Shipping service from Nha Trang to Nam Dinh

x Do you do online business in Nha Trang and need to send goods to Nam Dinh for retail customers, wholesale customers, or businesses that need to send goods to agents or partners?
x You don't know which method to choose to transport goods from Nha Trang to Nam Dinh to optimize costs, time, and effort?
x Do you want to experience and use the shipping service from Nha Trang to Nam Dinh at Proship Logistics to enjoy many attractive price incentives, support for fast and safe Door to Door delivery,...?

huge demand for transporting goods to Nam Dinh PROSHIP.VN we have promoted the service of transporting goods to Nam Dinh from Nha Trang at CHEAP prices by containers, trucks or specialized road vehicles to serve the needs of customers. The best service for the needs of individual and business customers.

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Container shipping contact hotline: 

Mr. Quoc: 0909 344 247
Mr Mien: 0909 199 247
Ms. Thuy: 0909 238 247
Ms.Hoa: 0906 353 247

Safe and cheap transportation and shipping services from Nha Trang to Nam Dinh at Proship Logistics

Nam Dinh is one of the Industrial provinces in the Southeast region of the Red River Delta region. Nam Dinh province has been strengthening multi-faceted economic cooperation relationships with provinces and cities nationwide, including Nha Trang City. Therefore, the need for goods transportation and express delivery from Nha Trang to Nam Dinh occurs quite frequently and is constantly increasing.

In the market, the number of North-South freight and transport companies that are exploiting transport services along the Nha Trang to Nam Dinh route is quite large. Furthermore, both provinces are located on the North-South traffic axis, so two-way transportation is not too difficult. But finding a shipping that meets customers' strict requirements is not easy.

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Shipping service from Nha Trang to Nam Dinh
The shipping service to Nam Dinh from Nha Trang at Proship always has the best, most competitive prices for businesses and individuals.

From here, PROSHIP LOGISTICS has launched the delivery service to Nam Dinh from Nha Trang with continuous improvements. Accordingly, Freight Transport Company transports legal items from Nha Trang to Nam Dinh without limits on weight and size.

We specialize in receiving parcels shipped to Nam Dinh from 50Kg, 51-100Kg, 101-500Kg, 501-1000Kg, 1000Kg by 20ft, 40ft, 45ft container or Hino 8-ton 2-storey truck with hydraulic lift for convenience. Transporting motorbikes and many other business, consumer and project goods.

In particular, fragile and perishable items will be closely inspected North-South Proship Logistics Freight Transport Company Besides, we also transport refrigerated containers to Nam Dinh from Nha Trang with vegetables, fruits, seafood, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics,... with remote temperature refrigeration and Trucking systems meeting required standards.



Fast shipping time, guaranteed safety and reasonable service prices... are what we at Proship have been bringing to constantly improve the quality of North-South container transport services every day.

Reasons to choose to send goods to Nha Trang Nam Dinh at Proship

Choose CHEAP shipping service from Nha Trang to Nam Dinh at Proship, mainly because:

  • Shipping rates to Nam Dinh are always cheap, competitive and less volatile;
  • Large transport capacity, unlimited amount of goods sent to Nam Dinh;
  • Customer information and goods information are committed to absolute confidentiality;
  • Transportation vehicles, lifting and unloading cranes, modern infrastructure;
  • Insurance policy suitable for each type of container/truck transport;
  • The Nha Trang to Nam Dinh container shipping service contract is transparent and stipulates the responsibilities of the carrier;
  • Goods are carefully inspected, packaged, classified, and reinforced;
  • Spacious warehouse at both ends, meeting storage needs before transfer;
  • Door to Door service, delivery directly to the recipient;
  • The route is transparent, customers can track the delivery schedule of parcels, motorbikes, etc. throughout the route;
  • Adequate compensation policy for order value if damage or loss is caused by shipping.
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Items shipped from Nha Trang - Nam Dinh

With Nha Trang to Nam Dinh shipping service, Proship receives:

  • Fabrics, garments, shoes, clothes,...;
  • Advertising products, house cleaning, office cleaning packages...;
  • Paper, cardboard, PE rolls, all kinds of packaging...;
  • Industrial machinery, conveyor systems, automatic machines, electrical appliances, electronic components...;
  • Chemicals: paint, glue, lubricants...;
  • All kinds of plastic pipes, all kinds of corrugated iron...;
  • Consumer goods, food: necessities, confectionery, agricultural products,...;
  • Retail goods, combined goods, whole shipments,...

