Transportation service from Da Nang to Nha Trang

x Do you need to send goods from Da Nang to Nha Trang quickly and cost-effectively?
x Do you want to ensure that the goods shipped to Nha Trang are safe, intact, and delivered to your door?
x You don't know where to find an experienced and reputable nationwide freight shipping unit?

Currently, consumer demand and economic development have stimulated the development of the transportation industry extensively. Besides the form of shipping or sending goods through the post office, many private units have been born and provide fast modern shipping, shipping or delivery services The transportation service sending goods from Da Nang to Nha Trang of Bac Nam Proship freight company is one of them.

SEE MORE: North-South Container Transportation

Shipping contact hotline:

Mr Nguyen: 0907 537 247

What are the benefits of the shipping service from Da Nang to Nha Trang?

Do you need to transport goods to Nha Trang ? Do you want to find the fastest delivery service with the best quality and most reasonable price? Do you need to deliver goods in the form of COD shipping to customers in Nha Trang in a hurry? With experience and professionalism, proship confidently meets these customer requirements. Currently, we accept transportation of all types of goods such as consumer goods, industrial goods, electronic goods, civil goods... from Da Nang city to Nha Trang city - Khanh Hoa without setting regulations. size and weight determination.

Speed: We are committed to quick procedures, documents and shipping to save time for customers.

Savings: We have enough economic potential to apply promotions, discounts and many other incentives for customers.


Transportation service from Da Nang to Nha TrangFast delivery service from Da Nang to Nha Trang with Proship with many conveniences for customers.

Flexibility: With many different service packages, customers will increase their choice opportunities. Customers can choose the following express delivery packages:

+ Super express package: You can choose super express delivery package if the order is urgent.
Accordingly, we will deliver within 1h-3h of receiving the order. Delivery time is from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. + Fast delivery package: Receive goods between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m., orders after the requested time will be delivered the next day
+ Same day package: Goods are delivered the next day after delivery. Receive goods (12:00-36:00)
+ Economy package: Goods are delivered within 2-3 days of receipt
+ Night package: Delivered within 1h-3h of receiving the order. Delivery time is from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Professional: Dynamic and enthusiastic staff will bring you the most complete services with the most professional attitude and responsibility.

Reputation: Our delivery process is always committed to following the correct receipt. We will compensate and refund for errors during transportation . Therefore, shipping company 's shipping service from Da Nang to Nha Trang is the perfect choice for customers.

Shipping contact hotline: 

Mr Hung: 0906 855 247
Mr Quoc: 0909 344 247

Proship's forms of transporting goods from Da Nang to Nha Trang

Currently, is one of the reputable transport orders in the field of freight transport. We accept domestic delivery of all goods, documents... without limits on size or weight.'s domestic delivery service helps you ensure that goods are delivered as quickly as possible at the lowest cost in the market today. We have shipping methods such as:

Cheap domestic goods transportation by rail

The North-South Railway is a railway that was formed and operated for nearly 100 years. Vietnam's railway lines are increasingly being completed and increasing in quality. This is an important basis for us to improve shipping quality. Goods transported by rail will ensure quality, progress faster and be safer than other forms of transportation.

Cheap domestic goods transportation by road

Currently, Vietnam's roads are increasingly being expanded and completed, Vietnam's trucking companies are increasingly improving their quality and transit times are shortening. cargo truck system , it is increasingly modern and diverse in tonnage. This is the basis for proship to increase the quality of domestic goods transportation. The price of this type of transportation is also suitable for domestic people.

Proship trucks deliver inter-provincial parcels

Parcel goods are transported by proship road trucks

Transporting parcels by 8 ton proship truck

Proship delivery by truck

Parcels delivered along the way

Proship vehicles deliver goods along the road

Cheap domestic goods transportation by sea

With a long coastline running across all 3 regions of the country, maritime transport is one of the optimal ways of transportation today. Sea transport allows customers to transport goods in large volumes. Although the time may be slower than other forms of transportation, the safety of the goods is guaranteed.

Cheap domestic cargo transportation by air

Currently, our country's air transport system is constantly increasing in quality and quantity. Aviation is currently the leading form of transportation in terms of speed and timeliness. Vietnam's flight routes are increasingly increasing, creating conditions for transporting goods to domestic customers.

Need to transfer goods from Da Nang to Nha Trang

In line with the trend of industrialization and modernization, Da Nang and Nha Trang have achieved some great achievements in building and developing the economy. Currently, Da Nang and Nha Trang - Khanh Hoa are the most important and largest economic pillars in the south central coastal region. Da Nang is a centrally run city, located in the central region, the heart of Vietnam.

Currently, Da Nang has a key position in terms of both economy - society and defense - security and is also an important traffic hub on road, rail, sea and air in Vietnam. This is also the main gateway to the East Sea of ​​the Central provinces, Central Highlands and Mekong sub-region countries. For the past 5 consecutive years, Da Nang has been rated as one of the most "livable" cities in Vietnam thanks to guaranteed welfare and social security programs and a fast administrative system...

Transportation service from Da Nang to Nha Trang
Currently, the need to transport goods from Da Nang to Nha Trang is increasing.

Nha Trang is a long-standing tourist city with a life expectancy nearly equal to that of Da Lat and Sapa. This is the political - economic - cultural - scientific, technical and tourism center of Khanh Hoa province. Nha Trang City has a natural area of ​​251 km² with a population of 392,279. Nha Trang has a particularly great position in the country's tourism development policy. In recent years, thanks to the strength of Nha Trang's sea, people's lives here have continuously improved. This has stimulated the process of shopping and exchanging goods and express delivery from Nha Trang to other localities.

During the market survey, we found that Nha Trang and Da Nang are two localities with many advantages to develop express delivery services, transporting goods, letters... Da Nang and Nha Trang are currently the The cities have the highest competitiveness and economic growth rates in the country, so consumer and trade demand is also very large. Da Nang and Nha Trang are currently one of the major trading partners. These two cities act as both a supply market and a consumption market for each other's products, so the need to transport goods from Da Nang to Nha Trang and vice versa is very developed.

Above is a quick update on our Proship shipping service from Da Nang to Nha Trang. If you need to send or ship goods, you can quickly contact hotline
0909 344 247 for support. Please give your best support.

Shipping contact hotline:

Mr Nguyen: 0907 537 247

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