What is anonymous bill of lading? What is the prescribed and procedure?

x Shippers and import -export enterprises need to know what is anonymous bill of lading, what is used in, what function?
x You wonder about the procedure of making anonymous bill of lading if the necessary conditions will include?
X You want to find out between the anonymous bill of lading and the bill of lading and the bill of lading according to the command are different?

The concept of anonymous bill of lading will be Proship.vn right here with the content, regulations, procedures for making bills of lading, faint functions, ... In parallel, Proship Logistics also lists all kinds of fortunes Singles are commonly used in freight and point out the differences between current common bill of lading.

Anonymous bill of lading: concepts, functions, when to use?

Along Proship learn about the concept, main function and cases of using anonymous bill of lading:

What is anonymous bill of lading?

What is anonymous bill of lading? English is to Bearer B/L, which is a bill of lading on which the name of the recipient is abandoned, recorded as anonymous, or issued according to the command but it is not clearly stated as the order of whom, or issuing the order for the order for A person who benefits but he has signed a bill of lading and does not specify another beneficiary.

The anonymous bill of lading is transferred by handing over, who holds the bill of lading in the hand is owned by that person and the bill of lading has the right to request the unit to transport the goods for him.

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What is anonymous bill of lading? What is the prescribed and procedure?
The anonymous bill of lading, English is to Bearer B/L is a bill of lading on which the name of the recipient is blank (recorded as anonymous).

Functions of anonymous bill of lading

Anonymous bill of lading with the following functions:

  • Is evidence to confirm the transport contract that has been signed and specifically the content of that contract;
  • Is a document confirming ownership of goods stated on the bill of lading;
  • Is the receipt of the transporter confirming the delivery to transport.

When to use anonymous bill of lading?

Anonymous bill of lading is usually used in the case of:

  • When commodity transactions have many intermediaries and require fast transfer;
  • When there is no need to identify the identity of the consignee at the time of issuing the bill;
  • Anonymous bill of lading is suitable for domestic or small -scale transactions.

What is the content of anonymous bill of lading?

What is the definition of anonymous bill of lading. So, what is the content in Bearer B/L bill of lading, what do you know?

According to Article 160 of the Vietnam Maritime Code 2015, the content of the anonymous bill of lading when established will include the following basic information:

  • Name and headquarters of the carrier;
  • Name of the delivery person;
  • Specify the bill of lading signed in the form of anonymous bill of lading;
  • The name of the ship;
  • Goods name, correct description of the type, size, volume, number of units, weight or value of goods, if deemed necessary;
  • Describe the external condition or cargo packaging;
  • Sign, code and characteristics of goods that the delivery person has notified in writing before loading the ship on the ship and is marked on each unit of goods or packaging;
What is anonymous bill of lading? What is the prescribed and procedure?
On the anonymous bill of lading includes the necessary information such as the name of the delivery person, the carrier, the name of the goods, the size of the goods, the status of the goods, the return port, the port of receiving goods, the name of the ship, ...
  • Shipping services and other revenues of the carrier; payment method;
  • Where loading and receiving goods;
  • Port returning goods or instructions of time and location will specify the delivery scene;
  • The number of original bill of lading signed to the delivery person;
  • Time and location of the bill of lading;
  • Signature of the carrier or the captain or other representatives with the authority of the carrier.
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The types of bill of lading in popular goods

There are many types of bill of lading used in freight activities such as:

Bill of bill of lading

The bill of lading is the bill of lading clearly records the information of the consignee and only the person who is only named on the bill of lading will receive the goods. The bill of lading cannot be transferred during transportation.

The bill of lading is not perfect

The imperfect bill of lading is a bill of lading when the transport person has bad notes about goods such as the wrong packaging, unchanged, ...

Perfect bill of lading

The perfect bill of lading is a bill of lading when the transportist has no bad notes about the condition of the packaging and goods when transporting.

Bill of lading by order

The bill of lading is a bill of lading distributed at someone's order by signing the back of the bill of lading.

Marine bill

Sea bills of lading is a bill of lading used for sea and is considered as a valid transport voucher for goods when transporting by sea.

Domestic bill of lading

Domestic bill of lading is a type of bill of lading granted for the form of transporting goods across roads and railways in the mainland area, but not through the sea.

The bill of lading is transparent

The bill of lading is more complicated than other B/L types. It allows the company to deliver goods by a number of different methods or through different distribution centers.

The bill of lading includes domestic bill of lading or a maritime bill depending on the final destination of the order.

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Distinguish anonymous bill of lading with the bill of lading, the bill of lading according to the order

Want to know between the anonymous bill of lading and the bill of lading and the bill of lading according to the command is different, please update the following comparison table:

Criteria Anonymous bill of lading (Bearer B/L) The bill of lading (Straight B/L) Bill of lading (to order b/l)
Information of the recipient Do not specify the recipient's name in the box (consignee) or release without indicating. Specify the name of the consignee. At the order of the shipper, the bank, or the appointment.
Transfer ability Simple transfer by handing over. Cannot transfer. Transfer by signorsement.
Right to receive goods Who holds the bill of lading will have the right to receive the goods. Only the person named on the bill of lading has the right to receive the goods. The person is assigned on the bill of lading or the post -signing.
Advantage Flexible, easy to transfer. Make sure the goods are delivered the right recipient. Suitable for international trade, security and high flexibility.
Defect High legal risks, difficult to control ownership. No transfer, limitations in intermediate transactions. Need a post -signing process, more complicated than anonymous bill of lading.
Scope of use Less popular in international trade, often used in domestic. Popular in simple transactions, not many intermediaries. Commonly used in international trade.
What is anonymous bill of lading? What is the prescribed and procedure?
Between the unknown bill of lading, the bill of lading and the bill of lading according to the command will have a difference in the recipient's information, the scope of use, the advantages and disadvantages, the right to receive goods, the ability to transfer, ...

Above is the knowledge to know about the anonymous bill of lading including anonymous bill of lading, what function, what content, what is different from the remaining bill of lading such as the bill of lading, the bill of lading according to commands, ... Accordingly, businesses and goods owners when participating in export and import activities, whether by road, sea, rail or airway method, they need to understand correctly about the bill of lading to Bearer B/ L this.

Any questions about the bill of lading, contact 0909 344 247 for answers and advice on multimodal freight services only available at Proship Logistics.

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