What is a transit warehouse? Notes when using transshipment warehouses

x Businesses, retailers, buyers, etc. have shipments transferred to a transit warehouse but do not know what warehouse this is?
x You want to know what the effects and benefits of transit warehouses are, and are there any regulations when using warehouses?
x You need to learn how to import goods into the warehouse and export goods from the transit warehouse?

at Proship.vn will answer all the knowledge you need to know about what a transshipment warehouse is, what effect it has on the transportation and import/export of goods, the process of importing/exporting goods, etc. for shippers. , businesses promptly grasp and choose a compatible storage type.

What is a transit warehouse? What regulations are there?

Definition of transit warehouse

Transshipment warehouses are currently used quite a lot in the logistics field today. However, for those new to the profession, this concept is still quite new.

So, what is a transit warehouse? A transit warehouse is a place to gather goods and temporarily store goods for businesses and retail shippers, before being transferred to buyers. Transit warehouses are just like regular warehouses, but the level of goods entering and leaving is faster.

Transit warehouses are considered an important link in the process of transporting goods. Unlike normal warehouses, transit warehouses help temporarily store goods, then quickly release them and deliver them to the recipient.

What is a transit warehouse? Notes when using transshipment warehouses
A transit warehouse is essentially a place to gather and temporarily store goods before businesses and goods owners transfer them to buyers.

Regulations related to transit warehouses

Pursuant to Article 28 of Circular 23/2012/TT-BKHCN regulating quarantine during transportation and transit storage as follows:

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Article 28. Isolation during transportation and transit storage

1. During transportation and transit storage, packages and containers containing radioactive materials must be isolated from:

a) Locations with people and undeveloped film comply with the provisions of Clauses 4 and 5, Article 4 of this Circular;

b) Other dangerous goods: flammable, explosive, toxic.

2. Packages or shipments of class II-YELLOW, III-YELLOW must not be placed in the passenger compartment unless this compartment is reserved for specially permitted accompanying persons.

3. For transporting fissile material in storage, groups of packages or containers with a CSI value exceeding 50 must be spaced at least 6 (m) apart.

4. The carrier is responsible for ensuring that the necessary isolation is maintained throughout the transportation and transit storage process.

In addition, based on Article 35 of Circular 23/2012/TT-BKHCN, regulations on the responsibilities of the carrier are as follows:

Responsibility of the carrier

1. In addition to current freight transport regulations, the carrier is only allowed to transport goods when:

a) Have a complete declaration, certificate approved by the competent authority, transportation license according to the provisions of law and transportation instructions;

b) Carefully check the package, shipment, and container to match the declaration and in accordance with the provisions of this Circular. In case of discovering anything incorrect, you have the right to refuse transportation, make a record and send a copy to the relevant parties (sender, consignee) and competent authorities.

2. Ensure radiation safety during transportation and transit storage, including recording dose rate readings during transportation.

3. Notify specific plans and routes for transporting radioactive materials to the Department of Radiation and Nuclear Safety and the local Department of Science and Technology on the transport route.

What is the effect of transit warehouse?

So, what is the effect of transit warehouses? Transit warehouses bring maximum convenience to service users. These warehouses ensure availability and fast circulation of goods. The main roles of transit warehouses are:

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Storage and preservation of goods

Similar to other regular warehouses, transit warehouses also have the function of storing goods under standard conditions.

What is a transit warehouse? Notes when using transshipment warehouses
Transit warehouses have a great effect on the ability to store and preserve goods; save costs and time; easy to control goods,...

Save time and costs

Transit warehouses are located in central locations, connecting intersections, so it is very convenient for storage and waiting for import and export procedures.

Easy to control, collect and distribute goods

Businesses can use transshipment warehouses as gathering points and consolidating goods flows from many different sources to ensure production and business supply chains.

>>See more: What is a tax-protected warehouse?

Concepts related to transshipment warehouses

A model of transporting goods through transshipment ports, feeder ports and transit warehouses. Below is a basic description of each concept:

  • Transshipment goods: Goods from the exporting country pass through Vietnam's border gates and ports, to the transit warehouse and to the end consumer.
  • Feeder Port: Small port that loads goods onto feeder ships before moving to the transshipment port.
  • Hub Port: Large port, gathering goods from small feeder ports, connecting the transportation system.

Note on the process of importing and exporting transshipment warehouses

The transit warehouse with its import and export process will be shared by Proship Logistics as follows:

Process of importing goods into transit warehouse

Service users need to sign a confirmation contract with the transshipment warehouse service provider before placing goods into the warehouse. This contract will confirm the basic elements of the goods when entering the transit warehouse, including: Information about the type of goods stored, storage area, exploitation/operation process and other related requirements.

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Before sending goods to the transit warehouse, service users need to provide a detailed transportation plan for the warehouse management department to confirm and prepare accompanying logistics plans. Detailed information that needs to be sent when goods are imported into transit warehouses includes: goods information, quantity, expected date of warehousing, means of transport, etc.

After the goods arrive at the transit warehouse, both parties providing and using the service will conduct inspection, comparison and confirmation before officially warehousing the goods.

What is a transit warehouse? Notes when using transshipment warehouses
The process of importing goods into the warehouse and exporting goods from the transit warehouse is similar to other types of warehouses and warehouses.

Process of exporting goods to transit warehouse

Just like the warehousing process, when exporting goods from the transit warehouse, service users also need to provide a detailed export plan. The export information that needs to be provided includes: Goods information, quantity exported, date of export, means of transportation,...

After receiving the shipment plan, the transshipment warehouse service provider will proceed with appropriate exploitation/operation. Before the goods leave the transit warehouse, both parties will count and sign a record to confirm the release and complete the process.

What is a transshipment warehouse , the effects of transshipment warehouses and what to pay attention to when importing goods into the warehouse and exporting goods from the warehouse were answered by Proship. Businesses or retail units that want to use this warehouse can learn in advance how the warehouse operates, etc. And if they need to use cheap multi-modal transportation services here, contact us. now 0909 344 247 .

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