x Do individuals, organizations, transport units, etc. need to know a few notes related to licenses, packaging, and regulations for transporting dangerous goods?
x You don't know which group your dangerous goods belong to or how to classify them?
x Are you wondering about the different types of dangerous goods transport licenses and which agencies issue them?
PROSHIP.VN will update the things you need to know when transporting dangerous goods for Organizations and Individuals to refer to and apply so that the process of transporting this item goes smoothly and conveniently.
Current status of dangerous goods transportation
In recent years, dangerous goods transportation has developed strongly, transportation businesses (including Proship Logistics) have gradually created reputation for partners with needs for dangerous goods transportation. dangerous.
Transporting dangerous goods is a potentially risky business. Therefore, the transportation of this item always receives great attention from competent and functional agencies.

The transportation of this item needs to comply with the Prime Minister's Decrees in many aspects, including: vehicles, licenses, regulations, symbols, packaging, fire prevention measures, etc. to ensure safety. for transporters, product owners as well as people on the road.
>>See more: Receiving imported goods by sea
Things you NEED to KNOW when shipping dangerous goods
Here are the things you need to know when transporting dangerous goods that Proship Logistics has compiled from many reliable sources:
What are dangerous goods?
Dangerous goods are goods that contain dangerous substances that, when transported, can cause harm to life, human health, the environment, safety and national security.
Classification of dangerous goods
Type 1: Explosives and explosive items include the following groups:
- Group of substances and items with wide explosion risk;
- Group Substances and items that have a risk of splashing but do not explode widely;
- Group Substances and items with a risk of fire and risk of small explosion or small splash or both, but not widespread explosion;
- Group of Substances and items with negligible risk;
- Group Substances that are very insensitive but have a wide explosion hazard;
- Group of special items that are not sensitive and do not pose a wide explosion risk.
Type 2: Gases include the following groups:
- Flammable Gas Group;
- Gas group is not flammable and non-toxic;
- Toxic Gas Group.
Class 3: Flammable liquids and desensitized liquid explosives
Type 4: Includes the following groups:
- Group: Flammable solids, self-reactive substances, solid explosives immersed in liquid or desensitized;
- Group of substances capable of spontaneous combustion;
- Substance group when in contact with water produces flammable gas.
Type 5: Includes the following groups:
- Oxidizing Agent Group;
- Organic peroxide group.
Type 6: Includes the following groups:
- Toxics Group;
- Group of Pathogens.
Category 7: Radioactive substances.
Class 8: Corrosive.
Class 9: Other dangerous substances and articles.

What should organizations and individuals transporting dangerous goods do?
Present the chemical safety card
Chemical safety sheets in domestic transportation of dangerous goods have a similar role to the MSDS Physical and Chemical Composition Analysis Table (in Vietnamese) including the following information:
- Methods – how to receive Chemical identification;
- Information and detailed composition of the substances being transported;
- Identify characteristics - potentially dangerous chemicals;
- Identification of physical and chemical properties of substances;
- Chemical performance and stability;
- Information on the toxicity contained in the substance being transported;
- Ecological information;
- Medical first aid measures when someone has an accident while transporting dangerous substances;
- Fire handling measures in bad cases;
- Preventive and response measures for carriers when incidents occur;
- Requirements for preservation and storage;
- Ability to impact people and equipment to meet personal protection requirements;
- Disposal requirements;
- Important requirements for transportation;
- Transport technical regulations and legal regulations must be complied with during the process;
- Other necessary and important information,...
Provides physical and chemical composition analysis table
With the International Dangerous Goods Transportation Service, the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is an important and mandatory document, helping to accurately determine the components and properties of chemicals or chemicals. of the dangerous product being transported.
Government regulations on transporting dangerous goods
According to Decree 42/2020/ND-CP issued by the Government for transporting dangerous goods by road and waterway, including:
- With waterways when traveling on ferries, vehicles transporting dangerous goods (licensed) must not be with passengers and other traffic participants.
- For roads, motor vehicles participating in road traffic when entering tunnels with a length of 100m or more are not allowed to transport explosives, gas, gasoline, oil and other flammable and explosive substances.
- Vehicles transporting dangerous goods must have dangerous goods logos on them (if carrying many different types of goods at the same time, they must have all the logos of those goods affixed). The required location is on the back of the transport vehicle.
How to pack, mark and wrap when shipping dangerous goods
Regulations on packaging, marking, and labeling are clarified in Circular No. 52/2013/TT-BTNMT of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment:
- Flammable and explosive chemicals: Pack tightly, keep away from fire and fire-causing agents during transportation;
- Toxic and infectious chemicals: People who pack and transport need to be equipped with labor protection;
- Corrosive and reactive chemicals: Store in glass jars or suitable alternative materials;
- Flammable goods: Use specialized closed trucks to transport and place goods on shelves, avoiding direct contact with the truck;
- Gasoline and oil: Use specialized vehicles.
What does a license to transport dangerous goods include, and who issues the license?
To transport dangerous goods, the Transport Unit will first have to apply for a Transport License from the Ministries in charge:
- The Ministry of Public Security has the right to issue transportation licenses for dangerous goods groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 9;
- The Ministry of Health has the right to issue licenses to transport toxic chemicals for medical use, antibacterial and insecticidal chemicals in the household sector;
- The Ministry of Science and Technology has the right to issue transportation licenses for dangerous goods groups 5, 7, 8;

- The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has the right to issue transportation licenses for plant protection chemicals.
- The Ministry of Industry and Trade has the right to issue transport licenses for dangerous goods in groups 2 and 3 and petroleum, gas, and dangerous toxins;
- With the transportation of dangerous goods serving military, national defense and national interests, armed forces security is regulated by the Minister of National Defense and the Minister of Public Security .
Above are the things you need to know when transporting dangerous goods along with related regulations such as regulations on packaging, how to label packaging, how to apply for a license to transport dangerous goods, etc. If you have any questions or If you want to use cheap multi-modal freight shipping service, contact us immediately at 0909 344 247 .
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