x Goods owners and import-export businesses prepare to make customs declarations to clear goods but do not clearly understand what a customs declaration is? What types of documents, records, and related documents need to be prepared? x You don't know how to declare customs declaration accurately and validly? x You do not have experience writing criteria in declarations and how to recognize the status of goods declaration classification?
Within the framework of this article, Proship.vn we will answer all related questions such as what is a customs declaration, what is the customs declaration number, how to declare a standard declaration, how to prepare documents. From here, shippers also know the levels of declarations according to current regulations.
What is a customs declaration?
What is a customs declaration? A customs declaration is a document in which the goods owner must declare information about the goods for the customs force to check when the goods are imported or exported into a country . The term "customs declaration" in English is "Customs Declaration".
Customs declaration is a document that goods owners and vehicle owners must declare shipment information when importing and exporting into and out of Vietnamese territory.
So, what is the customs declaration number? Is the ordinal number of the daily declaration registration number for each type of import at each Customs Sub-Department recorded by a Customs officer, including: declaration number, import type symbol, and registered Customs Sub-Department symbol. Sign in order: Declaration number/import/type/declaration registration unit.
What documents are included in the customs declaration?
What documents need to be prepared for a customs declaration? Pursuant to Article 24 of the Customs Law 2014 stipulates:
Customs records
1. Customs documents include:
a) Customs declaration or documents replacing the customs declaration;
b) Relevant documents.
Depending on each case, customs declarants must submit or present goods purchase and sale contracts, commercial invoices, transport documents, documents certifying the origin of goods, export and import licenses, and other documents. Notify inspection results or exemption from specialized inspection, documents related to goods according to relevant laws.
2. Documents included in customs records are paper documents or electronic documents. Electronic documents must ensure integrity and format according to the provisions of law on electronic transactions.
3. Customs documents are submitted and presented to the customs authority at the customs office's headquarters.
4. The Minister of Finance regulates customs declaration forms, the use of customs declarations and documents to replace customs declarations, and cases where relevant documents must be submitted and presented as prescribed in Clause 1. This.
How to write criteria in the declaration?
Proship guides how to write standard criteria in the declaration as follows:
Left corner of the declaration
The customs declarant must clearly state the name of the Customs Branch that is signing the declaration, and the Customs Branch of the export border gate.
In the middle of the declaration
Reference number and date and time sent:
A number automatically assigned by the system to each declaration when the customs declarant sends electronic customs declaration data to the system to register to declare exported goods.
Declaration number, date and time of registration:
This part is the serial number of the daily declaration registration number for each type of export. If manual recording is required, the Customs officer will record the full declaration number, export type symbol, registered Customs Branch symbol, etc.
How to write the most standard criteria for each section on the customs declaration of import and export goods.
The right side of the declaration
Manual method:
Customs officers will receive and register the export goods declaration signed and stamped by the official.
Electronic method:
The name or number of the official who received the declaration will automatically be recorded.
How to fill out customs declaration of exported goods
You already know what the customs declaration number is. So, do businesses and shippers know how to declare customs declarations for exported goods? Proship would like to present the following 8 basic steps:
Step 1: Log in and access Ecus software
After logging in, access the Ecus software, select "system" on the software menu. Next, click on the "select export enterprise" to enter the parameters of the declaration account and press the select button.
Step 2: Set up the system
Before starting to declare, you need to set up the system with the necessary parameters to connect to the customs system: Select "system -> set VNACCS declaration parameters -> enter information -> write - > check connection” .
Step 3: Create export declaration
After setting up the system, you need to register a new export declaration by selecting "customs declaration" -> register export declaration.
Step 4: Fill in the information in the customs declaration
Information that needs to be filled in the customs declaration includes:
Type code;
Customs authorities;
Processor code;
Shipping method code;
Information about import and export units on customs declarations;
Bill of lading information of customs declaration;
Invoice information of export shipments;
Tax, guarantee on customs declaration;
Shipping information.
Step 5: Enter information in the “container information” section
Enter loading location information and container list. Normally, an export declaration can enter up to 50 different container numbers.
Step 6: Fill in the information in the "goods list"
Proceed to declare information about goods name, brand, model, HS code, unit volume, origin, import-export tariff code, VAT rate, invoice unit price,...
Step 7: Transmit export customs declaration
After checking the accuracy of the information on the electronic declaration, proceed to declare advance declaration information (EDA) by logging in to the company's digital signature and receive the declaration number as declaration information. Next, the declarant officially registers the declaration with the Customs agency, selecting the operation code "3" to officially declare the declaration.
Step 8: Receive the results of channeling and print out the export customs declaration
Once the declaration has been completed, it will be included to proceed with customs clearance procedures. Continue entering "4 to get results of channeling and customs clearance" .
Levels of customs declaration flow
There are 3 levels of channel separation: green channel, red channel, yellow channel:
Green Channel
Green channel customs declaration is for businesses that comply well with customs regulations. Customs will be EXEMPT from checking detailed documents and EXEMPT from checking detailed goods to help goods be quickly imported and exported.
According to customs declaration regulations, export and import goods are divided into Green Channel, Yellow Channel and Red Channel with different levels of customs clearance.
Golden Stream
When a business's customs declaration is returned as a result of yellow flow, customs officials will check the details of the documents but not the details of the goods.
Red Stream
When the enterprise's customs declaration returns a red result, the customs will check the details of the documents and goods before clearing the channel for import and export into and out of that country.
Above is useful knowledge to help you know what a customs declaration is , what the customs declaration number is, how to declare a customs declaration correctly, what are the documents to prepare a customs declaration, ...Businesses and shippers who do not have experience should apply immediately to the import-export process. If you have any questions, please contact 0909 344 247 for answers.
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Bao Yen
Bao Yen is the editor of Proship.vn with many years of experience in the fields of transportation, logistics, import-export, and will bring readers the most useful information and knowledge.