Regulations on transportation of goods

Freight transportation is a transportation business activity under the direct management of the Ministry of Transport. Companies or garages must always comply with the regulations on transportation of goods issued by the state.

What is the purpose of regulations on transportation of goods

Regulations on transportation of goods are the rules imposed on shippers and vehicle owners when transferring goods. This charter sets out the rules for transport by different types of transport with the aim of building and strengthening the management of goods transport by car, bringing this transport gradually into planning. to ensure completion and over-fulfillment of the State's transportation targets and requirements for transporting people's goods by car.

Regulations on transportation of goods

Regulations on transport of goods also have positive cross-sector impacts on security, environment, national defense and traffic safety. For customers, these regulations help ensure price stability and help customers ensure their rights when problems occur.

Regulations on shipping documents

Transport documents are specified in Clause 2, Article 52 of Circular 63/2014/TT-BGTVT as follows:
+ Transport document includes the following information: name of transport unit; name of unit or freight hirer; itinerary, contract number (if any), date and year of contract signing; type of goods and quantity of goods transported on the vehicle; delivery time, delivery time and other content related to the transportation process.

+ Transport certificate is stamped by the transport unit and issued to the driver to carry along during the transport of goods on the road; In case of a business household, the householder must sign and clearly state his/her full name on the Transport Certificate.

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Regulations on transportation of goods

+ After loading goods onto the vehicle and before carrying out transportation, the goods owner, or the representative of the unit or individual loading the goods onto the vehicle, must sign to confirm the correct loading of the goods on the Transport Certificate according to the prescribed form. specified in Appendix 28 of this Circular.
+ When transporting goods, the driver must bring the Transport Certificate and documents of the driver and vehicle according to the provisions of law.
+ Drivers are not allowed to carry goods in excess of the allowable weight in traffic according to the provisions of law.”

Regulations on shipping priority order

+ Goods in circulation that do not violate current State laws are accepted and priority transportation will be given to goods that have a pre-scheduled transportation plan and have signed a transportation contract.
+ Goods sent first or requested for transportation first will be transported first.
+ Goods sent later or requested for later delivery will be transported later.
+ If many shippers send goods or request vehicles at the same time to transport at the same time, but the carrier's vehicle capacity is insufficient, then shipping priority must be given in the following order:

1 Fresh goods, easily perishable goods;

2 Dangerous goods

3 Regular goods

Regulations on goods not accepted for transport

The carrier has the right not to accept the following types of goods:
a) Goods banned from circulation, goods requiring a circulation permit that the goods owner does not have or whose documents are invalid;
b) Goods that have been banned from being transported in the opposite direction by the State;
c) Goods require special equipment to ensure safety and quality and the transporter does not have that type of equipment, unless the goods owner is able to provide the equipment;
d) Goods whose packaging does not ensure safety during transportation.

Regulations on transporting oversized and heavy goods

+ For oversized or too heavy goods that exceed the size or tonnage of the vehicles that the carrier currently has, or exceed the tolerance level of roads, bridges, and ferries in the area to be transported, the carrier Goods need to discuss 10 days to a month in advance with the transportation agency or carrier where the goods are going.
+ If the transport party where the goods are going cannot find a solution, report it to the superior transport agency. If it is a transport enterprise, report it to the Company or the Department of Transport.

Regulations on unexpected transportation cases

+ The transporter only accepts transportation of unexpected cases of an urgent nature when there is an order from the Prime Minister, the Minister of Transport or the administrative committees of regions, provinces and cities. central government, such as famine relief, crop protection, storm and flood prevention, epidemic prevention, drought prevention or serving security and national defense.
Regulations on transportation of goods
+ In other cases of unscheduled transportation, the carrier will only accept transportation if capable or when there is an order from the Prime Minister, the Minister of Transport or the Administrative Committee of regions, provinces, etc. centrally-run city, but the shipper must pay the carrier an additional amount equal to 2% of the shipping fee.


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