x Does your business have imported shipments and packages that are required to declare customs value according to regulations? x Do you want to know how to determine the customs value of exported and imported goods? x You need to know what basis to determine and check the standard [...]
Card storage: Customs declaration
x Do you have export or import shipments that need customs clearance and need to print barcodes on the declaration according to the regulations of the General Department of Customs? x Do you want to know why it is necessary to print customs barcodes? x You do not clearly understand the process of printing codes [...]
x Are businesses trading in export and import goods through Moc Bai border gate required to declare customs for the shipment? x You do not have experience working with Moc Bai border gate customs to quickly clear goods? x You need the support of your Agent [...]
x Does your business often export goods to China and import goods from China to Vietnam through Huu Nghi border gate? x You are worried that if you do customs procedures yourself, customs declaration at the border gate will easily incur costs, easily encounter problems with goods being detained [...]
x Are you looking for Mong Cai border gate customs services because you do not have much experience in ensuring import and export goods arrive safely at the warehouse? x Are you worried that border congestion at the border gate will delay business progress and trade goods with partners/customers? x […]
x Are you a business unit that exports or imports goods through Lao Cai border gate and is required to carry out HQ procedures for the shipment? x Does your business not have experience in customs declaration and working directly with the Customs Authority at Lao Cai Stock Exchange? x […]
x Enterprises importing and exporting Air goods need customs clearance and customs declaration at Can Tho International Airport? x Do you want to know what the full customs declaration service at Can Tho airport includes? x Do you need to use the Customs declaration service at the airport [...]
x Are you an Air import/export enterprise, need to declare customs of FCL/LCL shipment at SB Cat Bi Hai Phong? x Do you want to understand the customs declaration process, procedures, and full customs declaration fees at Cat Bi airport? x You want to use the Customs Clearance Service [...]
x Are you trading in AIR goods exported or imported through Phu Bai airport (Hue) and having problems with customs clearance procedures? x Are you worried that your business, consumer, etc. shipments passing through SB Phu Bai Border Gate will be detained, delaying your trade plan? x You need to find a Unit […]
x Private individuals and businesses handling Air Import and Export goods are preparing to declare customs at Cam Ranh airport but do not have much experience, connections, etc.? x You need to ensure that goods exported and imported through Cam Ranh airport are quickly and legally valid, without any problems with procedures, documents, records, [...]