What are Shipping Marks? What is the meaning and importance?

x Businesses and private individuals operating in the field of transportation, import and export want to learn about what Shipping Marks are?
x You wonder what purpose Shipping Marks are used for, what content is on them, and how many types of Shipping Marks are there?
x Do you want to know the correct location and how to paste Shipping Marks on goods? Is there anything to note about Shipping Marks?

Next, Proship.vn will clarify the definitions of what Shipping Marks are, what the meaning and importance of Shipping Marks are, what the content on Shipping Marks includes, where Shipping Marks labels are usually located,... for the parties to understand and apply accurately and effectively.

What are Shipping Marks: Concept, purpose of use and classification

What is Shipping Mark?

Shipping Mark, also known as another name, is a number, a symbol or shipping brand assigned to each unit of goods before the item is shipped.

* Example: Sending 1 container of textiles from Morocco to France

A textile manufacturing company in Morocco wants to export a container of men's underwear to an importer in Paris, France.

The packing specifications will be as follows: 10 pairs of men's underwear are put into a carton, then 70 cartons are put into wooden pallets. The 40ft container contains 21 100cm x 120cm pallets.

Shipping Marks are attached on transparent plastic bags: Description of goods, batch number, date of manufacture, material of manufacture, label, origin of goods, washing instructions, etc.

Shipping Marks are attached to the Carton box: Description of goods, origin of goods, type and number of packages inside, net weight, total weight, consignee details,...



Shipping Marks are attached to wooden pallets: ISPM15 mark, pallet label,...Shipping Marks related to containers: Container size, container type and container number, seal number,...

What are Shipping Marks? What is the meaning and importance?

What purpose is shipping mark used for?

Shipping Marks are used to meet the following two main purposes:

  • Carriers or people involved in the process of transporting goods can easily identify this sign.
  • Shipping Mark helps the recipient of the item to check and determine the activities and order of the corresponding goods.
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Classification of Shipping mark

In international shipping, there are many types of shipping marks. Each type of shipping mark is used for different purposes, content, and forms. However, there are some basic types of Shipping Marks:

  • Character format;
  • Print format;
  • Text image format;
  • Drawing form;
  • Print format;
  • Molded label form;
  • Handwritten form;
  • Type of label engraved or engraved on the container.

Information required on Shipping marks

Shipping Marks regulations may vary depending on the country and specific sales contract. Shipping Marks usually include the following information:

  • Name of goods: Name of goods written in English or the language used in transportation;
  • Goods weight: Weight of goods packaged in a package;
  • Quantity of goods: Number of goods packaged in a package;
  • Goods size: The size of the goods packaged in a package;
  • HS code : HS code of the goods;
  • Shipper information: Name, address, phone number, email of shipper;
  • Consignee information: Name, address, phone number, email of consignee.

>>See more: What is ISF?

the shipping mark located?

Proship Logistics has clarified the definition of what Shipping Marks are, specific examples, etc. Next, here are instructions on how to label Shipping Mark goods that you need to know.

To ensure smooth shipping and receiving, shipping marks need to comply with the following general regulations:

  • Shipping mark must be marked on the product or goods packaging in the most visible position so that information and regulations can be read without removing the packaging or disassembling parts of the product;
  • If the shipping label cannot fully express the information, the packaging must contain sufficient information about the manufacturer and the item;
  • If the product cannot be opened, the necessary information must be clearly displayed on the outer packaging;
  • If the product has multiple packages, the Shipping mark needs to be fully affixed on each package;
  • Shipping marks must be clearly printed or marked, easy to read, and not blurred.
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Complying with these regulations will help the shipping and receiving process go more smoothly, reduce errors and increase professionalism in import-export activities.

What are Shipping Marks? What is the meaning and importance?

Note about Shipping Marks on import and export documents

To identify goods faster and limit damage, you need to note a few points on Shipping Marks:

Which documents should not show Shipping Marks?

Shipping Marks must not appear on the bill of exchange. You can simply understand this as a tool used for transfer purposes. Each country will regulate its own form of exchange.

What are Shipping Marks? What is the meaning and importance?

How to use Shipping Marks in Letters of Credit?

A letter of credit is a written commitment used in payment, in which a bank, at the request of a customer, writes a commitment to pay a third party a certain amount of money.

There are two common ways that Shipping Marks appear on a letter of credit: Field 46-A Documents Required and Field 47-A Additional Conditions.

What are Shipping Marks and what you need to know have been answered by Proship Logistics. Accordingly, if you are operating in the field of international shipping, you need to pay special attention to this Shipping Marks shipping mark. Please continue to update the next shared news articles and contact us at 0909 344 247 to get a quote for freight services to China, Laos, Cambodia, USA, EU countries,...


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