Category archive: News

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What is Invoice Packing list? How important is Invoice Packing List in import and export?

What is Invoice Packing list? How important is Invoice Packing List in import and export?

x You are active in the import-export sector, have heard about invoice packing list but do not understand clearly what it is? x Do you want to know how important the Invoice Packing List is in exporting and importing goods? x You want to find a goods import-export unit with solutions [...]

What is Genset? In refrigerated cargo transportation, what effect does Genset have?

What is Genset? In refrigerated cargo transportation, what effect does Genset have?

x You are an individual/business doing business in refrigerated goods and need to know what effect Genset has in refrigerated transport? x Have you ever heard of Genset equipment used for refrigerated containers but wonder what it is? x If you want to ship cold goods, you need to find an experienced carrier [...]

What is Manifest? What should you keep in mind when declaring Manifest?

What is Manifest? What should you keep in mind when declaring Manifest?

x You are doing import and export goods and need to know what a manifest is? How to declare manifest? x Do you want to know what to pay attention to when declaring a manifest in import and export? x Do you need to import and export Chinh Ngach retail goods, need to find the best transporter? Manifest declaration is karma [...]

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