Cargo shipping from Saigon to Bien Hoa during the day at cheap prices

x Do you want to ship goods from Saigon to Bien Hoa cheaply and at the fastest price?
x Do you want to shorten the time and process of sending goods to Bien Hoa like before?
x Do you want your goods to always be transported safely "to their destination"?

You can easily transport or send goods from Saigon to Bien Hoa with Proship to meet all of the above requirements and conditions. All the best experiences are only available in the cheap same-day shipping service from Saigon to Bien Hoa of our freight company

Proship's cheap same-day shipping service from Saigon to Bien Hoa

Are you a business and need to send goods from Saigon to Bien Hoa? Are you an e-commerce company and need to deliver COD goods to customers in Bien Hoa? Do you need to send letters and gifts to relatives and partners in Bien Hoa?

Proship 's same-day shipping service , we guarantee to bring you safest, highest quality and cheapest transportation service

Proship's bus schedule is always fixed every day with a specific schedule

Departure: Depart from City Warehouse.
HCM (21 Thao River, Tan Binh) at 2:00 p.m., to Bien Hoa warehouse (158 Nguyen Ai Quoc) at 3:15 p.m. and to Vung Tau warehouse (76 Duong Van Nga) at 5:15 p.m. every day. Return: Depart from Vung Tau warehouse at 5:30 p.m., arrive at Bien Hoa warehouse at 7:30 p.m. and return to Saigon at 8:30 p.m. every day. With a diverse system of means of transportation, proship accepts and sends all types of goods without limits on weight and size such as:

  • Trucks transport industrial goods, imported goods, electronic goods, and consumer goods
  • Trucks transport retail goods, deliver and receive goods to the door
  • Vehicles transporting advertising goods
  • Vehicles transporting food and foodstuffs
  • Trucks transporting super long and heavy goods.

Proship trucks deliver inter-provincial parcels

Transporting parcels by 8 ton proship truck

Parcel goods are transported by proship road trucks


Why should you transport your car from Saigon to Bien Hoa with Proship?

Our motto when implementing the shipping service from Saigon to Dong Nai during the day is CHEAP - FAST - FIXED HOURS. To do this, we have equipped a large fleet of vehicles to ensure timely response when customers have needs. The vehicle staff of Bac Nam Proship freight transportation company are always friendly, cooperative and work hard for customers.
At the same time, we also ensure maximum benefits for customers with clear, accurate, complete shipping contracts, invoices, and shipping receipts...

Parcels delivered along the way

Delivery vehicle along the road

Proship vehicles deliver goods along the road

Above is information related to the cheap same-day shipping from Saigon to Bien Hoa that Proship is currently providing to customers. If you want to choose to use our service, please Contact hotline 0909 344 247  to receive the most enthusiastic advice and support.

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Sending goods to Cambodia
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Cargo truck rental in Ho Chi Minh City
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Shipping contact hotline: 

Ms Tien: 0909 986 247
Ms Dung: 0939 999 247
Ms Duy: 0902 581 247

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