What are tolls and wharf fees?

Participating in traffic by motor vehicle, car, motorbike or more means having to pay many types of fees, including road and wharf fees. So what are tolls and wharf fees? All will be clarified in the following article.

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What are tolls and wharf fees?

As we know, bridges, roads and ports managed by the State are bridges and roads built and purchased with State budget capital and capital originating from the budget. Therefore, there needs to be enough money to compensate for the costs spent on building and repairing roads and bridges. Therefore, bridge, road and wharf fees are revenues to offset the costs of the State budget for investment, construction, procurement, repair and management of bridges, roads and wharves to ensure the service of transportation activities. transportation, social transportation.

What are tolls and wharf fees?

All costs for road and bridge operations must be estimated, approved by competent authorities, used for the right purpose, in accordance with the current financial spending regime, and have valid documents according to regulations of the Ministry of Finance. main. All amounts collected from bridge and road tolls must be managed through the state budget according to the provisions of the current State Budget Law. All bridges, roads and wharves that collect tolls contrary to the provisions of law and instructions at this point must pay the entire amount of collected bridge and road tolls to the state budget.

Subjects must pay and be exempted from paying road and wharf fees

Subjects must pay tolls on roads and wharves

+ All road motor vehicles, including tractors, excavators, bulldozers, cranes and other motor vehicles, including road motor vehicles belonging to the defense and security forces actually traveling Crossing bridges and toll roads must pay the corresponding bridge and road tolls.

+ Domestic organizations and individuals and foreign organizations and individuals use means of transport that are subject to tolls and actually use bridges and roads subject to toll collection.

What are tolls and wharf fees?

These subjects are exempt from paying road and wharf fees

Circular No. 57/1998/TT-BTC of the Ministry of Finance dated April 27, 1998 also clearly stipulates that subjects who are not required to pay road and wharf fees are:

+ Specialized ambulance vehicles; In cases where other motor vehicles are transporting people who have had a traffic accident to the emergency room, they also do not have to pay the fee.

+ Funeral vehicles, including hearses and vehicles carrying people following the hearse.


+ Vehicles carrying passengers of the National Assembly, State, Government and socio-political organizations, with escorted police vehicles.

+ Vehicles of diplomatic missions and international organizations residing in Vietnam enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunities. In this case, the vehicle user must present a diplomatic ID card or official ID card issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

What are tolls and wharf fees?

+ Specialized vehicles for war invalids and disabled people, used by war invalids or disabled people.

+ Motor vehicles on unexpected or urgent duty under mobilization orders of competent State agencies, such as: dyke protection vehicles, flood and storm prevention vehicles, and epidemic prevention vehicles.

+ Vehicles of security forces are being used to chase criminals.

+ Vehicles specifically used for security and defense purposes (tanks, armored vehicles, tracked vehicles, fire trucks and other specialized vehicles).

+ Motor vehicles are performing the task of propagandizing and promoting the policies of the Party and State according to mobilization orders of competent authorities.

+ Vehicles used by journalists.

+ Civil servants, public employees, workers, pupils, and students who use two-wheeled motorbikes and frequently have to cross bridges and roads will receive a fee reduction by purchasing a monthly ticket.

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