are fake products? It can be understood that these are items that are made, designed and produced almost original to a certain product brand. For a long time, when talking about fake goods, many people often think of fake goods and illegal counterfeit goods. However, there are many types of fake goods and when buying online, customers need to clearly understand the concepts of fake goods or fake 1 goods, super fake goods... to know what type of item they are buying.
What are type 1 and type 2 fake goods?
What are super fake goods?
Super fake goods are the highest quality imitation goods designed and manufactured according to the most exact formula compared to the original genuine goods. When even the most connoisseurs of branded goods can hardly detect it. For example, current portable IP products are all "constructed" products, but their quality is almost the same as the international version.
What is fake product 1?
What are fake products 2 and 3?
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