Pick up location in Nha Trang, delivery in Nam Dinh

Delivery location in Nha Trang

  • Districts in Nha Trang: Nha Trang City, Cam Ranh Town, Van Ninh District, Ninh Hoa District, Dien Khanh District,...
  • Industrial parks in Nha Trang: Suoi Dau Industrial Park, Ninh Thuy Industrial Park, Nam Cam Ranh Industrial Park, North Cam Ranh Industrial Park, Van Ninh Industrial Park,...

Delivery location in Nam Dinh

  • Districts in Nam Dinh: Nam Dinh City, My Loc, Nam Truc, Truc Ninh, Xuan Truong, Hai Hau, Nghia Hung Districts,...
  • Industrial parks in Nam Dinh: Industrial parks such as Hao Xa, Thanh An, My Trung, Hong Tien, Nghia An, Bao Minh, Trung Thanh,...

Container weight, packing specifications and delivery method

Maximum cargo weight:

  • 40 feet container: tonnage <30 tons;
  • 20 foot container: tonnage <27 tons.

Container packing specifications and delivery method:

  • Specification: Packed in 40 containers (maximum load 26 tons);
  • Delivery method: Original container, original seal.

How to receive goods in Nha Trang and deliver in Nam Dinh

Shipping methods for sending goods from Nha Trang to Nam Dinh:

Door to door delivery (Door to Door)

All container shipping activities from Nha Trang to Nam Dinh will be undertaken by Proship. We will receive and deliver upon request.

Pick up at your door, deliver at the warehouse

Proship dispatches vehicles to receive goods at the door, collect them at the warehouse and transfer them to a warehouse near the place of delivery. After that, the customer comes to the Proship warehouse to receive the goods.

Shipping service from Nha Trang to Nam Dinh
Proship Logistics applies flexible pickup and delivery methods for customers in Nha Trang and Nam Dinh.

Receive at the warehouse, delivered to your door

You will ship the goods to Proship warehouse. Afterwards, the goods will be delivered to administrative units and industrial parks in Nam Dinh as requested.

Receive at warehouse, deliver at warehouse

You ship the goods to Proship warehouse. We will transfer goods to Nam Dinh from Nha Trang to the Proship warehouse near the delivery place. After that, the customer will go to the Proship warehouse to receive the goods.

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Container shipping contact hotline: 

Mr. Quoc: 0909 344 247
Mr Mien: 0909 199 247
Ms. Thuy: 0909 238 247
Ms.Hoa: 0906 353 247

Process of shipping goods from Nha Trang to Nam Dinh

Process of shipping goods from Nha Trang to Nam Dinh at Proship:

Step 1: Send a request to ship goods to Nha Trang - Nam Dinh

You choose 1 of 2 ways to request Proship to pick up the goods in Nha Trang and deliver them to the destination in Nam Dinh:

  • Contact via 0909 344 247 . Here, customer service staff directly advise and guide customers to create cheap Bill of Lading to send goods to Nam Dinh from Nha Trang;
  • Register an account on and create a bill of lading. After creating the bill of lading, the consultant will call to confirm the order.
  • Proship only receives goods when an order is created on the system with information about house number, street, etc.
  • Depending on the package and the entire order process, the delivery time will be different: pick up before 11:00 or before 18:00.
Shipping service from Nha Trang to Nam Dinh
Dry and cold goods sent by customers are delivered directly to Nam Dinh by Proship by road to ensure safety and timely delivery.

Step 2: Receive goods in Nha Trang

  • When Proship receives the bill of lading information, the dispatcher will call to confirm the pickup information.
  • When you confirm success, the dispatcher sends delivery staff directly to receive the customer's goods. Before the staff comes to pick up the goods, you should carefully pack the goods. If you don't have time to pack the goods, Proship provides packing services .
  • Delivery staff comes to pick up the goods. Goods are brought to the warehouse and managed according to each Proship service package.

Step 3: Delivery to your door in Nam Dinh

The speed or slowness of delivery to the customer's requested location depends on the package of shipping service to Nam Dinh from Nha Trang that you have previously registered with Proship.

Proship Logistics has announced the cheapest and most competitive from Nha Trang to Nam Dinh Customers who send goods to individuals or businesses do not know which unit to choose to send goods to Nam Dinh, contact us immediately via 0909 344 247 for advice and direct quotes on the North-South container shipping route you are using. care about.

Container shipping contact hotline: 

Mr. Quoc: 0909 344 247
Mr Mien: 0909 199 247
Ms. Thuy: 0909 238 247
Ms.Hoa: 0906 353 247

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